
360 Commits over 276 Days - 0.05cph!

7 Years Ago
More Time of Day stuff Test map now fully cycles between light and dark
7 Years Ago
Some time of day wip stuff Hit p to increase time of day by an hour, it's super fast right now
7 Years Ago
removing trace
7 Years Ago
few more climbing bugs
7 Years Ago
made long jump window little longer
7 Years Ago
tweaked sprint a tad, max run speed slows down slower and speeds up faster this is so players can hold sprint before a jump release it to hit the jump button and not lose too much speed too fast
7 Years Ago
little more clean up
7 Years Ago
cleaning up a few things
7 Years Ago
can now run up walls and knee climb over ledge animations need a lot of work, but basically functionality is there
7 Years Ago
ironing out a few kinks
7 Years Ago
start of ledge climbing
7 Years Ago
Suppressed leaderboard in editor again Some cleanup, more animation physics
7 Years Ago
Hooked up physical animation on weapon impacts Looks a little janky right now Fixed AI Character health bars persisting after a unit died Was visible if they fell off the edge of the level
7 Years Ago
Some WIP carryable torch stuff
7 Years Ago
few more bugs
7 Years Ago
some more jump stuff and modifications to some modules to account for new jump
7 Years Ago
more jump timing stuff and some other animation fixes
7 Years Ago
adding more of a timing window for big jump
7 Years Ago
added back in is editor, modified jump there are now two types of jumps, first jump allows you to move while in the air and when you land. Jumping again while still in the landing animation of the previous jumps allows you to jump higher/farther but takes away air control and momentum when landing
7 Years Ago
Remove IsEditor check for now -might fix compiling?
7 Years Ago
(Hopefully) fixed God Mode in builds again
7 Years Ago
Added a custom Is Running In Editor bp node Never added custom c++ in Unreal, so hopefully this isn't a complete trainwreck God Mode should now only be accessible in the editor
7 Years Ago
Floating health bar population now happens via an event delegate Added an OnHealthModified event to CharacterBase Floating Health Bar now just subscribes to that Fixes incorrect starting health bar value being applied to enmies over the default hp (big sword guys)
7 Years Ago
started working on new jumping system
7 Years Ago
controlled module 4
7 Years Ago
level stuff and finished bomb triggered platform
7 Years Ago
more level design stuff and platform triggered by bomb
7 Years Ago
more of the same
7 Years Ago
Setting up Controlled level spawning, some loot spawning bug stuff
8 Years Ago
trying to fix highscore issue
8 Years Ago
keys now show on ai
8 Years Ago
added sword trails some changes to the trails
8 Years Ago
Cleaned up some logs
8 Years Ago
Combat Changes -Attack Montage speed is now controlled by an Attack Hold system that triggers on AntStart and holds for 0.7s -If an enemy is attacked while in an Attack Hold they are staggered -Characters can now be hit while dodging, their physics asset collision is being used as the hitbox
8 Years Ago
Fixed melee AI looking at target while at long range
8 Years Ago
fixing bug with grenade handling
8 Years Ago
fixed being able to move when frozen, changed switch grenade input to up on dpad
8 Years Ago
added sound effects for freezing actions and healing particle effect/sfx
8 Years Ago
removed some problem assets that were keeping it from building
8 Years Ago
jenkins being weird
8 Years Ago
cancel throw aim when switching to health orb, camera moves back after aiming, X on keyboard/left face button on gamepad to switch belt item
8 Years Ago
fixed ranged ai not spawning correct grenade and fixed scale on freeze bomb hit particle
8 Years Ago
extended freeze time for freeze grenades
8 Years Ago
Pause menu now actually pauses the game More spinner module stuff A new padding module with two spinners
8 Years Ago
Fixed some freeze errros on AI's with no running behaviour tree (dummy ai's) Weapon trace stuff Fixed some control issues if sheathing weapon while locked on Tweaked character colission setup so sword strikes are colliding with e skeleton mesh Bone name is now available in Weapon, not being used for anything right now.
8 Years Ago
added heal orb, played with loot values a little, slowed down swing for big sword
8 Years Ago
can now switch between grenades player can now hold up 4 grenades (3 on belt 1 in hand) if player trys to switch to or pick up melee weapon 4th grenade will be dropped
8 Years Ago
Added a spinning trap hero module -Still a bit wip -Added an editor only gate mesh to the connector adctor to make positioning easier when making modules
8 Years Ago
Player will now turn to face input direction at the start of a current attack Only affects non-locked combat Turn takes less than half a second and takes place during attack animation Fixes quick directional changes followed by an attack resulting in an attack that doesn't go in the intended direction
8 Years Ago
Added a lerped version of move speeds on the AnimBP Hooked them up to the Guarding blendspace for smoother guard animations