
22,951 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!

9 Months Ago
Fix SoundEvent.GetNextSound random not using the full range of sounds
9 Months Ago
Fix NRE in Collider.RebuildImmediately
9 Months Ago
DynamicSceneObject can take vertex span instead of one at a time
9 Months Ago
Process particles in a GameSystem, all at the same time, to benefit from multithreading
9 Months Ago
Fix NRE in TeleportKeyframeBody
9 Months Ago
Remove left over log
9 Months Ago
Allow drag drop on ResourceControlWidget if the game resources are assignable
9 Months Ago
▄██▅ ▄██▍▅▅▆▍▊▋▌▍▍█▊▄▋▌▍ ! ▋▄ ▊▋█▇ ▅▍▇▄▌▌▊▇▄▌▋ ▊▅▊▆ █▋█▆▉▊.▅▄▋█.▊▅█▋.▄▇▋ ▍▉▄▆▌▌▌▍▆▉▌▊▍▇▊▆▋▆▇▆█▍▊▍▍▊▊ ▅▊▅▊ ▍█▍ ▋▉▊ ▍▊▍▊▇▇▄▇▇▌ ▄▄ ▍▊█ ▋▅▆▄
9 Months Ago
Fix Component being decorated with IUpdateSubscriber, IFixedUpdateSubscriber (making it useless)
9 Months Ago
Add start and end loop points to sound meta
9 Months Ago
Don't do MakeNameUnique() if we have > 100 siblings, don't always create a hashset Lets cache TypeLibrary.GetTypes( t ) - and invalidate when things change - this significantly improves TypeLibrary performance
9 Months Ago
Completely remove the locking from Performance.Scope
9 Months Ago
Fix "Value cannot be null." when ControlWidget cannot be created for property
9 Months Ago
Benchmark fullscreen is borderless
9 Months Ago
Optimize performance scope to not lock, not create Use custom implementation of .HasFlag for mostly unnessecary optimization ( .Contains() ) Micro optimization, use RenderAttributes.SetComboEnum<T> instead of SetCombo (avoid boxing) Avoid creating a Func when getting friend state avoid creating an array when iterating CircularBuffer Fix player count in GameLobbyGroup Fix warnings This stops the creation of boxed steamids, somehow
9 Months Ago
Clearer exceptions
9 Months Ago
Ensure we properly network ownership changes during network orphaned actions
9 Months Ago
Enum and List control widgets can't be edited when readonly
9 Months Ago
Keep project loading stuff together and make sure we load initial collision rules after project settings file system is mounted (Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5739)
9 Months Ago
Closes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5566
9 Months Ago
Throw exception when sending RPC on non-networked Game Objects (Closes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5504)
9 Months Ago
Fixed potential NRE in AudioListener component when scene camera isn't valid (yet)
9 Months Ago
Added failing ByteStream stress test Rewrite ByteStream to use Span / ReadOnlySpan where possible
9 Months Ago
Scene.RunTrace optimization (test)
9 Months Ago
Fix warnings
9 Months Ago
Add Diagnostics.Allocations Temporary allocations dock Send allocation info with benchmarks
9 Months Ago
Fix some incorrect sound paths in surfaces
9 Months Ago
Force render settings for benchmark
9 Months Ago
Benchmark launcher (wip)
9 Months Ago
Actually save the project list when adding a project to it Add OnParticleDestroy, OnParticleCreate properties for actiongraph
9 Months Ago
FPArms: shared jump/land/airborne subgraph + fixed _delta missing from some shared names
9 Months Ago
Fixed "Hidden" banner styling. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#5746
9 Months Ago
Don't think ControlWidget if it's not visible Add Style.HasBorder ComponentEditorWidget default size mode Margin.GetEdges optimizationj Add Paint.SetFont, Paint.Rect (from Styles) Add EditorUtility.Projects.ResolveCompiler( assembly ) TabWidget has a no text mode, icons only Add experimental StyleWidget Add custom inspector for Particle Effect
9 Months Ago
DockManager only looks for types with DockAttribute. Fixes "Inspector" dock not being created if you had another class named "Inspector", ect.
