
22,887 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!

8 Months Ago
Fix being unable to fullscreen editor windows when there is no open console window, fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5974
8 Months Ago
Add ToString / GetHashCode nodes
8 Months Ago
Fix package caching in other thread errors When copying project template files, allow overwrite Warn if couldn't make cookies backup
8 Months Ago
Remove unused Remove unused Remove dbghelp.dll from bin folder, see how much chaos it causes
8 Months Ago
Add volume to VideoPlayer.Audio
8 Months Ago
Dispose sound handle before deleting managed audio source
8 Months Ago
Revert "Create a CallbackBatch around Udpate/FixedUpdate/Start, so inner calls don't create their own, and callbacks all get called at the end" This reverts commit 7dd50b001d043165f5389e4dcb64e8fcbc6faabd. Revert "Make CallbackBatch 'safer' by making it always require a scene" This reverts commit f3fdd37d24ebbaf66cbb92b47582e6a12a559532. Re-apply OnPropertyDirty fixes
8 Months Ago
It's probably wise to dispose the sound handle of video player when we're done with it
8 Months Ago
Allow videoplayer audio to set target mixer
8 Months Ago
Make sure audio plays for video player when playing through URL. Add audio accessor to video player to configure audio playback
8 Months Ago
Shadergraph: Add toolbar option to open generated shader
8 Months Ago
Create bone objects for all bones, don't try to filter them out - we just need a better way of filtering out "unimportant" bones for the bone gizmos
8 Months Ago
OnRenderDepthPrepass on SceneCamera
8 Months Ago
Add AfterDepthPrepassHooks, make AO composite to lighting rather than blitting to screen
8 Months Ago
Add Scene.RenderAttributes for global render attributes for usecases similar to Unity's Shader.SetGlobal...( ) Terrain buffers are global scene attributes (that actually work this time)
8 Months Ago
Should use the hierarchal enabled state actually
8 Months Ago
Prevent wrong event running when Component.Enabled is toggled multiple times per frame
8 Months Ago
Remove logs Respect desired executable name
8 Months Ago
Remove queue system - make minimumState Snapshot instead of Connected for broadcastraw
8 Months Ago
Rebase fixes Standalone config / wizard changes: - Can either export standalone or publish to, but not both - Add dialog warning about no whitelist, access - Export step is similar to upload rather than being its own thing - Tell people not to distribute their games or anything - Remove AppID, Icon entries for now
8 Months Ago
Initial commit test Make it not dumb ToString override Add name for debug Output addr Draw some of the info with gizmos - tho doesn't render in non-editor mode rn Print network info cmd net_info includes own connection Make GetStats internal for now - could be useful public later Use display name
8 Months Ago
Use display name
8 Months Ago
Make GetStats internal for now - could be useful public later
8 Months Ago
Unmount tagged "game" fixes maps never getting unmounted and then causing them to not be symlinked next load
8 Months Ago
Added failing test reproducing Facepunch/sbox-issues#5991 Be more careful about trivia changes in ILHotload code analyser Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5991
8 Months Ago
WIP Try using PP AO texture as rendertarget directly ditto
8 Months Ago
net_info includes own connection
8 Months Ago
Print network info cmd
8 Months Ago
Draw some of the info with gizmos - tho doesn't render in non-editor mode rn
8 Months Ago
Corrected format to R32F ditto
8 Months Ago
Fix errors when first creating terrain, make sure it's all updated, don't render without storage Only recreate clipmap if we have to, this takes time to build Support more than 1 gamepad input action with the same button Add ParticleVector3 Add LargeNetworkFiles table Respect JsonIgnoreAttribute when serializing component properties We were already checking it for fields Revert "Add LargeNetworkFiles table" This reverts commit 7365c616af37ef1665abe4961344013815e89b70. Accidentally rebased master onto a branch - Metapyziks Fix warnings in ParticleVector3ControlWidget Fix some download toasts sticking around forever, and incorrectly displaying as cancelled Populate Json reflection cache in Json.Initialize We were seeing some long frame times during first-time prefab instantiation caused by this Do panel bind/parameter events when things change even if tree is empty, Facepunch/sbox-issues#5908 Custom panels that do stuff/populate from attributes etc should work again now, incl settings page Don't use internal message type for changing level Fixed retry logic Docs Download from server (#1632) Download game asset files from the server, when not