
22,936 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!

8 Months Ago
Oops remove this log
8 Months Ago
Initial commit for Network Priority for Network Objects. The idea is that you can mark a networked object as Low, Medium or High (default) network priority, this will dictate how frequency updates are sent out about that object.
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Compute shaders for Auto Exposure - not yet used For generating the histogram for auto-exposure as used by tonemapping. These 2 shaders will geenerate the histogram and weighted average. They are not yet used. Currently Valve use occlusion queries and generate it as part of tonemapping.cpp. These shaders may prove better than that system.
8 Months Ago
Inspector properties: increase context-menu area beyond label text, let control handle copy/pasting to match what's displayed (eg pasting colors from hexcode), exclude quotation marks when copying
8 Months Ago
Add Graphics.CameraPosition
8 Months Ago
Make sure SceneCamera is not null in UpdateSceneCameraTransform
8 Months Ago
Fix warnings
8 Months Ago
BytePack.ISerializer implementation for Connection. Also make sure we clear Connection._mockConnections on ResetEnvironment because I think this dictionary would never clear otherwise. Remove long-time unused net_lerptime ConVar.
8 Months Ago
Remove publish types, fall back to asset
8 Months Ago
Move some types to asset
8 Months Ago
"display: none" the main menu when we're not using it
8 Months Ago
Add AllowModifiers to KeyBind widget, set to true for Editor Keybinds Page (Allows you to bind CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+Whatever) Some FileOption binds, but they dont auto-update yet. Will need to find a good way to do that for Option entries
8 Months Ago
Create shortcut for EditorCycleViewMode Make Keybinds page scrollable, add Reset to Default button, and add Are You Sure popup to Reset button Use TitleAttribute for keybind names
8 Months Ago
Remove more unused from interface
8 Months Ago
Created EditorKeybinds.cs with a few starting keybinds Move Keybinds into EditorPreferences since that makes more sense Add RegisterShortcuts() function whenever shortcuts are registered and use the EditorPreferences keybind instead of hardcoded string Added Editor Keybinds page to EditorPreferencesWindow Subscribe all RegisterShortcut voids to keybinds.update EditorEvent
8 Months Ago
ApplyLinearImpulseAtWorldSpace just uses ApplyLinearImpulseAt, same thing
8 Months Ago
Get rid of all this shit, it's no good Hulls sweep with a radius Resolve hit penetration (should add to trace API?)
8 Months Ago
Trace direction is wrong way around
8 Months Ago
Panel background rendering optimizations
8 Months Ago
Do 'external changes detected' prompt for open prefabs too, refresh popup a bit
8 Months Ago
Grab triangle on base mesh so that it should work for both mesh and heightmap
8 Months Ago
Micro optimizations
9 Months Ago
Use our filtering in cast callbacks
9 Months Ago
Initial VR scene for main menu UI: Fix worldpanel depth issues, treat worldpanel roots as layers Render VR menu at 4k, scale down to fit Basic VR world input component, menu works properly Line hands up better in VR menu scene Quick little test map just so I'm not staring at an orange texture
9 Months Ago
CManagedSceneObject main thread is optional Remove mainthread enforcement from "safe" internal managed sceneobjects Make grabbedTextures a thread static ParticleSpriteRenderer builds verts in render thread
9 Months Ago
Use CustomEditor for Transform, make presentation/ux consistent with components, add copy/paste world transform context menu options
9 Months Ago
Change project open file filter from ".sbproj" -> "*.sbproj" to find named project files
9 Months Ago
Byte Pack Convert - Networked GameObject, Component, GameResource References (#1618) * Add add IBytePackConvert to a class to specify how it should be serialized/deserialized with BytePack (similar to IJsonConvert). Implement for GameObject. * Add IBytePackConvert support to Component and GameResource * We should be able to null these out * Some comments on ConverterPacker to describe its use * Let's move it out of Sandbox and call it BytePack.ISerializer - it won't be exposed to public API (for now?) * Makes sense to rename to SerializerPacker so it matches ISerializer * Explicit implementations of BytePackRead and BytePackWrite means we can have these non-public * Add test for BytePack.ISerializer with MySerializedClass * Some minor doc change * Tidy
9 Months Ago
micro performance tweaks
9 Months Ago
Don't serialize component [Property] variables if they have [JsonIgnore] attribute
9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
Some minor doc change
9 Months Ago
Some comments on ConverterPacker to describe its use Let's move it out of Sandbox and call it BytePack.ISerializer - it won't be exposed to public API (for now?) Makes sense to rename to SerializerPacker so it matches ISerializer Explicit implementations of BytePackRead and BytePackWrite means we can have these non-public Add test for BytePack.ISerializer with MySerializedClass
9 Months Ago
Fix navmesh usage before initialized
9 Months Ago
Move trace solve to cast callback so everything can use it
9 Months Ago
Run a trace solver on hit shape to get the proper hit fraction and start in solid
9 Months Ago
Avoid some errors when closing Load WorldRendererMgr in unit tests For backwards compatibility, when loading a vpk look in the maps/ folder too Allow map loading during tests Remove warnings PackageManagement test cleanup, make a bit more resiliant
9 Months Ago
Fix project templates (oops)
9 Months Ago
Fix New Project button in Editor Launcher
9 Months Ago
Try casting box with a small hull skin to avoid getting stuck
9 Months Ago
Remove GetBboxFromProxies
9 Months Ago
These cast functions aren't used either
9 Months Ago
Hook up joint break callback, disable joint on break
9 Months Ago
Disable this contact assert, doesn't make sense
9 Months Ago
Route asserts to engine so they show up like any other assert
9 Months Ago
Only call ServiceWorldRequests if map was loaded
9 Months Ago
Prompt before closing scene/prefab tab with unsaved changes
9 Months Ago
Make sure Top 2D view isn't flipped 180deg (Makes everything face upright at default rotation, perfect for 2D games)
9 Months Ago
We should be able to null these out