8 Commits over 700 Days - 0.00cph!
Fixed regex for depot downloader
Updated repo to new csproj format, added gather hook
Added gather hook for accelerated staging mod, gonna do it as a standalone harmony mod until modloader becomes more mature
Add some script lifecycle hooks (loaded and unloaded)
Add publicly accessible events for script lifecycle so non-script modules can do their own initialization etc.
Add some extra fields to IScriptReference to support reflection on scripts
Keep track of soft dependencies for later
ILMerge dependencies together so we only need to copy one file into HarmonyMods
Move namespace-less public things into Public folder
Update dependencies
Refactoring to support invokes which return a value
Error reporting improvements
Initial work on supporting inter-script dependecies
Made ModLoader class public so other harmony mod DLLs can trigger hooks
Update readme, add contributing
Add some info to the readme