182 Commits over 1,004 Days - 0.01cph!
Remove unused
Should fix plastic fuckups
Added separate HDRP server trigger (similar to the other branches)
Added unity_2019.3 and vtest branch triggers
Don't include number of reports on ban shit on twitter
Collect playerstats batches into db table
Open the connection first...
Parse the EF connection string to get the SQL connection string out
Dump player associations from the queue into the DB
Don't try to put NaN results in our benchmark data
Commit message prefix changes
Updated hooks for server jobs
use https://partner.steam-api.com
Revert "Steam Web Api Update"
This reverts commit 402d1d2a1fb767eec7aaaaf86a3da9d7f4a7d505.
Process server admin queue
A bit more info in error message
Throw exception if status code is crazy on plastic query
Cleanup SteamNotice table every 31 minutes
Longer servername in cheat feedback
Slightly throttle EacTweetBans
Scan for NaughtyServers every 10 minutes
Fix timeout when querying EAC bans
Deleting unneeded shit
Process feedback3
Add vehicles branch to Slack trigger
Fixed official servers getting blacklisted
Triggers for instruments branch
Don't ban official servers
Compound the punishment if multiple bad words found in server name
Post changes to discord for Rust
NaughtyServers factors in duplicate Ips and has a word blacklist