
3,194 Commits over 944 Days - 0.14cph!

6 Years Ago
Fix client to server RPC breaking due to prediction trying to access ClientId from unreal
6 Years Ago
ent.ClassName falls back on type full name when attribute has no name Add ent.NativeClassName so I can see what bullshit unreal is spawning
6 Years Ago
Add ent_list command
6 Years Ago
Destroy current gamemode when making a new one (wont need this when we have world cleanup)
6 Years Ago
Tell gamemode when a client joins/leaves
6 Years Ago
Make sure socket async stops on close
6 Years Ago
Close client socket when going back to main menu or ending game Close server socket on shutdown
6 Years Ago
Create gamemode and init new menu system on server info. Destroy previous menu system when initializing a new one (we don't have world tear down to handle this yet)
6 Years Ago
Don't auto connect to local server when running as dedicated server Get rid of dedicatedserver and menusystem internal unreal maps, only empty bootstrap map is needed now
6 Years Ago
Manager.StartGame determines game state based on main menu argument and Global.IsDedicatedServer instead of using internal unreal map names
6 Years Ago
Don't attempt connection to a socket if it already exists, null out socket on disconnect
6 Years Ago
HandleNetworkFailure not dependant on unreal Game.JoinServer connects directly to server instead of unreal client travel Create server socket with port from Global.Port. Make sure to connect using server port when connecting to your own listen server.
6 Years Ago
Bail starting new game if game server is already initialized Shut down game server when going back to main menu or ending game
6 Years Ago
Send server info to client on successful steam auth Remove required gamemode, unused and sucks Init game server when starting new game instead of using unreal server travel. Create new client without unreal player controller bullshit after steam auth.
6 Years Ago
Insert IsServer check before sending var across network (vars can only be replicated from server to client)
6 Years Ago
Add empty gamemode specifically for testing new networking
6 Years Ago
Support owner only netvars
6 Years Ago
Send netvars through steam sockets instead of unreal sockets (message per var change until we bunch them up)
6 Years Ago
Add auth ticket message type. Client sends auth ticket message on initial connection, server uses it to begin auth session.
6 Years Ago
Server->Client RPC sends to connection that owns the entity
6 Years Ago
Get client from net identity to handle client to server RPC
6 Years Ago
Send RPC's through steam networking sockets Prepend rpc type to rpc data as a byte so steam sockets know what type of message it is, ignore it when recvd on unreal socket Handle Client->Server RPC through steam sockets
6 Years Ago
Update Facepunch.Steamworks to 2.0. Remove ENet. Create steam networking socket and try to connect to it Only accept connections if they've been authed
6 Years Ago
Fixing buttons on Game View Sandbox Container VAlign, Quit menu, Secondary button style
6 Years Ago
Add ragdoll and playermodel collision responses
6 Years Ago
Allow entities to set their own collision object type and collision responses to channels instead of using internal collision profiles so that profiles can be configured on the managed side Allow entities to set collision mode (none, query, physics, both) instead of just enabled or disabled Remove collision profile param from sweep shape functions Add collision responses object (probably need a better name) Allow entities to set collision channel responses from responses object Add constructor to set all channel collision responses Add static collision responses default objects (block all, ignore all, overlap all) Fix entities not setting collision responses object internally Fix internal collision response object not being created
6 Years Ago
Game tiles, game view, typography
6 Years Ago
fixing container on prop spawner
6 Years Ago
Ellipsis long usernames on Menu Truncate username on Sandboxuser Routing and views for options pages Options pages styling + header buttons ServerBrowser side menu
6 Years Ago
Fix inconsistent accessibility errors from generated code
6 Years Ago
Add FileSystem.FindInAddons to search addons that haven't been mounted yet Remove some unused stuff
6 Years Ago
Save terrain to user data (r16 for heightmap, png for weightmaps) Fix terrain saving weightmaps incorrect size Fix new terrain weightmap loading from incorrect image size Load all weightmaps from saved user data Load terrain heightmap from r16 file Check heightmap file exists before loading it
6 Years Ago
Generate and update terrain weightmap mips
6 Years Ago
Normalize weightmap layers when creating new terrain
6 Years Ago
Support up to 4 weightmap layers on terrain Add single internal function to create terrain of any size with optional heightmap and weightmap data pointers Bail out of creating new terrain if it already has been created, it's better to just create a new entity than to clean up the existing one Initialize weightmaps on new terrain using weightmap data if it exists, otherwise default to 255 on first layer, 0 on the rest Pass heightmap and weightmap data from managed to native. Ensure data arrays match terrain size Test loading weightmap data from png
6 Years Ago
Image slider loading holder, User component, Gameinfo, table and button changes
6 Years Ago
Generating the slider off real data + test screenshots
6 Years Ago
Image Slider component
6 Years Ago
Fix data func and methods so code that runs on regular vue just works
6 Years Ago
Update to Cecil 10.4
6 Years Ago
Fix super weird compiler bug (I think)
6 Years Ago
Fix build errors in standalone
6 Years Ago
Initial terrain editor and support for multiple material blending on terrain by using weightmaps Fix terrain creation using incorrect number of verts Merge branch 'master' of Add function to edit terrain weightmaps at runtime. Add temp terrain tool to test painting. Merge branch 'master' of Add function to get terrain weightmap data from a region of a layer Unlock weightmap mip data once finished reading from it Fix weightmap sampling Use dev dirt/grass material blend to test terrain painting
6 Years Ago
Options page styling, fixed pageheader
6 Years Ago
Go Back nav button Menu light/dark toggle Slot for header on Container
6 Years Ago
Conditional styles on Games view, gametile changes
6 Years Ago
SandboxMenu structure Steam Avatar status and name, Discover page
6 Years Ago
Server Browser, Tabs and Buttons styles, PageHeader component
6 Years Ago
Button, Tags, Gameinfo styling, scrollbars
6 Years Ago
Container supporting a background image Game info structure and styling