22,893 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!
Fix warnings in ParticleVector3ControlWidget
Revert "Add LargeNetworkFiles table"
This reverts commit 7365c616af37ef1665abe4961344013815e89b70.
Accidentally rebased master onto a branch - Metapyziks
Add LargeNetworkFiles table
Respect JsonIgnoreAttribute when serializing component properties
We were already checking it for fields
Add LargeNetworkFiles table
Support more than 1 gamepad input action with the same button
Fix errors when first creating terrain, make sure it's all updated, don't render without storage
Only recreate clipmap if we have to, this takes time to build
Created EditorKeybinds.cs with a few starting keybinds
Move Keybinds into EditorPreferences since that makes more sense
Add RegisterShortcuts() function whenever shortcuts are registered and use the EditorPreferences keybind instead of hardcoded string
Added Editor Keybinds page to EditorPreferencesWindow
Subscribe all RegisterShortcut voids to keybinds.update EditorEvent
Create shortcut for EditorCycleViewMode
Make Keybinds page scrollable, add Reset to Default button, and add Are You Sure popup to Reset button
Use TitleAttribute for keybind names
Add AllowModifiers to KeyBind widget, set to true for Editor Keybinds Page (Allows you to bind CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+Whatever)
Some FileOption binds, but they dont auto-update yet. Will need to find a good way to do that for Option entries
Call keybinds.update EditorEvent on Reset to Default
Created EditorShortcuts.cs to eventually replace EditorPreferences.Keybinds
Need to call this after EditorTypeLibrary is created
Register shortcuts elsewhere and remove some option shortcuts
Change default shortcut type
Register shortcuts on hotload
Convert some older shortcuts into the new [Shortcut] attribute
Change shortcut defaults
Update EditorShortcuts to include Identifier and Keys, including method to get current keys from overrides (player defined overrides)
Display [Shortcut] shortcuts in Editor Keybinds page instead of EditorPreferences.Keybinds
EditorShortcuts rebinding actually works now, much more lightweight than prior version
Make user overrides save properly
Get Name and Group properly, allow attributes to override.
Get keys from shortcut name in Option.cs
Allow non-static method shortcuts since there seems to be a good chunk of those
Stop feeding shortcut to Options for now
Fix size of Editor Keybinds page
Fix using the wrong widget for non-static shortcuts
Move EditorPreferences.Keybinds over to new [Shortcut] attribute system on each function
Completely remove EditorPreferences.Keybinds
Change name/groups for a few shortcuts
Order categories by name in PageKeybinds
Remove some debug logs
Create Texture Editor and Actiongraph shortcuts
Create ShaderGraph, Hotspot Editor and some more scene shortcuts
Add GameObject/Transform shortcuts and fix static method issues.
Made grid size shortcuts Window type instead of Widget type
Make all the different editors share a few binds (So there's not a Copy,Cut,Paste,Undo,Redo,ect. per-editor)
Make classes with [Shortcut] attribute properly rebindable (used for editortools)
Cleanup shortcut groups
Added individual Revert button when bind is different from the default
Qt Option now takes shortcut ident (eg. "editor.undo") and internally resolves bind (eg. "CTRL+Z"), updating when changed. No longer registers shortcut internally when set.
Shortcuts with Function Keys are always to editor even when Game Frame is in focus
F3 and F5 editor commands are now Shortcuts like everything else
Fix shortcut not displaying on Align To View option
Fix SaveMixer being static
Change "F5" -> "editor.toggle-play" on Play menu option
Cache the overrides so we don't have to keep checking against EditorCookie
Super minor cleanup
Rename Name -> DisplayName so there's no conflict on KeybindPanel
Fix ShortcutOverrides not loading properly
Use CodeToString(ButtonCode) instead of the weird enum parsing I was doing.
Wake touching when disabling a body, why would we not want to?
Some games rely on map having a collider
CollisionEventSystem has less reliance on Collider
MapInstance uses SceneMap instead of Map so it can manage it's own collision. Build collision from physics group desc instead of using CreateAggregateInstance
Fix map collider destroying body when it shouldn't, causing a crash when map physics aggregate is destroyed
For legacy hammer maps, take global volumetric fog scale from VolumetricFogController
Fix ortho lights in SceneMapLoader and custom shadow size, note that shadow culling will suck on ortho lights until we change tiled culling to use frusta
Don't allow zero quaternion in body transform, check against quat zero and use identity, if we find more invalid quaternions there's extra checks we can do
Use IsValid checks in AddShapeCollision, shape/body might have been removed from under us
Recreate mesh shape on update, this is the safe option until we get proper fixes
Only check for StartupScene in Publish Wizard if Type == "game"
Clear triangle cache on mesh update to stop crashes until we get the proper fix
Particle sprite alignment mode
Range check UpdateMesh on the C# side instead so the user knows they fucked it
Fix error when startup scene is set but not immediately recognized
Message and remove toast if the download has been cancelled
Fix ambient light hanging around and stomping
Do the same for UpdateMeshShape because this is likely where the crash is coming from (grubs)
Check BVH indexing outside of vertex list, if this is still getting hit then something else is at fault
Improved AO darkening on flat surfaces with narrow camera angles
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Actually use the new ByteStream
Possible fix for queued messages not sending
Add download progress notice for cloud assets in editor, Facepunch/sbox-issues#5639
Add Scene.GetAllComponents( Type ) overload
Assert and bail when trying to set physics body to invalid transform
Fix Facepunch/sbox-issues#5896
Prefab instances must be updated to have at least the tags specified in their prefab (Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5729)
Don't download package dlls
Compile package on download
Fix NRE when opening PublishPage directly
Added Warning to Publishing Wizard telling you which issues need to be resolved in order to upload. Don't allow upload if startup scene is not set or is set and does not exist.
Added Apply TRS shader graph node
Fixed depth issues, added depth falloff control, added a fade zone for AO
Fixed depth bug apparent with rotating camera etc. added a depth falloff control so user can set distance to where AO ends. Then added a fade zone for AO which has a hardcoded small width so that when the camera depth to pixel approaches the cutoff the AO fades out to prevent any popping.
Fixed camera distance issue + added fade out
Fixed not being able to edit these advanced networking settings in prefab editor - working around NetworkAccessor ref struct
This should solve the uploader problems for games above 2.14 GB
Fixed GameObjectHeader NRE in prefabs
Fix errors when trying to render dynamic cubemaps in editor
Don't allow mesh shapes to generate contacts on sensors
Fix shitty jitter and noise in volumetric fog https://files.facepunch.com/sam/1b2211b1/NDCtmFBjFj.jpg
Adjust depth bias for gizmos and debug lines, we have way more granular precision than I thought
Add Storage Usage Widget to Publisher Wizard. Useful for finding out what has the largest impact on file size.
Cubemapper Fixes (#1627)
Refactoring and fixes for Cubemapper, cleaned it up, makes it really WYSIWYG
Makes them work on Scene viewport
Updates any time they're dirty
Barriers should be set properly now
Parallax for ambient envmap lighting
Diffuse lighting from envmap should be working properly now
Cubemap feathering is tighter by default now, should fix some "leaks" now that skybox is also a global cubemap