
132 Commits over 396 Days - 0.01cph!

6 Years Ago
Added NativeInterface.GetBlockGeneration() Added ChunkMap_(Get/Set)ExternalFacesVisible()
6 Years Ago
Fixed FChunkWriter::CopyToBuffer()
6 Years Ago
Fixed bug with AttemptLoadCallback
6 Years Ago
ChunkWatchers can now use different distance functions
6 Years Ago
Cleaned up how empty blocks are created
6 Years Ago
Added FChunkMap::SaveCallback
6 Years Ago
Updated Unity version
6 Years Ago
ChunkWriter can now write to disk or memory Added ChunkMap::AttemptLoadCallback Added native interface for AttemptChunkLoad callback
6 Years Ago
MeshGenerator can now emit triangles or quads Can enable / disable noise in mesh generation
6 Years Ago
Automatic mesh generator vertex cache clearing
6 Years Ago
Native interface changes
6 Years Ago
Fixed possible assert in FChunkColumn::GetOrAddChunk
6 Years Ago
Fixed case where world asset plugins wouldn't have a title Texture menu back button Fixed scroll views starting at the bottom
6 Years Ago
Fixed world assets plugins not having a title Working on texture browser Finished off texture browsing
6 Years Ago
Fixed exception when texture menu loads Fixed displayed initial brush colour
6 Years Ago
Fixed changes to textures being overwritten on world load
6 Years Ago
Fixed starting brush colour not being set properly Working on a default palette
6 Years Ago
Texture menu palette system
6 Years Ago
Box drawing tool preview in texture editor Can now change brush colour with RGB sliders Selecting a painting tool closes the palette
6 Years Ago
Added box drawing tool to texture editor Temporary way to change brush colour
6 Years Ago
Can now hold down to draw in texture editor
6 Years Ago
Fixed finding pixel coords while painting Added Texture.GetPixel(x, y) Implemented eraser and pipette tools Implemented flood fill in texture editor
6 Years Ago
Basic painting in texture editor
6 Years Ago
Texture editor can now load an existing texture
6 Years Ago
Extra exception handlers Started on loading in surfaces into the texture editor
6 Years Ago
Added camera tool spawn icon Added drum set example spawn icons Hooked up critter spawn icon
6 Years Ago
Texture editor tool selection
6 Years Ago
Finished texture editor UI mockup
6 Years Ago
Improved how buttons are tinted on hover Added icons for texture editor Started on texture menu layout Texture editor tool buttons
6 Years Ago
fixed possible NullReferenceException in ResourceName.Equals(other) Fixed possible stack overflow when a control tries to inherit from itself Started work on texture editor UI
6 Years Ago
Added Texture.CopyFrom(Texture), Texture.GetPixels() Changing a block texture now updates instantly, only saves to disk on world unload
6 Years Ago
Updated Facepunch.Steamworks
6 Years Ago
Finished runtime editing of block textures
6 Years Ago
Working on making block resources editable at runtime
6 Years Ago
Fixed error when writing to a plugin.json Fixed procedural surface texture paths
6 Years Ago
Working on writing runtime asset json
6 Years Ago
Saving runtime created surfaces is working
6 Years Ago
Editing / saving surfaces at runtime
6 Years Ago
Added Texture.SetPixel / SetPixels Working on saving runtime created resources
6 Years Ago
Can now create resources at runtime
6 Years Ago
World asset plugin now created / loaded on world load
6 Years Ago
Fixed possible exception when using null as a block Each world now has an "Assets" plugin associated with it
6 Years Ago
Working on a way to store assets created in-game inside a world
6 Years Ago
Added `--overwrite` option to plugin upload program
6 Years Ago
Spectator camera can now pick up and drop holdable entities Spectator camera now holds spawned entities
6 Years Ago
Spawn menu can now be used by the spectator camera Stopped now-spawnable entities from being auto-spawned on load
6 Years Ago
Added entity spawn menu
6 Years Ago
Fixed incorrect resource group name
6 Years Ago
Mockup of spawnable entity json Added SpawnableEntity plugin resource type
6 Years Ago
Updated Facepunch.Steamworks