
18 Commits over 30 Days - 0.03cph!

4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Added Fad.Text.SDC SFML test uses SDC text test
4 Years Ago
Fixed border harshness box-shadow-* properties box-shadow-* set tests box-shadow property cursor property pointer-events Hit test takes into account the border radius Border shader looks more like real css results now
4 Years Ago
Scissor culling Scissor clipping (in shader) Fixed styles not updating properly when stylesheet changed Faster font texture setting Fixed border rounding
4 Years Ago
Size Text panel to text content if no size etc Selector Tests Descendant selector Add SelectorChanged to LayoutCascade Rebuild styles if ParentSelectorChanged Transitions work with descendant selectors Copy styles.scss ti out Fixed not adding inset to text
4 Years Ago
Hotload styles Fixed border reading rgba colour Fixed empty style error Mark all styles dirty when changing stylesheet Text block renderer Fixed shader transparency bugs color, font-size, font-weight
5 Years Ago
Border property parsing + tests Border transitions, implementation Add border to inset Skip space at the start of properties shader comments Add test borders to test panel Layout refactor Can add your own "display" functions Padding property multi-mode Padding unit tests Margin layout unit tests Margin/Padding percentage tests
5 Years Ago
Kill transitions when transitioning away Can add new easing functions Generalize timing class Render using vertex Shaders Border radius properties border-radius parser BorderRadius tests Named Colours rgba/rgba parsing
5 Years Ago
Transitions (first try, delays are fucked)
5 Years Ago
StyleParser.Sheet Top level stylesheet parsing Support comments Time input/layout/render individually Don't render offscreen panels Only update hovered if mouse moved Made styles a class
5 Years Ago
Cache style Premature Optimizations
5 Years Ago
Selector parsing
5 Years Ago
Layout type cached
5 Years Ago
Fix hover remaining when unclicking
5 Years Ago
Transition Cleanup Padding inset Color parsing Length parsing Style Parsing ScreenRect in layout Layout fixes
5 Years Ago
Layout Display Flex Layout Layout Test
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Initial commit