
22,751 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!

27 Days Ago
Restore Vector3.SmoothDamp to previous function
27 Days Ago
LOD and texture fixes to Teddy Bear
27 Days Ago
Split cmd and args input by space, don't prematurely de-quote args, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#7611
27 Days Ago
Fix warning in SpringDamperTest
27 Days Ago
WIP Fix warning in SpringDamperTest
27 Days Ago
Use fixed smooth time here too
27 Days Ago
Fix dragging rigid body speed regression
27 Days Ago
Make SpringDamp / SmoothDamp frame rate independent Fixes #1819 Add spring damper tests, attach a plot .svg if a test fails
27 Days Ago
27 Days Ago
Teddy Bear costume folder adjustments and .clothing file setup
27 Days Ago
Teddy Bear trousers adjustments Adding missing tail
27 Days Ago
Teddy Bear Costume Lods and Skinned, Both Citizen and Human versions. Initial push .clothing files
27 Days Ago
Readd IndirectLightScale property to lighting entities for enhanced control over light bounce brightness, values beyond 1.0f are not energy conserving
28 Days Ago
Fix Model.GetVertices not getting vertices from all vertex buffers of a render mesh
28 Days Ago
Revert "Use Unix trailing paths for codegen" This reverts commit eb86cb41a20dc2d3b57a0b5a67b2be5563d4d513.
28 Days Ago
Mac/Linux build scripts Mac: Add Makefile for VPC so we can actually build it without actually having vpc Rename some IOSALL flags to just PLATFORM_APPLE, we always imply arm64 SDL_config doesnt always imply windows Update gitignore Mac: Managed Build Scripts, no need for nvpatch for non-windows targets Use Unix trailing paths for codegen
28 Days Ago
[Pick] Set platform and Struct Pack Size properly from Facepunch.Steamworks
28 Days Ago
Linux/Mac: Resourcecompiler is only available on Windows right now, Clang/GCC has different behavior -std=c++20, revisit when back on mac Linux: HarfBuzzSharp and SkiaSharp native binaries [Pick] Linux: Remove references to loading Pango Fix
28 Days Ago
Move gameobject creation for empty/new prefabs into the correct scene scope Should avoid the GO being created in the wrong scene. Related: sbox-issues/issues/7602
28 Days Ago
Remove old undo system Removes all the private members/method related to the old undo system. Strips functionality from all public methods, but holds on to the public method stubs, so we don't completely break older editor tools. Older tools will still compile but their undo/redo won't do anything anymore.
28 Days Ago
Lower snapshot cluster size and use smaller types for their ids
28 Days Ago
28 Days Ago
Smaller cluster snapshot id types + reduce cluster size to below MTU size it wasnt before oops
29 Days Ago
Fix unreliable rigidbody transforming with position editor tool
29 Days Ago
Update trace solver to latest Fix bug in mesh cast shape causing incorrect capsule vs mesh casting
29 Days Ago
Revert "Make SpringDamp / SmoothDamp frame rate independent" Breaks some games, looking into it now. This reverts commit 825f6120d224d04fce8298534c83d14b2a32bdc5.
