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6 Years Ago
Disabled automatic code gen
6 Years Ago
Custom StageIDs can now reference a plugin path Added methods to load PluginData / get all PluginData paths Custom stages are now discoverable Can now load custom stages Example custom stage changes Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity Fixed how new StageIDs are used to construct replay paths Now doesn't submit scores for local custom stages Added support for deserializing Nullable<Color> Split planet menu data into default.json and campaign.json With default.json containing stuff that's on both the pause and main menu, and campaign.json has the level selection planets Moved planet cores / glows for each stage to their stage config files Core color / graphic is now optional in PlanetMenuData, added a StageMenuData class Redesigned how main menu / pause menu planets are loaded to be much less janky, support custom stages Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity Merge branch 'custom-stages'
6 Years Ago
Added support for deserializing Nullable<Color> Split planet menu data into default.json and campaign.json With default.json containing stuff that's on both the pause and main menu, and campaign.json has the level selection planets Moved planet cores / glows for each stage to their stage config files Core color / graphic is now optional in PlanetMenuData, added a StageMenuData class Redesigned how main menu / pause menu planets are loaded to be much less janky, support custom stages
6 Years Ago
Fixed how new StageIDs are used to construct replay paths Now doesn't submit scores for local custom stages
6 Years Ago
laser length can set same unit anim if reversed invasion ship1 patterns fixed bug when child bullet exits bounds invasion boss patterns some intro stage tweaks fuse enemy A polish
6 Years Ago
Removed NUnit reference invasion unit stuff removed unit totalRadius tweaked pixelgroup depths boss warning effect invasion keys invasion ship 2 anim speed invasion boss spawn ship tweaked invasion spawning powerups follow player when close dropped powerup bullet follows player while close Untangled StageName / SourceValue in StageID Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings progress on maze2stage adjust cam size based on aspect ratio intro laser wall intro wall 2 unit existing pixel percent intro homing pattern intro boss unit intro boss patterns merge mortar gun octopus stage waves unit onPixelHitByLaser boost powerup tentacle sticky bullets centipede bullet tentacle boss wait times decrease as parts are destroyed destroy bullets powerup tweak destroy bullets visuals laser surrounding bullet rotating gun laser unit FSM changes changed octopus FSM invasion stage asteroids fixes to unit bounds and bullet bounds, etc few maze2 changes invasion ship laser Merge branch 'master' of Custom StageIDs can now reference a plugin path Added methods to load PluginData / get all PluginData paths Custom stages are now discoverable Can now load custom stages Example custom stage changes Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
6 Years Ago
rotating gun laser unit FSM changes changed octopus FSM invasion stage asteroids fixes to unit bounds and bullet bounds, etc invasion ship laser Merge branch 'master' of
6 Years Ago
few maze2 changes
6 Years Ago
mortar gun octopus stage waves unit onPixelHitByLaser boost powerup tentacle sticky bullets centipede bullet tentacle boss wait times decrease as parts are destroyed destroy bullets powerup tweak destroy bullets visuals laser surrounding bullet
6 Years Ago
powerups follow player when close dropped powerup bullet follows player while close adjust cam size based on aspect ratio intro laser wall intro wall 2 unit existing pixel percent intro homing pattern intro boss unit intro boss patterns merge
6 Years Ago
progress on maze2stage
6 Years Ago
Fixed error in non-editor builds Added hotloaded PluginData Part way through rewiting StageID Merge branch 'master' into custom-stages Merge branch 'master' into custom-stages More WIP StageID rewriting Merge branch 'custom-stages' of SpaceUsurperUnity into custom-stages Re-implemented StageID.FromStream Re-implemented StageID.Write Re-implemented reading / writing StageID as json Re-implemented StageIDPropertyDrawer Fixed up usages of old StageID methods Merge branch 'master' into custom-stages Removed NUnit reference Untangled StageName / SourceValue in StageID Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings
6 Years Ago
invasion unit stuff removed unit totalRadius tweaked pixelgroup depths boss warning effect invasion keys invasion ship 2 anim speed invasion boss spawn ship tweaked invasion spawning
6 Years Ago
some tweaks to remote control bullets fuse unit enrage fuse unit rotation tweaks fuse confuse bullet fuse stage fixes player shoot crescent brake cannon powerup Merge branch 'master' into custom-stages
6 Years Ago
player shoot crescent brake cannon powerup
6 Years Ago
some tweaks to remote control bullets fuse unit enrage fuse unit rotation tweaks fuse confuse bullet fuse stage fixes
6 Years Ago
Re-implemented StageID.FromStream Re-implemented StageID.Write Re-implemented reading / writing StageID as json Re-implemented StageIDPropertyDrawer Fixed up usages of old StageID methods
6 Years Ago