using a package. This allows people to make "local only" games and test them locally and multiplayer. In the future we can change the download method to upload and download from our backend instead of over network. Tidy and make some context menus more consistent, prevent selecting unworkable options, add hierarchal path support to create asset menus Fix for AO outline AO moved in PP to post-transparent to ensure that sky-dome is rendered before AO Merge branch 'master' of sbox Add serialization_warn_time con var Better particle randoms Fix Json.PopulateReflectionCache JsonTypeInfos would only be stored if the JsonSerializerOptions is immutable LineRenderer has a UseVectorPoints option Don't implicitly set zfar as infinity, if we want to do so we can do from C# side, but make it respect what we pass as zfar Fix IBL not working, Transparency in AmbientColor is used to lerp between artist's decided flat color and IBL/GI, defaults to GI AmbientLight component defaults to Gray color Fix bug in capsule tracing, fixes picker in modeldoc when using capsules Fix LineRenderer bug ParticleFloat, ParticleGradient have evaluations where you pass in the particle , which reduces the risk of fucking up the parameters Move ParticleRenderer's into own folder ParticleController has OnParticleCreated Add Particle.BaseListener - allows creating of classes that run on particle create, update and destroy - with instance data and guaranteed destroy Add ParticleLightRenderer Restore skeleton compile to how it used to be, we're missing optimizations by just keeping every bone no matter what Add ParticleModelRenderer Fix new game objects created thru heirarchy context menu always spawning at 0,0,0 Fix Vector2.Json serialization only loading x value when supplying string as json object and not number array. Also updated function summaries that said "vector4" instead of "vector2" Vector2Int and Vector3Int values now serialize to/from JSON properly. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#5821 Created Vector2Int/Vector3Int ControlWidgets. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#5606 Expose particle DeathTime, so effects can use it to do calculations Fix ParticleSpriteRenderer error when no texture defined Add ParticleEmitter.RateOverDistance , overrides for manipulating burst count, rate count Asset picker: will now grab/install remote cloud assets when selected (fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5904), improved validation so you can only select resource types you're supposed to Stop prefab source widget changing value and closing picker before a selection has been submitted Added a lot more functionality to Vector2Int and Vector3Int. Much more in line with their floating-point counterparts now, only including what makes the most sense for integer values. Also added documentation/summaries to everything. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#5254 Fix Vector3Int converter error Asset picker: only allow multi selection if we want that Don't make VectorInt properties readonly since some games set them already (fixes tests failing) VectorInts are fields instead of properies (like they used to) with [JsonInclude] fields Added OnOrg to PackageCard and PackageList. Added basic Org Page when clicking org on Main Menu. Helps users find games made by the same creator(s). Disable AssertNoGraphErrorsInScene test temporarily AssertNoGraphErrorsInScene: assert downloaded package version Package.FetchAsync: allow fetching specific version Cache versioned packages separately Reference package.base from libraries when publishing Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5899 Use same asset picker size/location cookie regardless of what control created it Get rid of special case map picker Don't set active scene on tab hover but still do gizmo hover interactions, drag drop etc. Avoid needing awkward 2nd input, Facepunch/sbox-issues#5728 CRenderDeviceBase::AsyncSetTextureData2: Fix nullptr crash with invalid rects Don't completely fail to start with an invalid controller plugged in, needs to be properly fixed in C++ though Disallow np2 textures, crashes the DXT compressor we use, plus disables mips etc. Expose BlendMode Move D_BLENDMODE to common/blendmode.hlsl - so we can pull it into other shaders easy SceneLineObject supports texture + uvs Autoswitch to game tab when going into playmode again (oops) UI: Do not render invalid texture background images Fix missing map select button Make sure directory tree exists when downloading from server Stick verbose network files messages behind 'debug_network_files' convar, print elapsed time Facepunch/sbox-issues#5912 Stop big server lists squashing the rows, styling tweaks