100 Commits over 334 Days - 0.01cph!
Commiting some unsaved stuff
Fixed missing steam stuff, added map/list_maps console commands
sliding, clambering, movement stuff
Updated Facepunch stuff
More reticle improvements
Merge branch 'master' of CyberBastards
Fixed reticle state when mousing over robot
Improved robot remote spherecasting
Disabled web gl build stage
Removed camera effect pack
Fixed passive AI in level 2 and 3
Fixed game init routine bad scene name
Tool viewmodel position/scale fuckery
Boilerplate bot command system
Bot commands + actions progress
Updated SimpleConsole
Added remote mesh, tool boilerplate. UI Cleanup.
More UI cleanup
Varous tool bits
Fixed bad graphics settings causing crash
Test level navmesh
Added botStation device to test level
Added RobotStation.BotEnable command