
22,926 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!

8 Months Ago
Update content of existing labels even if content is empty, fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5656
8 Months Ago
Some logging
8 Months Ago
More interface cleanup
8 Months Ago
Put linear cast callback on the query shape, this makes more sense
8 Months Ago
Make sure linear cast callback is set for updated mesh shapes!!
8 Months Ago
Keep the same physics contact for both sides, I don't think it makes sense to randomly flip these
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Check if sequence contains elements
8 Months Ago
Fix collision sounds
8 Months Ago
Make sure all izabu changes are wrapped with SBOX define
8 Months Ago
Negative mesh scale fix
8 Months Ago
Izabu latest (#1625)
8 Months Ago
Stop stomping saved game dock location, Facepunch/sbox-issues#5845
8 Months Ago
Fix some readonly property controls throwing during ctor not appearing at all
8 Months Ago
Just disable b3 asserts, i can enable them when needed
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Don't enable these asserts in retail (hopefully)
8 Months Ago
Test branch
8 Months Ago
Fix potential crash when getting triangle material
8 Months Ago
Don't allow zero density on shapes
8 Months Ago
Don't save contact in touch event, unsafe to keep around by the time events are processed, just save the hit data
8 Months Ago
Fix game view geometry/visibility not updating and annoyingly intercepting input, selection etc
8 Months Ago
WIP barriers Working mem. barriers for CS - need to add generic functions
8 Months Ago
Prepare notification for touch persists
8 Months Ago
GetTriangulation for heightfields
8 Months Ago
Update to latest, update vpc, wrap any izabu changes in SBOX defines Add back body axis lock Linear slop is 0.03125 in sbox Allow joint to become inactive Joint is enabled if it's active Add should collide callback Ignore izShouldCollide(Body, Body) if one of the shapes is a sensor Add joint break callback Don't calculate mass for height shapes Test max impulses for joint breaking AddSpringJoint Fix compile errors in physics joint Fix GetBody, AddBody, StepSimulation, StepUpdateManaged World and shape userdata is void* now not intptr Fix body types Joint max impulse limits Create shapes with default shape def Default world def Setup contact modify and should collide callbacks Fix AddBoxShape Add material list to BVH IsConcave -> IsMesh IzArray -> IzSlowArray IzTOIQuery -> IzTOIResult IzGeometry -> IzQueryShape Remove custom cast callbacks for now, can probably use their casting now Shape, Joint, Contact are structs now Fix more compile errors Remove these sweep functions from interface, we're not using them Collision mesh serialization now uses Vector instead of VectorAligned for vertices, upgrade them in transfer post load Fix GetTriangleMaterialIndex for meshes AddTriangleMaterialIndex and ClearTriangleMaterials do nothing until izabu base mesh shapes have a physical material list Comment out all cast functions so we can compile Don't include simd.h in VPHYSICS2_LIBRARY, conflicts with engine simd Deep copy rubikon hull to izabu hull Should collide callback is backwards, woops Fix StepUpdateManaged not accessing active bodies, woops Destroy hull after adding it to hull shape, shapes no longer own the hull CastBoxSingle AddMeshShape with scale can just do a deep copy of BVH, mesh shapes support scale Make sure BVH gets destroyed on shape destroy Swap bit fields when copying BVH nodes Adding transformed mesh uses fast path when there's only scale in transform (building BVH is expensive) Izabu has body enable/disable so just use that instead of our shit Get rid of these single body casts, they're not being used Enable sensors for triggers Missed an angular lock Route asserts to engine so they show up like any other assert Disable this contact assert, doesn't make sense Hook up joint break callback, disable joint on break These cast functions aren't used either Remove GetBboxFromProxies Try casting box with a small hull skin to avoid getting stuck Run a trace solver on hit shape to get the proper hit fraction and start in solid Move trace solve to cast callback so everything can use it Use our filtering in cast callbacks Grab triangle on base mesh so that it should work for both mesh and heightmap Get rid of all this shit, it's no good Hulls sweep with a radius Resolve hit penetration (should add to trace API?) ApplyLinearImpulseAtWorldSpace just uses ApplyLinearImpulseAt, same thing Remove more unused from interface Box casts can optionally have a convex radius (skin) this allows things like player movement to move to end position without the next trace becoming stuck and