More WIP StageID rewriting Merge branch 'custom-stages' of SpaceUsurperUnity into custom-stages
6 Years Ago
fixed some moveAngle properties can have non-rect part, can set part colors in json fuse wall lasers set fuse laser visuals in json fuse wire pixel flashing started on a maze2 stage fuse wall wire pixel colors merge can set current pixel colors in json fuse glass breaking fuse container bg fix unit funcs being null on spawnInstantly units fix spawnInstantly unit not being destroyed unit set animSpeed fixed unit bounds checking fuse enemy movement remote control units with bullets Merge branch 'master' into custom-stages
6 Years Ago
remote control units with bullets
6 Years Ago
can set current pixel colors in json fuse glass breaking fuse container bg fix unit funcs being null on spawnInstantly units fix spawnInstantly unit not being destroyed unit set animSpeed fixed unit bounds checking fuse enemy movement
6 Years Ago
can have non-rect part, can set part colors in json fuse wall lasers set fuse laser visuals in json fuse wire pixel flashing fuse wall wire pixel colors merge
6 Years Ago
started on a maze2 stage
6 Years Ago
fixed some moveAngle properties
6 Years Ago
increment part counter tentacle unit form 1 tentacle form 2 json setup tentacle part charging tweaks more charge pattern params tweaked tentacle spiral pattern improved bullet border warning Merge branch 'master' of Fixed error in non-editor builds Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity Added utility methods to skip comments while reading json Support for FSMs with duplicate state names Can set ParameterCollection values to a Func<T> Replaced Bullet properties set every frame with getter funcs bullet borderWarningColor stop clamping border glow unit core look stuff in json, unit core follows player by default powerups disperse in direction of damage tentacles form 2 changes octopus submarine can set and change stage background color stage onUpdate func Can now define arrays in ScriptFuncs octopus mine pattern floating mine bullet dropping mine bullet bubble bullets rising bubble pattern bubble sfx octopus patterns, etc Fixed some bullet property getters being overwritten Fixed SfxData hotloading Got rid of GetLerpedValue allocations Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings oob disabled units stop their bullet patterns invasion units fuse boss pixels fuse wall pixels; unit.DoesPixelExist Added warning when attempting to change to a non-existant state Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings Fixed some harmful caching causing slowdown Merge branch 'master' into custom-stages
6 Years Ago
Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings Fixed some harmful caching causing slowdown
6 Years Ago
Added warning when attempting to change to a non-existant state
6 Years Ago
oob disabled units stop their bullet patterns invasion units fuse boss pixels fuse wall pixels; unit.DoesPixelExist
6 Years Ago
Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings
6 Years Ago
Got rid of GetLerpedValue allocations
6 Years Ago
Fixed SfxData hotloading
6 Years Ago
Fixed some bullet property getters being overwritten
6 Years Ago
octopus submarine can set and change stage background color stage onUpdate func octopus mine pattern floating mine bullet dropping mine bullet bubble bullets rising bubble pattern bubble sfx octopus patterns, etc
6 Years Ago
Can now define arrays in ScriptFuncs
6 Years Ago
bullet borderWarningColor stop clamping border glow unit core look stuff in json, unit core follows player by default powerups disperse in direction of damage tentacles form 2 changes
6 Years Ago
Can set ParameterCollection values to a Func<T> Replaced Bullet properties set every frame with getter funcs
6 Years Ago
Added utility methods to skip comments while reading json Support for FSMs with duplicate state names
6 Years Ago
Fixed error in non-editor builds Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
6 Years Ago
increment part counter tentacle unit form 1 tentacle form 2 json setup tentacle part charging tweaks more charge pattern params tweaked tentacle spiral pattern improved bullet border warning Merge branch 'master' of
6 Years Ago
Part way through rewiting StageID
6 Years Ago
Added hotloaded PluginData
6 Years Ago
Fixed error in non-editor builds
6 Years Ago
Started working on user-created stage support Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
6 Years Ago
tentacle form 0 pixelgroup transformations in json pxc transformation in json cleaned up tentacle unit fsm
6 Years Ago
tweaked maze outer unit chargePattern maxDist maze boss spokes player camera moves toward velocity direction more maze attacks
6 Years Ago
fix pixel isAnchor bug, fix planet core render angle
6 Years Ago
maze unit form 0 got rid of invuln pixel colors tweaked invuln hit color border warning json moved from unit form to part improved pixelgroup jittering when pxc rotates
6 Years Ago
Started working on user-created stage support
6 Years Ago
avoid bullets powerup poweurup display name doesnt automatically include level repel when grazed powerup active repel powerup powerup double pattern
6 Years Ago
Added Yield FSM action that waits for the next fixed update Fixed powerup tri bullets not being set up correctly Fixed possible problem when changing FSM state from an executed action set