
22,927 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!

8 Months Ago
Rename Name -> DisplayName so there's no conflict on KeybindPanel
8 Months Ago
Super minor cleanup
8 Months Ago
Cache the overrides so we don't have to keep checking against EditorCookie
8 Months Ago
Change "F5" -> "editor.toggle-play" on Play menu option
8 Months Ago
Fix SaveMixer being static
8 Months Ago
Vector3 optimization, use System.Numerics where possible
8 Months Ago
Shortcuts with Function Keys are always to editor even when Game Frame is in focus F3 and F5 editor commands are now Shortcuts like everything else Fix shortcut not displaying on Align To View option
8 Months Ago
Fucked it
8 Months Ago
Add Graphics.Draw to stats Count material system stats in retail
8 Months Ago
Qt Option now takes shortcut ident (eg. "editor.undo") and internally resolves bind (eg. "CTRL+Z"), updating when changed. No longer registers shortcut internally when set.
8 Months Ago
ShaderGraph: add IsAttribute to Branch (from Louie)
8 Months Ago
Cleanup shortcut groups Added individual Revert button when bind is different from the default
8 Months Ago
Split out VR input into multiple files, delete Finger
8 Months Ago
Fix list reorder handle blocking control drag handlers (eg float drag), resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#5806
8 Months Ago
VR: Calculate tracked object velocities VR: Call UpdateHaptics() on VR controller VR: Only offset for skeletal hand poses - not for raw /input/grip/pose data VR: Add Delta to DigitalInput - WasPressed works as intended, but isn't the same as a delta, so maybe this is helpful? VR: Might as well obsolete these while I'm here
8 Months Ago
Fix NREs when using CameraComponent before it OnAwake()s
8 Months Ago
Non-reference types aren't bindable so don't allow for PropertySheet.AddProperty, fix compiler settings not saving Facepunch/sbox-issues#5808
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Revert "m_nInstanceStepRate not used anywhere get rid" This reverts commit 512a3827c2d47ee6976ca8b0dfe63cc448fe369d.
8 Months Ago
Add mutex and pray
8 Months Ago
Use a callback for izLinearCast so we can override it and do our own
8 Months Ago
Allow non-static method shortcuts since there seems to be a good chunk of those Stop feeding shortcut to Options for now Fix size of Editor Keybinds page Fix using the wrong widget for non-static shortcuts Move EditorPreferences.Keybinds over to new [Shortcut] attribute system on each function Completely remove EditorPreferences.Keybinds Change name/groups for a few shortcuts Order categories by name in PageKeybinds Remove some debug logs Create Texture Editor and Actiongraph shortcuts Create ShaderGraph, Hotspot Editor and some more scene shortcuts Add GameObject/Transform shortcuts and fix static method issues. Made grid size shortcuts Window type instead of Widget type Make all the different editors share a few binds (So there's not a Copy,Cut,Paste,Undo,Redo,ect. per-editor) Make classes with [Shortcut] attribute properly rebindable (used for editortools)
8 Months Ago
Implement CastRayMultiple, CastShapeMultiple
8 Months Ago
Shape casts can have a start rotation ( cast rotated box, capsule, etc)
8 Months Ago
Oops, DrawInstanced was needed !