needing to fuck about Shape casts can have a start rotation ( cast rotated box, capsule, etc) Implement CastRayMultiple, CastShapeMultiple Use a callback for izLinearCast so we can override it and do our own Add per triangle material properties to base mesh Sensor events Touch events Fix sensor typo stopping sensor events from working sometimes Allow physics interface to easily switch to using trace solver so we can evaluate which is better for our needs This wasn't a typo, just enable sensor events for every shape because we want to report anything crossing a trigger Filter TestSimulation just returns a bool, we only care if we collide or not, not these bullshit flags, we technically collide with triggers because they're sensors UpdateShadow calls SetVelocityFromKeyframe Make sure body type and use controller are updated when collider Static property is dirty Implement shadow controllers with SetVelocityFromKeyframe, applied pre physics step Reset velocity on body transform change too, setting transform acts as a teleport so all velocity should be gone Actually, don't do this, I think people rely on it even though I wish they didn't Fix MeshCreate not creating nodes properly Report touch lost when removing contacts for sensors and contact events enabled Calling OnContactRemoved in the wrong place Allow contacts to activate for kinematic vs sensor Implement world queries (overlaps) Fix tools_wireframe for reverse z Start on debug drawing, starting with sphere shapes Make debug draw turn on and off Debug meshes Debug capsules Debug hulls HeightField debug Offset terrain collider because internally it's Y up Fix debug draw crashing Fix casting heightfield not working.. wrong winding Shapes have an Overlap function, use that for CheckOverlap instead of CastShape Allow non solid contacts to report touch events for trigger collision rules to keep the collision behaviour we have Call OnContactRemoved when refreshing contacts Begin and end touch events need the contact, our touch events need to calculate hit data Get rid of the prevelocity shit Combine friction and restitution from per triangle surfaces
8 Months Ago
Combine friction and restitution from per triangle surfaces
8 Months Ago
Get rid of the prevelocity shit
8 Months Ago
Begin and end touch events need the contact, our touch events need to calculate hit data
8 Months Ago
would help if I labelled this correctly Init steamclient in standalone
8 Months Ago
CMaterialSystem2AppSystemDict uses struct for initialisation instead of parameters Custom steam app ID for standalone games Put steam appid field here for now - we might wanna rethink this later though
8 Months Ago
Set "order" facet if we haven't already, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#5801
8 Months Ago
Fixed noise + light range check noise issue caused by varied hash start fixed. Removed light range check from shader as without a UI control for this it can result in large flat surfaces 'lightening; or 'darkening' at some camera angles. This was because light range check was added to reduce occlusion bleed, but without a UI to adjust the level it wont be correct for all scenes. So better not to have it. Merge branch 'master' of sbox
8 Months Ago
Re-add library template (couldn't create from Library Manager), resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#5811
8 Months Ago
Package.Url points to, closes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5838
8 Months Ago
Make property context menu always unfocus current control, fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5836
8 Months Ago
Terrain: use hit position of the first brush stroke, instead of center, for a more reliable flatten Add a comment for later
8 Months Ago
WIP - Work in progress DO NOT USE
8 Months Ago
Add missing css spec cursor: aliases for diagonal resize, fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5497 (nesw-resize, nwse-resize)
8 Months Ago
Call OnContactRemoved when refreshing contacts
8 Months Ago
Allow non solid contacts to report touch events for trigger collision rules to keep the collision behaviour we have
8 Months Ago
Fix the Top 2D View (so X is horizontal and Y is vertical)
8 Months Ago
Shapes have an Overlap function, use that for CheckOverlap instead of CastShape
8 Months Ago
Fix casting heightfield not working.. wrong winding
8 Months Ago
Offset terrain collider because internally it's Y up Fix debug draw crashing
8 Months Ago
Make sure light cookie is resident and valid if we're getting it's index for lightbinner
8 Months Ago
Export option in Project menu
8 Months Ago
Exit whole app in standalone mode
8 Months Ago
HeightField debug
8 Months Ago
Allow dragging component properties from the inspector again