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Idea for custom writing / reading data to snapshot per component (if it overrides those methods)
Some docs
Explicit ISnapshotWriter interface
Read snapshot immediately - no need for this prop
Dispose ByteStream properly
Rename to INetworkSnapshot
Component.INetworkSnapshot - improve some docs
Component.INetworkSnapshot - improve some docs
Dragging a folder on itself no longer recursively creates folders. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6258
Idea for custom writing / reading data to snapshot per component (if it overrides those methods)
Some docs
Explicit ISnapshotWriter interface
Read snapshot immediately - no need for this prop
Dispose ByteStream properly
Rename to INetworkSnapshot
Rename to INetworkSnapshot
Change spot light comments to let user know cone is in half angles
Attempt to fix video player crash, audio decode is fucky
Added "Recently Updated" section back to Main Menu front page
Added Search Bar and Filter Order to Game Jam page on Main Menu
Don't build faces for empty vox
Revert vertex_color shader for now
Allow vertex_color shader to be tinted
Fix crash in SetFlexOverride
Hide vox preview model in inspector
Disable vox drop object for now
Give engine game resources a chance to load from other resource blocks so we can save binary data
Vox game resource
Vox compiler
Vox asset preview
Modernize vertex_color shader
Vox drop object as model renderer until a voxel renderer has been promoted to engine
Fix vox model bounds
Dispose ByteStream properly
Read snapshot immediately - no need for this prop
Explicit ISnapshotWriter interface
Backport some more gpu profiling for scenesystem
Shadow maps were stripped out for testing, readded
Expose Screen Space Shadows as a parameter for Directional Light
SSR uses our generic ScreenSpaceTrace methods 🙏
Correct curve for static_overlay custom fog blending for fog HDR values above 1.0f
Move albedo chart to bottom right corner, make it scale more aggresively to not take away screen space
Add button to toggle albedo chart
Backport scenesystem GPU profiling
Compile shaders with SSR fixes
Citizen/animgraph: first (very) rough draft of melee_weapons holdtype + a couple of minor fixes
SampleLevel so the two shaders that use lighting.fxc on VS can read it proper, let's also start getting rid of these texture macros
Complex Reflections as Devshader
Stub for shadow class, enumize lightflags
Move pixel.raytrace.ssr.hlsl to ScreenSpaceTrace and make it a class, move crap from it to be all shared
More adjustments for screenspace shadowing, fix valid hit test always returning true
Iteration on screenspace shadows, make screenspace tracing work half res again
Rebase fixes
Fix screen trace depth function for reverse-z
Multi-sampled shadow trace, apply free antialiasing using derivatives of dFdx and dFdy
Dont need bend_sss anymore
Use bayer directions rather than blue noise for screenspace shadows
Use QuadRead to blur value acrosss waves, proper ordering for parameters of ScreenSpace::Trace
[Pick] Compile shaders with Vulkan 1.2 ( wave intrinsics support ) Microsoft/DirectXShaderCompiler/wiki/Wave-Intrinsics
[Pick] Target Vulkan 1.1 instead, certain it won't be an issue unless you have drivers from 2016
3D Bayer Sequence, use perceptual penumbra so it always looks relatively soft and nice instead of aiming for just accuract
[Pick] Target Vulkan 1.1 instead, certain it won't be an issue unless you have drivers from 2016
Fix truncation warning on shadingmodel.hlsl
Fix complex_reflections, remove any dependencies to valve code
Use inline reflections for complex
Composite SSR always, might create some artifacts but will be dealt with
Detangle reflections api and document it
Adjustments, fix normals on complex reflections
Fix wireframe render on vertex_color shader
Recompile vertex_color shader, fixes some fog issues we were having
Restore these deleted attributes to Valve core shaders, where we ended up only including them accidentally only in reflection mode in complex..... (fixes missing world mapping and other features in complex & more)
We should not be removing core stuff from core shaders because we're accidentally including our material api. The material api should depend on core, not the other way around
compiled complex
Citizen: fixed accidental FBM embedding of Citizen textures in an exported mocap take file, which was causing ModelDoc to extract the folder every time it compiled the VMDL
Citizen/animgraph: added experimental dota-style turn poses. Disabled for now because the parameter is not working correctly in-game and I don't have any way of troubleshooting it
Fixed Arrow Keys Inputs not having correct name.
Fix Default Inputs like "Forward", "Backward", ect not being override-able (was prioritizing internal defaults over Project Settings)
Change these noise comments to 0 to 1
Use bayer directions rather than blue noise for screenspace shadows
Use QuadRead to blur value acrosss waves, proper ordering for parameters of ScreenSpace::Trace
[Pick] Compile shaders with Vulkan 1.2 ( wave intrinsics support ) Microsoft/DirectXShaderCompiler/wiki/Wave-Intrinsics
Idea for custom writing / reading data to snapshot per component (if it overrides those methods)
Import vox at 4 inches per voxel, don't try to center it
Fix screen trace depth function for reverse-z
Multi-sampled shadow trace, apply free antialiasing using derivatives of dFdx and dFdy
Dont need bend_sss anymore
Modeldoc vox importer uses a block size of 8 units instead of 10
Fix modeldoc vox import, only read content size for palette, not 256
Changes to buffer and textures used for autoexposure compute shaders