
11 Commits over 30 Days - 0.02cph!

6 Years Ago
Skeleton Latest
6 Years Ago
SkeletonRagdoll: Copy LODs too
6 Years Ago
SkeletonSkinEditor, auto repairing changed skinning
6 Years Ago
Ragdoll Builder Tweaks Make sure to make SkeletonDefinition dirty after editing Added SkeletonRagdoll.CopySkins SkeletonSkinEditor auto fills shit in, allows multiple object edit
6 Years Ago
marked Facepunch.Skeleton.Editor editor only
6 Years Ago
Ragdoll Work
6 Years Ago
File Organisation
6 Years Ago
Reset Bone Positions Draw skeleton SkeletonRagdoll, with ragdoll builder
6 Years Ago
Fixed unable to set Skeleton Source
6 Years Ago
Support for editing multiple Facepunch.Skeleton BoneFlags Added SkeletonSkin.DuplicateAndRetarget
6 Years Ago
Initial commit Skeleton Basic