29 Days Ago
Make SpringDamp / SmoothDamp frame rate independent Fixes #1819
29 Days Ago
Don't serialize NodeInput.Subgraph since the field is only needed during the compilation process. Fix connections to Result node not always serializing in ShaderGraph Use correct PropertyInfo when generating Result inputs Use DisplayName for DisplayInfo in Result node
30 Days Ago
Linux: Required dependencies for libvideo, steam audio & dxcompiler
30 Days Ago
Make SpringDamp / SmoothDamp frame rate independent Fixes #1819
30 Days Ago
Linux: We are looking for linuxsteamrt64 instead of linux64, worth seeing to move that to just linux64 once it's working [Pick] Stub out FontManager on linux, this should be piped through UI2, removes a bunch of dependencies, android uses vulkan
30 Days Ago
Mac/Linux: Add MoltenVK Library, Set C++20 only for C++, explicit string conversion
30 Days Ago
ShaderGraph result node only shows the inputs that are actually used for the current Shading Model/Domain
30 Days Ago
Fix DOF erroring on non-msaa vfx_vulkan: SV_ViewID is a built in semantic Update CSceneSystem::SubmitDisplayListsForView removing multi-submit VR junk vulkan: unfuck image views for cube textures Shaders compile for shader model 6.1
30 Days Ago
Add [JsonIgnore] to anything that would cause recursion during serialization in EditorTool
30 Days Ago
Linux/Mac: Remove hardcoded directories. For Mac, we'll run a .sh to set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH since we can't do it on the application itself (WTF AAPL)
30 Days Ago
Label Linux CI test properly without ambiguity
30 Days Ago
Create pull-linux-test.yml
30 Days Ago
Linux: Add Steam APIs, use SteamNetworkingSockets for Linux, same functionality as GameNetworkingSockets Explicitly delete copy constructors for thread tools and lean vectors, certain GCC versions are bitching about this?
30 Days Ago
Improve delta snapshot system by dynamically increasing and reducing stored sent snapshot cluster size to ensure we give ample time for an ack - these could get lost of we send a lot of clusters per second. Another improvement is to predict last receive snapshot data and assume they will go through, optimizing by not sending the same value 50 times a second - if not ACK'd in time, we'll clear the prediction and send again. I'm seeing good results on TTT where the host goes from sending 1mb/s to ~18-30kb/s with one connected client in some cases. Add SteamEnums.RecvMaxMessageSize and SteamEnums.RecvBufferMessages. Set these values in bootstrap to higher values.
30 Days Ago
Scene system listeners I'll need later Clean up old dead code Collect and pass around SceneLightObjects instead of the LightDesc ptr Managed shadow mapper, entry point from lightbinner, creates and renders shadow frustums Set gpu light data from c#, pass shadowmap bindless texture id, use it from lighting shaders Visualize depth uses screen space coords vfx_vulkan: SV_ViewID is a built in semantic fucking with VK_KHR_multiview and cubemap render targets
30 Days Ago
Don't return a new list each light gather, reuse the already allocated memory
30 Days Ago
Unused SceneView methods Remove ISceneView::AddSceneObjectToRenderList ISceneView::GetWorldToRender & related return ISceneWorld not CSceneWorld Add CommandList.Set( StringToken, Texture ) Dispose of AssetPreviews after we've rendered their thumbnail. PreviewScene.Dispose destroys it's Scene
30 Days Ago
Network options on a GameObject where the GameObject is a prefab instance will only be serialized if the values differ from the prefabs. When loading a prefab instance as a GameObject from a Hammer scene, find the correct network mode. This fixes an issue where if a prefab is added via Hammer, but later the prefab's network mode or something changes, the new default wouldn't be used when loading the map. It'll still use the one the map was serialized with.
