112 Commits over 334 Days - 0.01cph!
Updated SimpleConsole
Added remote mesh, tool boilerplate. UI Cleanup.
More UI cleanup
Varous tool bits
Fixed bad graphics settings causing crash
Test level navmesh
Added botStation device to test level
Added RobotStation.BotEnable command
Terminal connection gizmos, editor
Asset save
Console imports, prefab cleanup, metas
Terminal interaction camera transition, input cleanup
Fixed LeaveTerminal coroutine being started multiple times
Terminal transition safety
Files cleanup
Added player_visible console command
AI sensors ignore invisible entities
Save game scene
Merged levels 3 and 4. Terminal system cleanup
Added SimpleConsole
removed reflection probe from city scene
Nothin' doin' just looked about.
Merge branch 'master' into Ian
LightController sets color of Light component in OnValidate
level 3 stuff
Post, lightmapping, fuckeries
More lightmapping
Fixed hardwired devices without power buttons not turning back on when their power is restored. Better crouch
Player movement cleanup
Merge branch 'master' into Ian
Fixed hardwired devices without power buttons not turning back on when their power is restored. Better crouch
Post, lightmapping, fuckeries
LightController sets color of Light component in OnValidate
Merge branch 'master' of CyberBastards
Controller improvements, held object collisions
Fixed held objects being culled by camera
Fixed bad sphereCast radius
Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into Ian
Throw with F
Disable Level on fail conditions
Physics matrix
Layer fixes
Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into Ian
Fixed player start pos/rot not being properly set
Various console/terminal stuff (connect to and control devices)
Level 4 fleshing out, Switch triggers, detection fail condition timeouts
Various UI
Fixed level 4 end trigger
jenkinsfile b9
level 04 improvements
Devices can be directly powered from source, without sockets + cables
Fixed PowerSource not updating output values when swtiched on/off
Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into Ian
Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into Ian
Fixed PowerSource not updating output values when swtiched on/off
jenkinsfile b9
level 04 improvements
Devices can be directly powered from source, without sockets + cables
Fixed level 4 end trigger
Level 4 fleshing out, Switch triggers, detection fail condition timeouts
Various console/terminal stuff (connect to and control devices)
Fixed player start pos/rot not being properly set
Disable Level on fail conditions
Fixed bad sphereCast radius
Fixed held objects being culled by camera
Merge branch 'master' of CyberBastards
Controller improvements, held object collisions
Fixed cursor being invisible when returning to menu
Fixed Sensor not using proper layermask
Improved robot AI responsiveness, code consistency
Scene & prefab save