8 Months Ago
Created EditorKeybinds.cs with a few starting keybinds Move Keybinds into EditorPreferences since that makes more sense Add RegisterShortcuts() function whenever shortcuts are registered and use the EditorPreferences keybind instead of hardcoded string Added Editor Keybinds page to EditorPreferencesWindow Subscribe all RegisterShortcut voids to keybinds.update EditorEvent Create shortcut for EditorCycleViewMode Make Keybinds page scrollable, add Reset to Default button, and add Are You Sure popup to Reset button Use TitleAttribute for keybind names Add AllowModifiers to KeyBind widget, set to true for Editor Keybinds Page (Allows you to bind CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+Whatever) Some FileOption binds, but they dont auto-update yet. Will need to find a good way to do that for Option entries Call keybinds.update EditorEvent on Reset to Default Created EditorShortcuts.cs to eventually replace EditorPreferences.Keybinds Need to call this after EditorTypeLibrary is created Register shortcuts elsewhere and remove some option shortcuts Change default shortcut type Register shortcuts on hotload Convert some older shortcuts into the new [Shortcut] attribute Change shortcut defaults Update EditorShortcuts to include Identifier and Keys, including method to get current keys from overrides (player defined overrides) Display [Shortcut] shortcuts in Editor Keybinds page instead of EditorPreferences.Keybinds EditorShortcuts rebinding actually works now, much more lightweight than prior version Make user overrides save properly Get Name and Group properly, allow attributes to override. Get keys from shortcut name in Option.cs
8 Months Ago
This doesn't need to be DrawInstanced Fix loading ui textures not updating when they finish loading
8 Months Ago
Box casts can optionally have a convex radius (skin) this allows things like player movement to move to end position without the next trace becoming stuck and needing to fuck about
8 Months Ago
Reset should probably use that local/world toggle too
8 Months Ago
Added toggle for displaying transforms in local/world space, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#5019
8 Months Ago
Whitelist AggregateException
8 Months Ago
Get keys from shortcut name in Option.cs
8 Months Ago
Call keybinds.update EditorEvent on Reset to Default Created EditorShortcuts.cs to eventually replace EditorPreferences.Keybinds Need to call this after EditorTypeLibrary is created Register shortcuts elsewhere and remove some option shortcuts Change default shortcut type Register shortcuts on hotload Convert some older shortcuts into the new [Shortcut] attribute Change shortcut defaults Update EditorShortcuts to include Identifier and Keys, including method to get current keys from overrides (player defined overrides) Display [Shortcut] shortcuts in Editor Keybinds page instead of EditorPreferences.Keybinds EditorShortcuts rebinding actually works now, much more lightweight than prior version Make user overrides save properly Get Name and Group properly, allow attributes to override.
8 Months Ago
m_nInstanceStepRate not used anywhere get rid c# managed vertexlayout, create layout automatically
8 Months Ago
Prevent renaming assets to something mental or illegal or empty (!), resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#3500
8 Months Ago
Add Rename to scene hierarchy context menu, tidy the menu a bit
8 Months Ago
Small improvements Min. radius set on selecting samples. Improved angular distribution (starting angle now function of screen space position so not constant across screen pixels ). Couple of math ops optimised away.
8 Months Ago
Shift + click to recursively expand treeview nodes, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#5642
8 Months Ago
Terrain: add flatten sculpt tool (
8 Months Ago
Update how superluminal instrumentation works, avoid allocations, wrong names Don't render widgets that we can't see (!)
8 Months Ago
Remove BytePack.ISerializer from Connection for now - need to solve something first
8 Months Ago
Oops remove this log
8 Months Ago
Initial commit for Network Priority for Network Objects. The idea is that you can mark a networked object as Low, Medium or High (default) network priority, this will dictate how frequency updates are sent out about that object.
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Compute shaders for Auto Exposure - not yet used For generating the histogram for auto-exposure as used by tonemapping. These 2 shaders will geenerate the histogram and weighted average. They are not yet used. Currently Valve use occlusion queries and generate it as part of tonemapping.cpp. These shaders may prove better than that system.
8 Months Ago
Inspector properties: increase context-menu area beyond label text, let control handle copy/pasting to match what's displayed (eg pasting colors from hexcode), exclude quotation marks when copying
8 Months Ago
Add Graphics.CameraPosition
8 Months Ago
Make sure SceneCamera is not null in UpdateSceneCameraTransform
8 Months Ago
Fix warnings
8 Months Ago
BytePack.ISerializer implementation for Connection. Also make sure we clear Connection._mockConnections on ResetEnvironment because I think this dictionary would never clear otherwise. Remove long-time unused net_lerptime ConVar.