388 Commits over 181 Days - 0.09cph!
WIP cave setup
adding collider to water
Merge branch 'master' of BeforeProto
wip tribe happiness objective, tribe happiness events
TickTribeGrowth will not add a new tribe member if the overall tribe hapiness < HappinessCategory.OK
Added a tribe hapiness vital, its tick sets its value to TribeUtils.CalculateTribeHappiness. Added a vital display UI element to the overview UI to show the overall tribe hapiness.
Added HappinessUtils class, added .CalcultateTribeHappiness and .GetHappinessCategory. Added HappinessCategory enum. Added happiness info to HumanComponent UI string.
Added happiness vital, unhappy danger + critical triggers. People quit the tribe when max unhappy.
added UIUtils.GetMappedPercentageString. DeteriorateComponent returns current and rate UI values using it.
Hovering an entity UI list item will trigger an EntityHover for it (showing entity UI). Added UI info strings to Edible + Storable components.
StorageComponent now fires withdraw event when a partial stack is removed.
Tasks can now have hunger and thirst modifiers, so certain tasks can make you.... hungrier and thirstier.
Soup recipe now requires water. Soup now cookable at cooking station. StorageComponent NRE fix. TaskConsume can now handle water too. Can hold shift to spawn storable items in stacks of 10 in debug entity spawner.
Spawn water wells as a (placeholder) water source. Humans can now carry water.
Added WateredModifier to Edible component. Metabolism.Consume() now also modifies watered vital. Set water ThirstModifier to 2, Soup ThirstModifier to 0.5
Added Watered metabolism vital, added OnThirsty job to find and consume water, and people can die to thirst. Thirst ticks at same rate as hunger for now.
Added water resource type, item, resource, storable, etc. Added a placeholder well item/prefab/etc as a source of water until rivers are interactable.
Player built structures can now be set to not show in the build UI. Set a few storage structures as disabled for now as they're probably gonna be removed. Eat and WarmUp jobs are now correctly set to destroy on return.
reduced storage capacity of cool storage vs regular storage
TaskConsume now picks foods with higher flavour (and therefore less rotten, too) first, then by hunger modifier.
Assigned the correct UI window to the relevant storage components.
Show stack count in UIEntityItem if entity has a StorableComponent
Storage component UI now listens to storage withdraw/deposit events and refreshes correctly.
wip storage component interaction UI
TaskConsume now calls MetabolismComponent.Consume() to handle food consumption and hunger modification there instead of in the task. Metabolism now keeps a list of the last 20 food items consumed for use later on when I add happiness. Debug entity spawner search functionality.
terrain stuff
adding scrollview to debug ui
Merge branch 'master' of BeforeProto
Fix for debug entity spawner not spawning humans correctly.
Added a debug entity spawner to F2.
Added Spawner component, to be used for generic item spawning, used for loot spawning on Units initially. Added loot (meat/fur) to animal definitions and meat to humans. Renamed rabbit fur to small fur.
added EntityComponent.PreDestroy, called in Entity.DestroyComponents, before EntityCOmponent.Destroy()
Fixed Entity.Destroy() being called in a bunch of places instead of EntityManager.DestroyEntity()
UIComponentInteraction windows anchor to their associated entity as you scroll around.
Craftables now use EntityDefCount instead of EntityDef for producable item. EntityProducerComponent now uses the count toset produced item stack size. Set all craftable ItemDefCounts. Soup recipe now creates 5 soup items.
Added meat soup craftable/edible/item stuff. Takes large quantities of multiple ingredients, but will produce a large batch of food.
Added CookedStatus enum to Edibles (NotRequired, Raw, Cooked, Smoked). Set for erxisting food items.
added EdibleComponent.GetFlavourRating(), currently modifies food flavour based on deterioration. Design/todo.
Added flavour rating to edibles. Set up rough values, cooked > raw, fruit > veg, etc.
Merge branch 'master' of BeforeProto
WIP tile accessibility (currently only solving elevation)
Merge branch 'master' of BeforeProto
Added smoked small meat craftable/item/deteriorate. Takes a lot longer to cook than regular cooked meat, but deteriorates a lot slower too. Less filling than regular cooked meat.
Added Fruit/RawVeg/CookedVeg/RawMeat/CookedMeat deteriorate defs and set all existing food items to use them. They're shared comp defs so values only need tweaking once per type.
Scenario completed/failed UI fixes
changed cool storage heat modififer -10 to -5
Added a a cool storage structure and placeholder model prefab. Stores food and has -10 degree heat source component. Fixed some bugs with interaction ranges/task navigation so that people don't stand inside the cool box and freeze to death after constructing it.
Deterioration now takes weather temperature + heatsource modifiers into account for temperature rate ticks.
Increased meat deterioration rates when above freezing temp. Added an option for DeteriorationComponent to destroy the entity on total deterioration. Flagged meat for destroy on deterioration.
Don't clone components with a null ComponentDefinition when cloning an entity. Deterioration now copies when cloning an entity (ie food stays rotten when a stack is split)
DeteriorateComponent basic tick stuff & UI details.
Cleanup. Giantified grass.