
89 Commits over 641 Days - 0.01cph!

6 Years Ago
Added voidptr type
6 Years Ago
Memcpy the new values back when using Ref<T>
7 Years Ago
Add fbxcast because fbx types don't work with dynamic_cast (really should have a custom way to specify casting)
7 Years Ago
DangerousGetPinnableReference -> GetPinnableReference
7 Years Ago
Fix broken cast that still compiled for some reason
7 Years Ago
Remove exception use in C++
7 Years Ago
Remove some C# 7 stuff from generated code
7 Years Ago
Include native header at the top of generated files
7 Years Ago
Add some code to let binds be used in other runtimes, including Unity
7 Years Ago
Deref marshaler dereferences native types
7 Years Ago
Allow nesting extensions "naked extension" gets rid of prefix
7 Years Ago
Better primitive forward declaration, "requires public" to put include in header instead of cpp file
7 Years Ago
Make Buffer<T> use Span<T> in C#
7 Years Ago
Fix null pointer check
7 Years Ago
Fix missing filename in parse error, compile error when using unrealptr
7 Years Ago
Lots of pointer work, sorted type definitions again to try and be more deterministic * Can use UE4's smart pointers by applying "unrealptr" modifier to native type * Expanded automatic null checking to work across all pointers instead of just UE4 GC objects * Can have weak smart pointers (both std and UE4)
7 Years Ago
Always use \n for EOL, better indenting
7 Years Ago
Memcpy array elements coming from C# to prevent unaligned access exceptions
7 Years Ago
Coalesce null strings properly
7 Years Ago
Move accessibility modifier for types after native/managed so they actually work now
7 Years Ago
Fix properties being converted into get/set methods when in extensions
7 Years Ago
Show which file errors are from
7 Years Ago
Expand placeholder types to allow deeper type selection
7 Years Ago
Use private modifier to hide extended properties
7 Years Ago
Don't generate ambiguous indexers from extensions (fixes #50)
7 Years Ago
Coalesce null string to empty when marshaling
7 Years Ago
Update readme with some new stuff
7 Years Ago
Add support for indexers (fixes #46)
7 Years Ago
Fix duplicate method check for extensions
7 Years Ago
Add FName marshaller (try to avoid duplicate code)
7 Years Ago
Prefix initialize function with namespace to avoid collisions
7 Years Ago
Allow forward declaration for native types to be changed to struct
7 Years Ago
Add wrapper marshaler to do some null checks (fixes #37)
7 Years Ago
Add method aliases (fixes #48)
7 Years Ago
Selectively allow passing the class instance to static extension methods
7 Years Ago
First pass for extension methods
7 Years Ago
Accessibility modifiers
7 Years Ago
No more auto/var unless its DynamicCast (fixes #47), fix DynamicCast on set props
7 Years Ago
Allow parameterless unreal ctor Fix argument null exception when using unreal constructor on derived type
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Extract extension parameters by index
7 Years Ago
Prefix extension names so they can't collide
7 Years Ago
"Generic" extensions, allow the extension property to optionally be generated
7 Years Ago
Property extensions
7 Years Ago
Assign out params to default when catching exception (fixes #45)
7 Years Ago
Add support for Weak<T> where T is unreal type
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
More accurate generic marshaler handling
7 Years Ago
Fix "this" type for plain native defs