
31 Commits over 122 Days - 0.01cph!

5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Slow down renewing (was for debugging)
5 Years Ago
Require FP staff account to use the admin controls
5 Years Ago
Game creation and editing
5 Years Ago
Ban/unban from the servers page
5 Years Ago
Banning/unbanning things works
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Check ban expiry dates in search queries
5 Years Ago
Frontend progress
5 Years Ago
Remove random using
5 Years Ago
Find active servers by ID
5 Years Ago
Update instead of removing and inserting, update sample server to keep server ID
5 Years Ago
Server ExpiryDate -> InactiveDate, only the tokens have expiry dates
5 Years Ago
Fix duplicated GameId columns
5 Years Ago
Add server token versioning to prevent reusing old ones
5 Years Ago
Metadata validation and normalization Progress on making server IDs persistent
5 Years Ago
Use expanded IPv6 format instead of shortened or weird IPv4 mapped ones
5 Years Ago
Banning, add an admin controller to ban and view internal info
5 Years Ago
Trying to fix my foreign keys
5 Years Ago
Quote the field name string
5 Years Ago
Filtering servers using their metadata
5 Years Ago
Server listing now counts registered players instead of only using the server's count
5 Years Ago
Sample server can setup players to test with now
5 Years Ago
Add a controller to get all current servers
5 Years Ago
Update expiry date when renewing, don't do anything if trying to renew too fast
5 Years Ago
Fix key loading and token verifying, implement server token renewal
5 Years Ago
Finish setting up database, switch to ed25519 for signing, server register works
5 Years Ago
Add a sample project which responds to the server verification message
5 Years Ago
Implementing the UDP confirmation stuff
5 Years Ago
Add some stuff
5 Years Ago
Initial commit