
3,194 Commits over 944 Days - 0.14cph!

6 Years Ago
Make grenade throw more powerful the longer fire is held
6 Years Ago
Add test explosion effect. Add Weapon.Droppable Add TakeWeaponFromInventory, take and destroy grenade weapon when ran out of grenades, switch to next weapon in inventory.
6 Years Ago
Shake view on explosion Grenade impact sounds
6 Years Ago
Add consumable weapon and throwable weapon. Add grenades.
6 Years Ago
Add cancel button to team selection
6 Years Ago
Add fire duration, don't reload while still firing Play clip empty sound on dry fire Add convar vm_righthand
6 Years Ago
Broadcast register damage through hud so spectators can also know about it
6 Years Ago
Add damage dealt sounds Add Ammo.MaxCount and Ammo.Fill
6 Years Ago
Weapon.EmitSound can choose to only play on the view target (for viewmodels)
6 Years Ago
Try reloading when clip is empty
6 Years Ago
Weapon reloading Start reloading animation when reloading state is replicated
6 Years Ago
Move ICanBeDamaged to engine addon, no reason to make this internal Weapon prediction and client side hit reg (can trust clients in internal playtests)
6 Years Ago
Display target info for 500ms after target is no longer in view
6 Years Ago
Show target info while in free mode spectator. Ignore penetrations on thirdperson death camera, fixes camera clipping when ragdoll hits surface at high speeds.
6 Years Ago
Show teams on scoreboard
6 Years Ago
Add num slots to team info Get player count for team. Disable team selection button if already on team or team is full
6 Years Ago
Cache player start entities on map load to avoid finding them every respawn Refuse change team if already on that team Don't bother asking server to change teams if already on that team to save a rpc
6 Years Ago
Add orbit camera scrolling to spectator
6 Years Ago
Add Entity.OnOwnerReplicated so don't need to check for weapon model attach every tick
6 Years Ago
Send weapon inputs to server Ensure active weapon model is attached to player model (sometimes active weapon replicates before weapon owner)
6 Years Ago
Client side death sound Attempt to sync bullet impacts on client side ragdoll when owner dies
6 Years Ago
Only add bullet impact forces to authoritative entities
6 Years Ago
Controllable interp uses EnableInterpolation convar
6 Years Ago
Create player model also on server so it can trace the hitboxes
6 Years Ago
Fix more NRE's on dedicated server
6 Years Ago
Make extra sure weapons are shown/hidden when they should be. Fix weapon NRE's on dedicated server
6 Years Ago
Add spectator info hud
6 Years Ago
Add dof method bindings (bokeh, gaussian, circle)
6 Years Ago
Add depth of field post process bindings
6 Years Ago
Emit weapon sounds with no attenuation when local view target is the owner, otherwise emit from the weapons world model
6 Years Ago
Only burst fire with glock if it has 3 or more bullets
6 Years Ago
Give ammo to base weapon controllable, show total ammo count on hud
6 Years Ago
Fix OnPhysicsCollide callback
6 Years Ago
Add PhysicsCollideInfo.CalculateImpactSpeed
6 Years Ago
Add vitals hud
6 Years Ago
Increment kills/deaths counter
6 Years Ago
Add projectile weapon and weapon types
6 Years Ago
Add scoreboard to shooterbase Add ammo counter hud, also shows for spectator target
6 Years Ago
Add optional channel byte to text chat so gamemodes can support team chat etc
6 Years Ago
Add team color to team info. Color name in chat with team color.
6 Years Ago
Clear active weapon on drop just incase there's no other weapon to switch to
6 Years Ago
Better impact speed detection, play impact sound volume depending on speed
6 Years Ago
Add zooming and roll to camera controllable, left click to take screenshot
6 Years Ago
Add CameraControllable, Add World.DeltaTimeUnscaled
6 Years Ago
Use date and time for screenshot filenames
6 Years Ago
Better ragdoll impact sounds, play harder sound depending on impact speed
6 Years Ago
Add ragdoll impact sounds
6 Years Ago
Add target info hud
6 Years Ago
Change global pitch modulation with timescale command
6 Years Ago
Only focus highlight pickups if the local view target is a weapon controllable