
74 Commits over 1,431 Days - 0.00cph!

3 Years Ago
credits changes
4 Years Ago
ballpit giver Merge branch 'master' of PxcEditor fix intro boss nightmare form0 & form1 credits stuff
4 Years Ago
nightmare versions of bosses
4 Years Ago
deleted/moved some old files
4 Years Ago
prospector boss anims
4 Years Ago
new pixels for laser
4 Years Ago
laser stuff
4 Years Ago
more laser forms
4 Years Ago
new laser form 0
5 Years Ago
tweaked and assigned pixels
5 Years Ago
new art for sliders
5 Years Ago
sliders enemies
5 Years Ago
can toggle canvas bg light mode update version
5 Years Ago
some garden rough enemies
5 Years Ago
wall enemies
5 Years Ago
wall pixels
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
hell enemies Merge branch 'master' of PxcEditor
5 Years Ago
editor saves json source/anim files instead of txt
5 Years Ago
endless enemies
5 Years Ago
new mech turret Merge branch 'master' of PxcEditor
5 Years Ago
remaining spawn animations and missing animations for claw01
5 Years Ago
assigned tutorialguy _0 pixels
5 Years Ago
tentacle clench loop mode correct
5 Years Ago
tutorial guy
5 Years Ago
spawn animations for hunter, intro, mech, onion, and trench stages
5 Years Ago
more animations for octopus and invasion
5 Years Ago
animations for octopus and invasion
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
updated invasion anim
5 Years Ago
new editor build, # assigments over limit are shown in succession
5 Years Ago
redid clench animations for hunter1 and storm
5 Years Ago
invasion touch up
5 Years Ago
invasion boss variation
6 Years Ago
new claw form1 art
6 Years Ago
updated orb
6 Years Ago
more cleanup
6 Years Ago
clench animations
6 Years Ago
new tentacle animation for invasion
6 Years Ago
removed more anims
6 Years Ago
removed large files
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
added new editor files
6 Years Ago
work i did on edifice a little while back
6 Years Ago
keep assignments aligned updated build not sure. some confusion and resets updated build Merge branch 'master' of
7 Years Ago
organizing things a little and exporting anim and source files
7 Years Ago
can edit single pixel assignments again updated build
7 Years Ago
can do some selection operations in assignment mode cant flood select empty pixels incremented version num updated build
7 Years Ago
adding editor files for smaller enemies for fuse boss
7 Years Ago
more fuse enemy stuff