
3,194 Commits over 944 Days - 0.14cph!

7 Years Ago
delete coreclr dlls
7 Years Ago
Added random sequence player anim node. Cleaned up anim node code.
7 Years Ago
Added state machine anim node. Playing correct anims for viewmodel.
7 Years Ago
Blend space and state machine nodes ready to implement
7 Years Ago
Initial skeletal animation system, supports sequence playing and two way blending
7 Years Ago
Replaced html crosshair with Draw2D crosshair
7 Years Ago
Materials can be loaded from file using the path in material constructor or uses the base material if it's not a file path. Added Draw2D.DrawTexturedRect.
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Transfer player controllable velocity to player model
7 Years Ago
Pawns ignore ragdolls
7 Years Ago
Fix for client side footsteps. Only local player registers footsteps.
7 Years Ago
Disable controller collision on player death
7 Years Ago
Ragdoll on death
7 Years Ago
Updated packages. Added dummy project to generate coreclr dlls. Testing shooting players
7 Years Ago
Printing enter/leave/death to chat. Added DestroyChildren property to BaseEntity so children are destroyed regardless of who destroys it.
7 Years Ago
Public attachment rule enum
7 Years Ago
Forgot to destroy children of children. Attaching entities to camera now uses relative attachment rule, fixing viewmodel when respawning
7 Years Ago
Destroying an entity can now destroy all children. Destroying viewmodel on player death
7 Years Ago
Fixed map networking warnings by attaching brush components in an actor
7 Years Ago
Moved actor interp to BaseWorldEntity. Map entities are spawned server side
7 Years Ago
Fixed jumping and chat in dedicated server
7 Years Ago
Fixed skeletal mesh caching when compiling using engine source
7 Years Ago
Using TArray for all Array bindings
7 Years Ago
Using FString for all string bindings. Updated BindingGen. Fixed invalid path being passed to RelativeToAbsolute.
7 Years Ago
Dedicated server bootstrap. Connect to dedicated server
7 Years Ago
Updated BindingGen
7 Years Ago
Fix SandboxGameServer.Target.cs
7 Years Ago
Started to use FString marshalling
7 Years Ago
Update bindinggen
7 Years Ago
BaseWorldEntity uses actor with just a scene component instead of a static mesh actor
7 Years Ago
Fixed spawning of base entities
7 Years Ago
Viewmodel activity animations
7 Years Ago
Start work on switching viewmodels on weapon change
7 Years Ago
Cheeky viewmodel position lag
7 Years Ago
Hardcoded surface type footstep sounds
7 Years Ago
Bind GetSocketLocation for tracing from players feet
7 Years Ago
ifdef Coherent on server
7 Years Ago
Add compiling of dedicated server to build script
7 Years Ago
Add surface type to hit result
7 Years Ago
Tracing brush models now returns the correct physical material
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Added spawn sound attached. Loading animation events from file. Cache animation events
7 Years Ago
Animation notify actions. Testing footstep sounds
7 Years Ago
Initial animation event support