4,276 Commits over 2,710 Days - 0.07cph!
fixed bullet color flashing, freeze/redirect bullets powerups
fixed bullet redirection angle
redirect target direction powerup
Merge branch 'master' of
removed some of the bullet requesting stuff
rotating gun powerup
powerup level starts at 0 instead of 1; rotating gun powerup gets stronger each level
Fixed Fuse stage FSM errors
Working on making sure FSMs can be used for stages
Added Stage_Behaviour stage component
Fixed FsmData.FindNextState(curState, nextStateName)
String interpolation for FSM values
fixed bullet spawner collision issue
bullet spawner polish
repel bullets powerup
passive repel powerup visuals
passive repel
Now using reflection in FsmSetIntVarAction
Split new FSM stuff into separate files
Got rid of some transitions again
Fixed some incorrect transitions in generated FSM json
Fixed exceptions when a unit has no FSM data
Fixed possible FsmCallMethodAction error
Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings
Implemented FsmCallMethodAction
Disabled old FSMs!
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings
tempEffectSlow reduces player speed, not timescale
slow timescale pickup
temp effect floater text
bullet spawner powerup
disperse pickups instead of old powerup bullets
got rid of all old powerup stuff
Merge branch 'master' of
Fixed Repeated action not using delays
New FSM now switches states with the old one
Fixed possible exception when changing FSM state
More FsmActions implemented
FSM execution is working
Some unit behaviour field renaming
New FSM system parsing / execution mostly done
fixed invasion boss spawning
invasion boss spawns ships
invasion boss pixels
invasion transform explosive ring bullet
pooling in stage_timescale
speed up time pickup
Removed default parameters from MethodCalls
Got rid of unnecessary goto state actions
Implemented FixedRandomWait
Implemented waiting after a MethodCall
Implemented CallMethod repetition
Implemented IntAdd FsmAction
Implemented SetIntValue FsmStateAction, better action handling
First pass of generating FSM jsons
Started work on generating JSON for existing FSMs
border warning in-bounds range is smaller
invasion ships check lower bounds
tweaked invasion ship2 movement
invasion ship 3
Merge branch 'master' of
invasion boss
Added HotloadParametersAttribute
fixed some pxc animation bugs
fixed another pxc anim bug
fix player gun length
reworked unit bounds checking
unit disable callback; invasion ship respawn when one disables
invasion ship stays in bounds horizontally but leaves vertically
tweaked invasion ship spawning, speed in
tweaked invasion ship colors, border warning
check to make sure bullet length/width doesnt lead to divide-by-zero on first frame
null check and delete enrageTimer, should stop Fuse enemy from crashing on death
fixed unit bounds checking
ship1 rotation when shot
fixed powerup collection affecting player bullets
repel bullets correctly slows more at center of radius
invasion stage
fixed pixel reflection size issue
ribs stage
ribs boss switches between 2 anims
changed tube wall shape
tube filling base class
spawn both kinds of filling
dont erode or have recentlly-disconnected effects for pixel chunks after enemy is destroyed
tube only rotates diagonally
filling2 pixelgroups
other filling pxcs
tube wall bg opacity correctly set to 0
player bullets reflect off tube walls
pixelgroups can scale more properly
fixing some pixelgroup/pxc RenderPosition stuff
reworked camera shaking
filling speeds in
fixed filling pixel groups
disconnected pixels are separated into multiple chunks if they arent connected to eachother
filling brake flipped correctly
brakes affect movespeed
touching a pixel doesnt kill you immediately
mostly failed attempts to solve some collision issues
fix unit scale
player gun disabled while touching pixels
Updated .gitignore
Made OneAxisInputControl.PendingTick public again
filling spawns from all tube angles
check if filling has reached end of tube
filling brakes
updated incontrol (with issues)
Now working in Unity 2017
Unity 2017.2.1p3
Now using experimental .NET 4.6 API
Updated Jenkinsfile
Updated Facepunch.Unity
Fixed changed Facepunch.Unity usages
Merge branch 'unity2017'
player hitbox shadow tweak
misc changes
refined camera control for gamepad; create tube stage
tube walls
tube filling
pixel chunk pixels fade out properly now, calls SetPixels only once per frame
bullet impact reflected across normal; tube filling movement tweak
Got rid of random NUnit references
Removed Mono.Cecil plugin
Fixed controller vibrating while paused
Fixed planet size when camera is zoomed in
Fixed planet spacing when zoomed in
Fixed planet link width when zoomed in
player hitbox shadow dot product
player hitbox shadow hidden while colliding
asteroid rotation when hit
pixel chunk pixels fade out; limit pixel chunk debris amount
bunch of small changes with pixel chunks
fixed screen fading bug, tweaked player core
player core looks where aiming
fixed die-on-restart bug, pixels wont move right after killing player
fade out thing player hits and dies to so can see player body through it
bullet only despawns if player hits but doesnt die
fixed bug where one section of player trail would be double drawn
fix player radius being wrong size
player hitbox uses core controller
fixed bug with stopping planet wander timer
polished player core
pattern recoilFunc
player anchored patterns canceled if player hit
pattern vibration
reworked controller vibration
tweaked player recoil