Facepunch/sbox-issues#5943 Set collision attributes on map instance collision shapes, I missed this out when switching from native aggregate instances Add ParticleTrailRenderer, TrailRenderer components Add a margin to the right of component sheet, to accommodate the scrollbar Fix NRE in SceneNetworkSystem.OnLeave PhysicsGroupDescription grabs physics tags from aggregate backing data so they can be string token cached. This allows trace result tags to be valid because they'll be reversable by string token Apply aggregate tags in C# instead of this massive inline bind function Fix index out of range accessing backing data collision attributes Use is valid checks in rigidbody Fix possible project startup NREs Move all terrain attributes into 1 structured buffer, create a Terrain class any shader can use to provide things like Terrain::GetHeight( worldPos ) Use an AssetPicker for browsing terrain materials instead Running out of video and system memory is a fatal error Some error reporting breadcrumbs/tag for identifying game package Breadcrumb pipeline creation to see what shaders crashing us Fix exception with no camera Fix steam callback crash Fix text cannot be empty exception Remove Compiler.OnCompilePartialSuccess , don't load assemblies on compile fail, fixes BadImageFormatException Promote task exceptions to errors, instead of warnings Fix WorldPanel NRE (if the underlying panel gets deleted, somehow) Don't report TargetInvocationException, report its InnerException Tag map for sentry too (if launched with a map) Validate descriptor bindings of a shader (for real this time, not in a dead method) - prevent crashing by not loading these invalid shaders Fix error when map couldn't be downloaded Less simultaneous downloads Add some high level sentry breadcrumbs Fix possible NRE in network connect Add commented out DSN for testing sentry un-rate-limited Fix NRE in Prop Add breadcrumb for failed downloads, let us diagnose why it's happening Don't let OnNetworkSpawn errors break everything Tweak how httpimages are loaded to make errors more obvious Wrap RPC resume so things don't fall to bits if it errors Fix NRE in Rigidbody.OnDisabledInternal Another out of memory fatal error Only show lobbies of the same game build Fix open_asset crashing in non-tools Don't show lobby cards for games marked as hidden (unless you're in that org) Protect against host being null when downloading network files Keep a count of the number of hosts a lobby has had Mark lobby as toxic if became owner while joining LargeNetworkFiles output num files Tweak JoinBestLobby logic Don't show toxic lobbies Fix RunDownloadQueue using wrong connection Don't disconnect from own server and mark it as toxic! Disconnect from active lobby if it becomes toxic Fix NRE in TickSceneStats Fix NRE in ReceiveMessagesOnChannel Check there's an active scene when calling ISerializer on GameObject/Component SerializerPacker wraps reader/writer and prints errors Handle inability to save cookies Ship with pdb's to our managed dlls Fix NRE in SoundEvent.GetNextSound Retry download after a HttpRequestException Diagnose NRE in ProcessIncomingMessages Socket iteration error Fix MapInstance NRE, add breadcrumbs Fix NRE in Package.FindAsync SceneObject: If the model is bad, just use an error model Nicer exception when __sync_SetValue exceptions Enable indirect lighting from IBL in volumetric fog shader, can be toggled with volume_fog_ibl_indirect Terrain_Normal calculates world space normals properly now, remove sobel filter to just a simple bilinear Reenable terrain specular and recompile it with normal fixes Terrain_Normal: dY was inverted Fix mesh trace fraction, causing incorrect best result when tracing render meshes and physics world at same time Fix scene mesh block tool not working on terrain, just ignore box drag when bounding box gizmo is pressed Add twist/pull forces to particle effect Fix NRE in VrHand.cs Fix NRE in Terrain.UpdateMaterialsBuffer - @handsomematt might wanna check this Ignore packaged message deserialize errors - assume they're happening while we're joining and don't have the types yet Diagnose sockets[i] somehow being null Fix NRE in Input.Process Ignore NaN positions with a warning instead of an exception Fix being able to double destroy components Make CallbackBatch 'safer' by making it always require a scene Remove max thread count from pooled dynamic vb/ib, fixing crash when used from too many threads (.net threads with unreliable ids) Report native library not loading as a special exception SystemInfo has StorageSizeAvailable, StorageSizeTotal Rename ErrorReports to NativeErrorReporter to create a distinction Load version info as soon as possible Move error reporting out of