31 Days Ago
[Pick] Linux: Remove any references to P4 on base makefiles, makes it stop bitching, add gitignore for linux files
31 Days Ago
[Pick] Linux: Fix case sensitivity on files, fix windows-only stuff Linux/Mac: Fix sed on both platforms, fix some rebase errors, Mac uses GameNetworkingSockets name without _s even though static, fix signature updates of hlsl_shader_compiler for stub, use c++20 everywhere
31 Days Ago
Mac: Add Makefile for VPC so we can actually build it without actually having vpc Rename some IOSALL flags to just PLATFORM_APPLE, we always imply arm64 SDL_config doesnt always imply windows Update gitignore Mac: Managed Build Scripts No need for nvpatch for non-windows targets Mac: Use Unix trailing paths for codegen, this should be fine on Windows too Backport new tier0 threadtools stuff for process thread creation, fixes things that were missing from our initial code drop Mac: update VPC, still needs cleanup, builds all but need to sort linking and .mm files Mac: Encapsulate Windows-specific code and error handling Mac: Finish setting up makeile for VPC on Mac ARM64 Mac: Remove some definitions for OSX64 for OSXARM64 Mac: Add prebuilt macOS vpc Mac: Fix OSXARM64 conditionals, update VPC binary Mac: Add gitignore rules for Xcode crap files and add build native step for POSIX Don't try to to build path from empty dependency string for a VPC Makefile dependency Mac: Cleanup source_posix_base, update SDK versions and build settings for macOS, just use latest SDK version, target Sonoma, don't use 10 year old tools for cc Mac/Linux: chmod +x on vpc_script bash scripts Mac: ISO C++20 Fixes Update .gitignore and build scripts, fix permission on antlr, some small code fixes Mac: fix Mac: add and Mac: update osxarm64 vpc binary Mac/Linux: Add support for OSXARM64 platform for schemacompiler, fix CBaseFileSystem::GetModPath override, zip_utils on posix and vpc doesn't need to link from all these on other platforms Mac: libsteam_api platform_compile_base makes weird assumptions for using CLANG or GCC on windows Izabu/Mac/ARM: Izabu implies SSE SIMD, shim it with sse2neon, fix constructor on IzPulleyJoint Mac/Linux: Remove bunch of win32 & x86 implications, casting for Clang, -Wno-register, multiplat build retail native Mac: Use GameNetworkingSockets outside of windows builds, build EtcLib for arm64 Mac: libpnga Mac: GameNetworkingSockets and SteamAPI libs on game folder Convert .dlls to platform-specific (linux/mac) equivalents on GlobalParser for nativedlls in interopgen Mac: SDL2 dylib Only run nvpatch on windows for all C# projects that use it Linux: make prebuilt binary of vpc executable Linux: Skip nvpatch.exe for all projects when not on Windows Linux: Add Linux platform to build scripts Linux: Add original from /engine branch Linux: Remove GCC 5 version requirement and set -std=c++20 [Pick] Use multiplatform SDL config instead of one hardcoded for windows, might make more sense to eventually just use mainline SDL2 entirely Mac/Linux: Unmangle SDL in other platforms too, we're trying other platforms and you're still alive Linux: Add various hacks/fixes to bring `schemacompiler` up to the link step. THIS MAY BREAK SOMETHING. Linux: Add an auto-generated SDL_config_linux.h which is specific to my system, but we need to start somewhere. Later, this will be made specific to Steam Runtime. Mac/Linux: Some more platform guards, tier0_utils_base.h not being declared, Invoke ErrorReport crash without dummy variable, fixes unused variable warning Mac: Link to SDL implicitly on source_exe_posix_base.vpc, add this to the folder if you're working on a new platform Linux: Remove `` and `` from build process because we don't have them Mac: libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib > libSDL2.dylib Mac: Target OSX 15.0 Mac/Linux: Link SDL against tier0 too, windows does it implicitly on code Mac/Linux: MacOS can compile from sys/sysctrl.h just fine, remove vector.h from outside header guard in ssemath_impl Linux: Fix Makefile to build VPC on Linux (expects libSDL2 to be present system-wide) Linux: Define EXPLICIT macro for all compilers Linux: Make sure the `schemacompiler` is executable (because it wasn't) Mac: Update VPC binary for OSX NEON: MaxComponent doesn't exist, use Vector::LargestComponent() [DON'T MERGE] Stub out WindowsGlue, this should be on managed or we could use something like tinyfiledialogs Use ISO C++ instead of MSFT extensions for try catch on managed calls, double