
388 Commits over 181 Days - 0.09cph!

5 Years Ago
wip stat/modifiers attempt #999
5 Years Ago
switch renderer to hdrp, basic material conversion Merge branch 'master' of BeforeProto merge
5 Years Ago
Remove some debug.
5 Years Ago
Vital / Stat / Modifer work
5 Years Ago
UnitMarker critical alerts appear horizontally not vertically
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Clothing work prep. Fixed ASE asmdef so builds work.
5 Years Ago
People can no longer attack themselves. Fixed a bunch of entity/component lookups
5 Years Ago
JobManager.ProcessQueue tweak, todo.
5 Years Ago
FreezableComponent now ticks hourly
5 Years Ago
StorageComponent.GetStored can now require that items be functional. People can't eat (and won't try to get) non functional (such as frozen) food or water.
5 Years Ago
Added FreezableComponent to water (item). Removed water resource from scenario resource definitions, now spawns 1 at each river tile.
5 Years Ago
Added FreezableComponent. Uses entity temp to freeze if temp < specified freezing temp. Can make the entity non functional when frozen. Water resource now freezes below zero. Can't harvest water when it's frozen. Reworked task creation to so all tasks take a target entity. Tasks can fail start due to non-functional target entity if required.
5 Years Ago
adding ASE, WIP terrain shader
5 Years Ago
cave ambient temperature is 10% cooler than the outdoor ambient temperature, if temp > 0
5 Years Ago
Unit fog of war vision is reduced to 20% of their vision range when indoors
5 Years Ago
Hide all CameraHideables at init (for now)
5 Years Ago
Added CameraHideable, CameraHideables, basic init.
5 Years Ago
Wind speed + temperature modification calculations now include indoor/outdoor check. Structure deterioration defs now return 0 for wind deterioration when speed is < 1mph.
5 Years Ago
Added TerrainUtils.GetTerrainZone(pos). Entities now automatically set their terrain zone (outdoors/cave) on position set. Entity hover UI shows entity zone.
5 Years Ago
namespaced Selection to Before.Selection
5 Years Ago
More terrain stuff for caves. Runtime navmesh gen now includes caves.
5 Years Ago
moved UIUtils to Before namespace
5 Years Ago
wip layer test changes (merging) Merge branch 'master' of BeforeProto
5 Years Ago
set cave layer merge
5 Years Ago
Added Cave layer. Moved some terrain utils to a new TerrainUtils class. Added TerrainType, Terrain|Zone and EntityTerrainInfo. wip terrain info tracking per entity.
5 Years Ago
adding missing cave tiles Merge branch 'master' of BeforeProto merge
5 Years Ago
Fixed the double deteriorate component on generic storage
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Added super shit placeholder snow particles. WIP WeatherElementComponent, a physical entity, moved by the window and controlled by the weather system.
5 Years Ago
Added a Hot negative happiness modifier. People don't like being too hot, kicks in at 35c+
5 Years Ago
People get thirstier faster in hotter weather. Utpo 30% faster at 40c.
5 Years Ago
DeteriorateComponent can now be effected by wind. Added low and medium quality structure deterioration. Better quality structures deteriorate slower in varying conditions. Added deterioration component to all existing structures. Set some starter values.
5 Years Ago
Global wind speed is affected by height. Added WindSourceComponent.GetSpeed(pos) and GetTemperatureModifier(pos). Weather temp calcs now include wind chill.
5 Years Ago
Ambient temperature calculations now takes terrain height into account
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
wip wind stuff
5 Years Ago
adding thickness to tiles, more change for cave setup merge
5 Years Ago
RangedValues fix
5 Years Ago
Made summer hotter, increased water resource amount. WIP WindSourceComponent
5 Years Ago
Converted Weather class to an entity component, added to world entity.
5 Years Ago
Daylight curves are now set in the season defs and evaulated from there. Set winter to have less hours of daylight.
5 Years Ago
Got rid of some deadspace in overview UI
5 Years Ago
Scenario selection shows the starting season for each scenario
5 Years Ago
Weather forceast UI now shows the high/low temps for the next 7 days, advances each day. Added temperature colour gradient.
5 Years Ago
wip placeholder weather forecast UI
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Inverted cam rotation.
5 Years Ago
Overview UI changes, moved speed controls down and added current season display.