
5,204 Commits over 2,710 Days - 0.08cph!

2 Years Ago
Eliminated all per-frame main menu allocations
2 Years Ago
Possible fix for leaderboard bug when clicking on invalid replays
3 Years Ago
Build !switch !release
3 Years Ago
Build !release
3 Years Ago
Don't unload asset bundles that contain persistent textures Fixed tentacle core sprites not being put into an atlas
3 Years Ago
Allow scripts defining arrays for parameters that expect data paths
3 Years Ago
whitelist StatusEffect.DataPath ball pit text fixes
3 Years Ago
More texture loading / unloading investigation
3 Years Ago
MemoryDump tweaks for unity assets
3 Years Ago
Make sure bullet archetypes get cleared on stage change Removed path to old BulletData instances
3 Years Ago
Looking into sprites being loaded multiple times / not unloaded
3 Years Ago
Batch sprite atlas updates in stage init Don't do input updates while unfocused Fixed memory dump log typo Added HotloadedData.GetAllCached(plugin) Do memory dump in two passes, with and without HotloadedData cache
3 Years Ago
Fixed standalone build error
3 Years Ago
Log instance paths after running replay tests
3 Years Ago
Instance path finding tool tweaks Tentative fix for NRE in Ghost.Update()
3 Years Ago
Added tool to find paths to instances in memory Removed static path to old GameStage instances Removed paths to old GameStage instances Tentative fix for materials getting disposed used by TMP
3 Years Ago
Build !switch !release
3 Years Ago
Build !release
3 Years Ago
Fixed Bullet.DamagePlayer not setting last collision type etc
3 Years Ago
Shorten replay sharing IDs where possible Auto-subscribe to Timebrain !release
3 Years Ago
Build !release
3 Years Ago
Fixed powerup UI flicker on unpause
3 Years Ago
fixed hunter core2 dontRotate nightmare hunter core2 dontRotate fix Update edgerunner.json Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
3 Years Ago
Build !release
3 Years Ago
Fixed warning in LoadBindings Fixed particle timescale regression
3 Years Ago
Build !release
3 Years Ago
Fixed stage not fading out correctly while paused
3 Years Ago
Build !release
3 Years Ago
Fixed RawFixedElapsedTime divergence
3 Years Ago
Fixed !switch build error !release !clean
3 Years Ago
Fixed resurrecting weakly cached resources
3 Years Ago
Build !switch
3 Years Ago
Only record aux diagnostics when SaveAuxReplayDiagnostics is true
3 Years Ago
Build !release
3 Years Ago
Possible fix for error during loading
3 Years Ago
Go back to using persistent sprite atlas for UI cores
3 Years Ago
Build !release
3 Years Ago
Fixed possible ident clash in ForEachMethodCallGenerator Added Player.ForEachActiveEffect and Player.ForEachSelectableEffect
3 Years Ago
Fixed visual bug at end of loading screen
3 Years Ago
Fixed possible exception when loading a stage twice
3 Years Ago
Build !release
3 Years Ago
Build !clean
3 Years Ago
Some more workshop menu fixes when updating
3 Years Ago
Updated Facepunch.Steamworks Workshop menu updates live when a plugin update is detected
3 Years Ago
Some WIP workshop updating fixes
3 Years Ago
Build !release
3 Years Ago
Fixed workshop upload complete message not showing Fixed some resources not being baked correctly !clean
3 Years Ago
Fixed possible NRE on campaign menu Use only legacy save path on !switch !release
3 Years Ago
Updated Jenkinsfile !switch !release
3 Years Ago
Build !release