check if this is correct Cupertino/Penguin: Zip works with ISO-C++, use standard keywords in other stuff that was using MSFT standard Cupertino/Penguin: Cast some stuff properly, explicit casting, threadtools missing ThreadGetCurrentProcessId() Cupertino/Penguin: Wrap inputsystem stuff into windows conditionals, implement equivalent hopefully in SDL Clang doesn't like conditionals for this, make if else explicit wtf Cupertino/Penguin: Steam Audio 4.5.2 on all 3 platforms Cupertino/Penguin: Define Steam Audio directly, move SDL2 from Tier0 & Posix DLL Base to Posix Base [REVIEW, DONT MERGE?] Mac/Linux: Platform guards for fpxr and lipsync, this is the worst way to do this, should see a way for interopgen to have platform conditionals Remove some dead code that cause issues on clang, particles were all using wrong function signature, are these dead code too? Refactor stuff to work on linux/mac, mostly platform typos Shader compilation only on windows right now, dxc should support other platforms, add Mac version of dxcompiler lib anyway platform_compile_base had this seemingly unused GUID identifier that was causing conflicts in both lzma and dxc winadapter Get WinAdapter working for Dxc Mach Dxcompiler binary not really compatible, might be tricky to use microsoft's dxc without dxil, a task for another day Add hlsl_shader_compiler_stub Vulkan: Exclusive fullscreen is only a thing on windows Add dxc & dxcompiler from Vulkan build, organize this all in win64/osxarm64 Add MoltenVK directly Mac: Vulkan adjustments for metal platform, OpenGL is nevermore on OSX rendersystemvulkan builds on all platforms lzma has inconsistent binary output dir Linux: Various little #ifdef fixes regarding Linux specifics, C++20 and a strange macro definition of "None" Linux: Use GNU++20 instead of C++20 because the code is making use of some GNU extensions in macros Linux: Add precompiled binaries,, libpng.a and because we don't compile them ourselves. Mac: Add libs and missing dependencies for GameNetworkingSockets, update GameNetworkingSockets Mac: Libvideo, libSkiasharp, libmpg123 binaries Mac: libHarfBuzz and libdxcompiler, configdefaults.osx.vcfg ( do we need this? :S ) Game boots again [DONT MERGE] Mac: Hardcode some paths and fix trailing slashes, note that outside windows steam_api64 dll is just called steam_api Linux: Don't undefine lerp on expressioncalculator, we should see where it's using namespace std to get std::lerp wrongly, make it ifdef linux if all else fails Readd inline source compilation to renderdevicevulkan, do conversion to wchar directly Linux: Solve the lerp/std::lerp ambiguity with an #ifdef LINUX (math.h has using std::lerp on Linux, unfortunately) Linux: Specify --allow-multiple-definitions to allow stubbing out the API OVRLipSync.h Linux: Add from engine/ branch and use it Linux: Fix typedef for Clang (__sFILE FILE vs. _IO_FILE FILE) Linux: Resolve ambiguity between std::byte and typedef byte for Clang in one specific case Linux: Disable .cfi_sections directives entirely for x64 SystemV ABI to avoid confusing assemblers and restore the original code for all other platforms Linux: Use the compiler flags for Clang on OSX/Android for all POSIX platforms. Linux: Replace CUtlVector with std::vector because it was causing a crash on destruction. Linux: Replace CSceneParticleObject* with void* using sed in Linux: Replace the old VPC binary with a newer one because the old one doesn't work anyways Linux: Silence all compiler warnings until we fell ready to fix them because it's so many that they slow down the build Linux: Add missing which is required to build Mac: Fix sed and FILE struct for mac, should work on linux too, I'll double check, getting this to boot on mac/linux again and slowly trickling this branch to master Mac/Linux: Use static version of gamenetworkingsockets, cuts a lot of the mess of dependency hunting Mac: OSX doesn't allow setting DYLD PATH from the application itself, make it parse these relative to the current directory, load correct steam DLL regardless of platform Mac/Linux Add for Posix to make it easier to debug, but without tools
31 Days Ago
Restore accidentally deleted CreateTexture2D macros.. for now restore ui shader which was blitting text Delete some more shit resourcemanifests Fix bloom blur using wrong sampler causing bleeding over edges
32 Days Ago
Support closed edge extrude by using edge bevel
32 Days Ago
Fix scene hierarchy right click (context menu) delay