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6 Years Ago
Red checkerboard table cloths for the italian restaurant Vegetarian Counter Barrel prop Some streamers for mexican restaurant Room fixes Preview thumbnails for new restaurants Set prices for restaurants
6 Years Ago
Initial tech setup Potential tech reorder Clean up debug food stuff Tech tree costs are now increased per family Some diner work Italian restaurant visuals Codegen
6 Years Ago
WIP new models for ships Bluegill model Add exterior archways and make deck areas walkable WIP ship deck prop with some smokey chimneys Unsaved stuff Can override location of ship deck for specific floors More unsaved First pass on exterior ship transit rooms Hook up bluegill deck Haddock WIP Allow external rooms to be placed in prebuilt space Mackerel WIP Hook up deck on mackerel Merge branch 'new_ships' Rear doorway for small oval Rear doors for guppy Merge branch 'master' into meals Italian restaurant Mexican restaurant Removed exterior windows on Steak and Veg restaurants Move source art into Flotel-Art repo Status effects for first tier food varieties Status effects for advanced foods Hooked up status effects to props, extrapolated lvl 2 and 3 effects
6 Years Ago
Fixed some incorrectly sized space blockers on rooms Better string display on generic slider for item consumers Fixed NRE when moving meals Lots of meal delivery fixes Stove positions and custom click configs per food category Added a trail and nicer move logic Food test debug scenes Merge branch 'master' into meals Fill in mexican, thai and italian foods Hooked up advanced kitchen with new food options GPU Instance some food props Instance stove Food blend Unsaved
6 Years Ago
Fixed painting walls and floors on higher floors Show some recommended purchases when hovering over satisfaction Show recommended state in purchase screen Update satisfaction info when receiving a meal Basic vegetarian restaurant Basic steakhouse Custom shop banners Diner setup Restaurants category Show input items on smartobject widget Merge branch 'master' into meals
6 Years Ago
Fixed some negative collider sizes in room colliders WIll need this as well Fixed missing entrance collider on fancy economy cabin Click rooms over props inside rooms SmartObject widget in room inspector TMPro room area details, better selection cursor location Fixed selection NRE WIP new room selector More room selection stuff Show passenger slots on smartobject inspector Added support for expandable content to smartobject widget Remove erroring colour picker component Fix room bounds generation issue Merge branch 'selection_rework' Merge branch 'master' into meals Hook up item factory controls onto smartobject widget Show food category colour on item icons Show food category on item tooltip Show status effects on food tooltip
6 Years Ago
Added a prompt on quit to give feedback Auto build placement guides for rooms Build space blockers automatically Updated medium scenario with proper floor Fixed rooms on high floors not loading properly in scenarios New room entrance blocker type Soda clipping Soda clipping Some steam branding stuff Merge branch 'room_automation' Merge branch 'master' into meals Merge stuff? More merge stuff Store food chains in category, update stoves to produce chains
6 Years Ago
Better styling on tech tree element buttons clear_passengers no longer clears staff, added staff-only command Fixed case where staff room could be filled with deleted staff Fixed resource line connections not working on floors Better item slot prefab and tooltip New meal categories, delivery points can have multiple inputs Apply effects and satisfaction for meals consumed Price and satisfaction displays on tooltip Starting to fill in meal content Added support for locked meals Show item info on tech unlocks Merge branch 'master' into meals Fixed preview sprite accessor on entity item Food categories, surface categories in purchaseable menu Advanced kitchen to cook international dishes
6 Years Ago
Serialise interaction points, WIP MealEatPoint variant New ItemDeliverySystem to allocate destinations to items Item Factories can now produce multiple items FIlled in plural descriptors Can change production on item factories via inspector Pipe need replenishment from item to replenisher UI support for changing input/output