
17,198 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.55cph!

52 Days Ago
StyleSheetCollection replaces old parsed value when calling Parse Fix menu not loading in editor properly
52 Days Ago
Add Component.OnParentChanged Update GameObjectInspector.cs Create avatar.scene PanelComponent updates parent panel when changing parent
53 Days Ago
SourceLocation ILHotload test Use built-in FindNode( getInnermostNodeForTie: true ) for ILHotload #1492 Fix ILHotload handling SourceLocation attributes I'm not sure why it wasn't skipping before
53 Days Ago
Terrain default cast shadows off Heightmap import support mac byte order Remake heightmap/controlmap texture when importing at a different size Fix enums on ReflectionSerializedObject properties
53 Days Ago
Very basic editor tint when entering play mode sbox-issues/issues/4333
53 Days Ago
Fix showing project launch errors
53 Days Ago
Add mips to texture editor Fix GPU crash when ReadTexturePixels is provided a srcRect that exceeds texture size Terrain: Add splatting with layers, add heightmap imports, switch to editortool subtools
53 Days Ago
Gradient editor lets you press delete to remove the selected point Resolves sbox-issues/issues/4963
53 Days Ago
Move resize box to world space position before snapping it
53 Days Ago
Menu compile fix
53 Days Ago
Add SerializedProperty.ShouldShow() Start reworking ControlSheet so it can hide rows when ShowIf/HideIf is set Add gradient to user customization Clothing item gradient
53 Days Ago
Game Object Network Mode Selection
53 Days Ago
Approach this differently: let's just do a bunch of preset patterns and allow them to be scaled Remove stuff that we're not using now More patterns (though defining these in code feels silly) Apply scales, clean up
53 Days Ago
Steam Audio Reflection (#1490) Reflections are re-enabled again. Be aware that right now only "static" colliders block audio.
53 Days Ago
Lets add these incase they're needed
53 Days Ago
Fixed a boo boo
53 Days Ago
Bug fixes
53 Days Ago
Add AudioMixer, Reflection performance graph
53 Days Ago
Protect against invalid transform in CPhysicsBody::AddMeshShape, fixes crash some games are having
53 Days Ago
performance tweaks
53 Days Ago
Tentative fix for #1492 This might lead to it falling back to normal hotloads more often, but at least it shouldn't throw.
53 Days Ago
Remove debug Clean that up a bit We can limit the max number of reflective sounds simulating, allowing to put a performance cap on it
53 Days Ago
ComponentFlags.NotNetworked. When a component has this flag, it won't be serialized in the scene snapshot or with a networked object when sent to other clients
53 Days Ago
Avoid throwing / catching exceptions when upgrading delegates (#1491) Was very slow when the debugger is attached
53 Days Ago
Don't EditLog if we're not in the Editor. EditLog separate from BreakFromPrefab because we don't wanna do that just because we're spawning a networked object in a running scene.
53 Days Ago
Interpolation Fixes w/ Ownership Change (#1494) 🤞
53 Days Ago
Bounds checking in izCreateBVH to be safe
53 Days Ago
This doesn't need to be internal anymore, was leftover from testing
53 Days Ago
53 Days Ago
Return hit if maxlength < 0 (!) Test reflection per input Tweaks Partial rewrite Use audio materials Tweak how static meshes work I am sorry, I don't see a better way to do this Re-using these samplers Some sample rate math notes
53 Days Ago
I am sorry, I don't see a better way to do this Re-using these samplers Some sample rate math notes
54 Days Ago
Create prefabs by dragging objects from hierarchy to asset browser Resolves sbox-issues/issues/4740
54 Days Ago
Fix show grid toggle not being checked when grid is shown
54 Days Ago
Fix open scene list not updating when opening a prefab from asset browser Resolves sbox-issues/issues/4904
54 Days Ago
Order in groups too
54 Days Ago
Use order attribute in component sheet to allow property order
54 Days Ago
Forgot to add mesh icons
54 Days Ago
Tweak how static meshes work
54 Days Ago
Only interp here if we're a proxy?
54 Days Ago
Add scene mesh tools
54 Days Ago
Test comment something out
54 Days Ago
Remove these editor checks, we want to still update the mesh while playing
54 Days Ago
Initial commit to fix interp issues and ownership change
54 Days Ago
Polygon mesh and mesh component
54 Days Ago
Use audio materials
54 Days Ago
Better & simpler motor control Impulse trigger preview Haptic editor - Play -> Preview
54 Days Ago
Partial rewrite
54 Days Ago
handlebar_moustache fbx test
54 Days Ago
Component editor
54 Days Ago
Motor frequency emulation Remove unused PWM fixes