
22,875 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!

7 Months Ago
Imported Lewis's menu and fixed any immediate errors Fix Avatar Menu Fix Sidebar Fix all instances of position: absolute not having position: relative parents More CSS fixes Cleanup the Home Page Implemented the Featured Games list on the Home Page Hooked up Games page with Search and Filters Show default div for orgs with no image set Added Active Lobbies section with LobbyCards Added Hidden decoration, Unplayed and Updated tags Add PartyDeck to SocialBar Added Tags to the top of Games Page Minor text adjustment Favourites Section is now hooked up properly Implemented Currently Trending and Recently Played sections Hooked up the Search TextEntry Implemented Game Jam Page Implemented Maps Page and renamed some razor files. LobbyCard now uses the GameTile as a base instead of PackageCard for consistency Added Org Page back (in the style of the new menu, now with Games/Maps sections) Restored ability to click on a game/map to launch into it (as well as the right click menu for each)
7 Months Ago
Log a warning when trying to deserialize a component with no scene, and return null
7 Months Ago
Shadergraph: Attributes can set default values
7 Months Ago
Citizen/hackweek: added 58 new **prototype** animations for the avatar menu + moved all menu animations into a separate folder & prefab
7 Months Ago
Apply fog after lighting for sprites
7 Months Ago
Fix deserializing across network when GameObject reference on a property doesn't exist on the receiving end
7 Months Ago
Better warning messages on unknown component / gameobject for RPC - try to log the RPC method name, and if unknown component the GameObject name
7 Months Ago
Don't need to use the RPC filter here this should fix Tony's issue - doing a check inside the RPC callback anyway Fix parent setting, flush for appropriate game object only, ++
7 Months Ago
IconButton has Toggle/Active mode
7 Months Ago
WIP - small changs
7 Months Ago
Sprites and particle sprites support lighting
7 Months Ago
wip ditto
7 Months Ago
ComputeBuffer.GetData - 0 count is illegal Add Model.GetIndexCount( int ) Model.GetIndexStart( int ) Model.GetBaseVertex( int ) Shadow map layers set proper ELayerEnum::Shadow, fixes SceneCustomObject not casting shadows
7 Months Ago
Blend aoproxies and ssao
7 Months Ago
Handle DynamicAmbientOcclusionPP enabling/disabling for mark
7 Months Ago
7 Months Ago
git blame ignore "Copy over changes for shader resources"
7 Months Ago
ComputeBuffer methods use the current render context if applicable, otherwise stuff is in weird shit orders Match upstream m_bIsReadOnlyDepthStencil Don't bind ShadowDepthBuffer as an input whilst we're writing to it as a render target (drawing shadows)... 🤯
7 Months Ago
Fix FindMode.InAncestors in prefab scenes ignoring root object
7 Months Ago
Add Json.ParseToJsonObject( ref Utf8JsonReader reader ), Json.FromNode<T>( JsonNode node ) Menu is default DeleteOnClose = true (let us know if some menus stop opening)
7 Months Ago
Fix ComponentList breaking when component in the list no longer derives from Component. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6152
7 Months Ago
Add ComputeBuffer.SetCounterValue( uint ) for Append buffers
7 Months Ago
Fixed stylesheet @import hotloading without disrupting existing stylesheet imports. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#5317
7 Months Ago
Fix NRE when pasting gameobjects
7 Months Ago
Shortcuts defined on static classes are now treated as Window shortcuts if not specified
7 Months Ago
Hackweek procedural geometry ditto
7 Months Ago
Add ComputeBufferType.IndirectDrawArguments Public Graphics.DrawModel(Instanced)(Indirect), prefer Span<Transform> to Transform[T]
7 Months Ago
Add GraphicsView.DragType (enables SelectionRect) Add GraphicsItem.Children
7 Months Ago
Fix Menu css issues
7 Months Ago
Revert ComponentList changes for now. This seems to break things for everyone 😅
7 Months Ago
ComponentList no longer breaks when changing the parent class of a Component to something that *isn't* Component. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6152
7 Months Ago
Stylesheets @import-ed with a path relative to the local path will also hotload now
7 Months Ago
Add default value to worldspace scale too
7 Months Ago
Stylesheets @import-ed by other stylesheets now hotload properly. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#5317
7 Months Ago
Fix GraphicsItem not always being able to resolve the GraphicsScene (which made SelectedItems total bullshit)
7 Months Ago
Shortcuts now run on GraphicsItems.
7 Months Ago
Can now multi-select resources in the asset picker of a list entry to select multiple items at once. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#5934
7 Months Ago
Update Box3D for soft contacts, helps with stability for heavy things on top of light things and helps with kinematics pushing dynamics through geometry
7 Months Ago
Fix asset inspector not saving with CTRL+S
7 Months Ago
Add rigidbody mass center override
7 Months Ago
Rotation constructor sets quaternion to identity, we should be doing this but also makes it so that rotation serialized property default is identity
7 Months Ago
This isn't needed
7 Months Ago
Add undo support / unsaved changes to advanced network settings
7 Months Ago
Clearer logic for these flags Only log this message if networking debug is on
7 Months Ago
Terrain collider doesn't need to be adding solid tag here
7 Months Ago
PhysicsShape adds solid tag in constructor, not every time collision attributes is set
7 Months Ago
Just dont rebuild if we haven't got a hitbox system yet, same as model hitboxes
7 Months Ago
Re-enable Nagle by default, Protocol++
7 Months Ago
Fix NRE in manual hitbox
7 Months Ago
Component RPCs sent Id instead of type name string allowing RPCs from multiple components of the same type. Protocol++