9 Months Ago
Prevents errors when loading a project that either doesn't have a startup scene set or has their startup scene deleted
9 Months Ago
Only get transform once in SpriteRenderer OnPreRender
9 Months Ago
Set SpriteRenderer bounds to max component of 2D size
9 Months Ago
ForceFlushGPU before Flush RenderSceneToPixmap - fixes pixmap assert
9 Months Ago
Delete rendersystem/dx code
9 Months Ago
Remove phoneme extractor code from the 90s
9 Months Ago
Do draw opaque objects flagged with no depth prepass, also set correct behaviour for SCENEOBJECTFLAG_NO_Z_PREPASS on actual depth prepass layer
9 Months Ago
Envmap Ambient Lighting + Sky Envmaps (#1568)
9 Months Ago
Envmap Ambient Lighting + Sky Envmaps (#1568)
9 Months Ago
Update shaders with legacy ambient lighting padding
9 Months Ago
Add padding for LegacyAmbientLightColor, let's not make our lovely existing community games have red ambient color
9 Months Ago
Remove AmbientLightSH from lightbinner, Directional Light doesn't control ambient color anymore, this is a visually breaking change, I'll see to put a better replacement to existing things Set skybox as global cubemap Be able to sample cubemaps from any resolution, use diffuse cubemap as diffuse indirect illumination if no GI in scene [Pick] Implement "GGXCubeMapBlur" filter on CPU, previously it did not work at all in CI since require RenderSystem which isn't ideal since it's the only thing that did so and is completely different from our Cubemapper GGX filter, this makes all filters consistent and much cleaner, remove Convolve Envmap shader I want to start using GGX filtering on skyboxes but this wouldn't work on CI because of that requirement Skyboxes compile wid GGXCubeMapBlur instead of Box filter, adjustments for GGXCubemapBlurHelper Cubemap fog just takes material from current skybox Make CubemapFog material still be configurable, take it straight from the skybox if it's null Separate Ambient Light into it's own component from Directional Light, add upgrader for it Use black cube if texture passed to lightbinner is invalid (eg non-sky material from SceneSkybox ) Fix World.AmbientLight, make flat ambient light lerp between IBL and what we have, make it artist accessible with ambientlight component Delete these skybox vtexes Remove convolve_environment_map.shader from shader ci Don't change flTargetLuminanceOfCubemap, it's bullshit Skybox envmap has lowest priority Swap tools stuff that uses DirectionalLight.SkyColor to either IBL or AmbientLight Better description of obsolecence update shaders with IBL Default ambient color on SceneThumbnails Add padding to buffer Fix IBL not applying to transmissive Use faster Scene.GetAllComponents<SkyBox2D>() for fetching skybox texture on CubemapFog to not iterate over all gameobjects Revert SkyColor to control ambient light on DirectionalLight again, but pipe it to scene's ambient light color Sun prefab now comes with no skycolor ( Takes from IBL )
9 Months Ago
Revert SkyColor to control ambient light on DirectionalLight again, but pipe it to scene's ambient light color
9 Months Ago
renderdevicevulkan: enable reverse depth Reverse the DepthFunc on all shaders GREATER <-> LESS gizmo_grid: reverse manual depth bias We need to change the depth clear value from 1->0 (in 3 different places of course) Recompiled core shaders Fix r_depth_debug Default RenderState DepthFunc to RS_CMP_GREATER_EQUAL, makes shaders without a RenderState set default to it Readjust depth bias on debug shaders for reverse depth Fix shadow in reversed depth Adjust depth bias for gizmo shaders for the increased depth precision Tiled light culling with reverse-z SSR with inverted z ( Way more stable ) Fix (3D) Skybox with inverse depth range Fix SSR backtracing on reverse depth Remove shadow depth bias from shader, it should be controlled by shadow matrix on lightbinner DoF with reverse depth Shaders for reverse depth Fix glass and decal overlays depth bias Shaders with depth bias fixes Add shadow depth bias on matrix Compile UI shaders for inverse depth Reverse depth comparison on the sampler rather than on the shader for shadows, makes this more lean Fix SSR backtracing and confidence check ( and Depth::GetLinear() ) Update shaders Reverse-Z Compatibility: Serialize depth stencil state version and reverse the depth comparison of old shaders Update shaders with stencil state versioning
9 Months Ago
Remove alphatest layers and unused attributes, all done in opaque pass Depth Fast Path was fucked up with material overrides, disable depth fast path on that batch if we're using material overrides then, this whole system seems complicated to begin with too, additionally material flags were not being updated when you did a SetMaterialOverride This fixes translucent material overrides rendering as if they were opaque Handle translucency flags for material overrides in renderingpipeline Nullcheck bMaterialOverride
9 Months Ago
WIP water Ditto