Bootstrap Catch startup errors Allow traces to ignore static/dynamic/keyframed bodies Reset error report counters between games Better fingerprinting Error report unit test Diagnose startup problems by testing individual assemblies before launching Fix NRE in LibraryDetail Fix NRE in EnumControlWidget More missing dependancy diagnostics Fucked it Create a CallbackBatch around Udpate/FixedUpdate/Start, so inner calls don't create their own, and callbacks all get called at the end Make LobbyCards look different from PackageCards so it's a bit more obvious that they are lobbies and not the games themselves. Add Gizmo.Draw.Grid(GridAxis, Vector2) to draw a grid of non-square size Added Vector2Int * Vector2Int operator since I forgot it Update sentry sdk from 0.5.2 to 0.7.7, build targeting lowest windows 8 Fix Component.Destroy CallBacth error Component.Task returns a cancelled TaskSource if no GameObject Fix little mistake in FindInPhysics Fix Save All Scenes only saving the current scene Add support for number pairs in `aspect-ratio`. Can supply as `16/9`, `4:3` or `2 1`. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#5975 Don't need to change ext here, it's done in CreateWorld Map objects grab scale from "scales" keyvalue Merge branch 'master' into editor-keybinds
8 Months Ago
Initial commit test Make it not dumb ToString override Add name for debug Output addr
8 Months Ago
Squash game-exporting branch Bring everything up to date Exit whole app in standalone mode Export option in Project menu CMaterialSystem2AppSystemDict uses struct for initialisation instead of parameters Custom steam app ID for standalone games Put steam appid field here for now - we might wanna rethink this later though would help if I labelled this correctly Init steamclient in standalone Explicit copy sounds Reject API access in Standalone (we should probably dependency inject this stuff, it'd be cleaner) Slightly better time estimate Generate .ico from thumbnail, try changing it on the exe Can't get this working no matter what, just corrupts the exe header, disable it Use correct exit function Get networking working, even if it's a bit hacky Move API into backends for standalone/platform, stub out standalone backend Standalone.Init() Get rid of LoadStandaloneGameAsync, roll diff into LoadGamePackageAsync Make a StandaloneGameInstance in standalone Remove all these file hacks so I'm forced to do something to fix them Fix file hacks Add missing sbox-standalone exe back to sln We only need to copy core/scripts/soundmixers.txt as far as I know Move gamecontrollerdb.txt into core/cfg/ Get rid of `IsCitizenEnabled` hack Don't override window title with gameinfo name, apply it nice and early when making app dict Can't think of any other way to filter out citizen assets, cuts down build by 1.8gb(!) so we'll have to live with this for now Copy all compiled assets from enabled addons again, because sometimes they'll be referenced at runtime even though they're not in a dependency tree
8 Months Ago
WIP tidys ditto
8 Months Ago
Map objects grab scale from "scales" keyvalue
8 Months Ago
Don't need to change ext here, it's done in CreateWorld
8 Months Ago
Add support for number pairs in `aspect-ratio`. Can supply as `16/9`, `4:3` or `2 1`. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#5975
8 Months Ago
Fix Save All Scenes only saving the current scene
8 Months Ago
Fix little mistake in FindInPhysics
8 Months Ago
Fix Component.Destroy CallBacth error Component.Task returns a cancelled TaskSource if no GameObject
8 Months Ago
Update sentry sdk from 0.5.2 to 0.7.7, build targeting lowest windows 8
8 Months Ago
Added Vector2Int * Vector2Int operator since I forgot it
8 Months Ago
Add Gizmo.Draw.Grid(GridAxis, Vector2) to draw a grid of non-square size
8 Months Ago
Make LobbyCards look different from PackageCards so it's a bit more obvious that they are lobbies and not the games themselves.
8 Months Ago
Create a CallbackBatch around Udpate/FixedUpdate/Start, so inner calls don't create their own, and callbacks all get called at the end
8 Months Ago
Fucked it
8 Months Ago
Fix NRE in LibraryDetail Fix NRE in EnumControlWidget More missing dependancy diagnostics
8 Months Ago
Reset error report counters between games Better fingerprinting Error report unit test Diagnose startup problems by testing individual assemblies before launching
8 Months Ago
Allow traces to ignore static/dynamic/keyframed bodies
8 Months Ago
Report native library not loading as a special exception SystemInfo has StorageSizeAvailable, StorageSizeTotal Rename ErrorReports to NativeErrorReporter to create a distinction Load version info as soon as possible Move error reporting out of Bootstrap Catch startup errors