
5,182 Commits over 2,527 Days - 0.09cph!

3 Years Ago
Default ShootWhenAiming to true on switch Some missing particle fixes
3 Years Ago
First draft of stage unlock animation
3 Years Ago
Enable debug options in non-debug !switch builds
3 Years Ago
Fixed running in-editor while targeting Switch
3 Years Ago
remove empty directories camera considers whether player is boosting !switch
3 Years Ago
build !switch
3 Years Ago
isSwitch alias !switch
3 Years Ago
adjust camera !switch
3 Years Ago
isSwitch stage property
3 Years Ago
adjust !switch camera
3 Years Ago
Removed unity analytics package !switch
3 Years Ago
Particles for stage unlock animation Fixed !switch build errors
3 Years Ago
more invasion stuff !switch
3 Years Ago
finished invasion pattern difficulty scaling
3 Years Ago
Campaigns can now specify background tint Added "Always" unlock condition
3 Years Ago
Now using new lock icon, fixed highlighting locked items in campaign Made "INCOMPLETE" more faded Only show unlock condition if all prerequisite stages are also unlocked
3 Years Ago
invasion chasing vfx/balance Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity invasion diff scaling
3 Years Ago
Added progression flags that official stages can enable New stage unlock condition system Allow locked stage selection / navigation Locked stage style tweaks
3 Years Ago
Don't complain about null leaderboards when !ShouldSubmitScore !redux
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
finish storm diff scaling invasion circleSpokes balance
3 Years Ago
more storm diff scaling fix build errors build !redux Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
3 Years Ago
Updated Jenkinsfile !redux
3 Years Ago
Updated Jenkinsfile !redux
3 Years Ago
Updated Jenkinsfile !redux
3 Years Ago
Updated Jenkinsfile
3 Years Ago
Fixed late loading asset bundles for workshop stages !redux
3 Years Ago
storm difficulty scaling
3 Years Ago
Updated Jenkinsfile !redux
3 Years Ago
Trying to debug why assets are missing in Jenkins builds !redux
3 Years Ago
Fixed music sample files not being discovered in legacy workshop stages Legacy support for workshop PxcSourceData / PxcAnimData path discovery Legacy fix for precaching music sample files in workshop plugins Updated workshop-resources.txt !redux
3 Years Ago
laser pattern difficulty scaling
3 Years Ago
Fixed workshop validation progress text Use workshop-resources.txt when making asset bundles Updated workshop-resources.txt StageID inspector is better organised GenerateWorkshopResourceList now works for subscribed plugins Updated workshop-resources.txt !redux
3 Years Ago
finished frame difficulty scaling
3 Years Ago
Nicer solution for split-screen clamping Generate a list of resources used by baked workshop plugins in custom/ Allow cancelling baking stage scripts Updated .gitignore
3 Years Ago
frame diff scaling
3 Years Ago
Post processing should be working again
3 Years Ago
Fixed sorting order of pixel particles
3 Years Ago
fix claw isCharging error test stage Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity build !redux !nightmare !easy
3 Years Ago
onPartDestroyed uses Unit properties
3 Years Ago
Fixed a discontinuity with CameraFrame _localClampingBounds
3 Years Ago
Fixed splitscreen wipe effect on player death in coop
3 Years Ago
Fixed loading sprites in custom campaigns Fixed campaign menu error spam for custom campaigns Fixed legacy player not having any camera targets
3 Years Ago
fix hard invasion player sprites !redux !nightmare !easy
3 Years Ago
increment correct progression, show hard invasion !redux !nightmare !easy
3 Years Ago
increment leaderboard version !redux !nightmare !easy
3 Years Ago
update jenkinsfile !redux !nightmare !easy
3 Years Ago
build fix? !redux !nightmare !easy
3 Years Ago
build fix !redux !nightmare !easy
3 Years Ago
hard hunter balance moved hurt reaction from player to shield status effect preventDeathPriority dodge, status preventDeathDespawnBullet Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity fix powerup pickup not despawning more hard hunter changes etc player hit force fix build !redux !nightmare !easy