
5,189 Commits over 2,557 Days - 0.08cph!

6 Years Ago
Added HotloadParametersAttribute
6 Years Ago
fixed some pxc animation bugs fixed another pxc anim bug fix player gun length
6 Years Ago
reworked unit bounds checking unit disable callback; invasion ship respawn when one disables invasion ship stays in bounds horizontally but leaves vertically tweaked invasion ship spawning, speed in tweaked invasion ship colors, border warning
6 Years Ago
Working on reimplementing input rebinding
6 Years Ago
Fixed possible cause of vibration getting stuck on in some cases
6 Years Ago
Added replay actions / bindings Re-implemented replay input Fixed possible NRE Re-implemented vibration
6 Years Ago
Added game keyboard bindings Added game mouse bindings
6 Years Ago
Re-implemented game inputs
6 Years Ago
Added gameplay controller bindings Added action definition code generator
6 Years Ago
Button prompts now default to keyboard bindings Re-implemented clicking on button prompts
6 Years Ago
Re-implemented LeaderboardUI input Added keyboard bindings for menu navigation Fixed keyboard navigation
6 Years Ago
invasion stage fixed pixel reflection size issue check to make sure bullet length/width doesnt lead to divide-by-zero on first frame null check and delete enrageTimer, should stop Fuse enemy from crashing on death fixed unit bounds checking ship1 rotation when shot fixed powerup collection affecting player bullets repel bullets correctly slows more at center of radius Merge branch 'master' into rewired
6 Years Ago
check to make sure bullet length/width doesnt lead to divide-by-zero on first frame null check and delete enrageTimer, should stop Fuse enemy from crashing on death fixed unit bounds checking ship1 rotation when shot fixed powerup collection affecting player bullets repel bullets correctly slows more at center of radius
6 Years Ago
invasion stage fixed pixel reflection size issue
6 Years Ago
Re-implemented options menu navigation Fixed repeating axis controls Re-implemented ButtonOptionsItem input Re-implemented SliderOptionsItem input Re-implemented ToggleOptionsItem input Re-implemented ComboOptionsItem input
6 Years Ago
Got controller button prompts working again
6 Years Ago
disconnected pixels are separated into multiple chunks if they arent connected to eachother filling brake flipped correctly brakes affect movespeed touching a pixel doesnt kill you immediately mostly failed attempts to solve some collision issues fix unit scale player gun disabled while touching pixels merge tube wall bg opacity correctly set to 0 player bullets reflect off tube walls pixelgroups can scale more properly fixing some pixelgroup/pxc RenderPosition stuff reworked camera shaking filling speeds in fixed filling pixel groups changed tube wall shape tube filling base class spawn both kinds of filling dont erode or have recentlly-disconnected effects for pixel chunks after enemy is destroyed tube only rotates diagonally filling2 pixelgroups filling3 other filling pxcs ribs stage ribs boss switches between 2 anims Merge branch 'master' into rewired More button prompt re-implementation
6 Years Ago
ribs stage ribs boss switches between 2 anims
6 Years Ago
changed tube wall shape tube filling base class spawn both kinds of filling dont erode or have recentlly-disconnected effects for pixel chunks after enemy is destroyed tube only rotates diagonally filling2 pixelgroups filling3 other filling pxcs
6 Years Ago
Working on re-implementing button prompts
6 Years Ago
Action handler update dispatching More input re-implementation Fixed confirm UI input
6 Years Ago
tube wall bg opacity correctly set to 0 player bullets reflect off tube walls pixelgroups can scale more properly fixing some pixelgroup/pxc RenderPosition stuff reworked camera shaking filling speeds in fixed filling pixel groups
6 Years Ago
Added menu navigation actions Added joystick mapping for menu actions Added PlayerAction helper Got rid of fixed input mode code Started working on re-implementing menu input
6 Years Ago
disconnected pixels are separated into multiple chunks if they arent connected to eachother filling brake flipped correctly brakes affect movespeed touching a pixel doesnt kill you immediately mostly failed attempts to solve some collision issues fix unit scale player gun disabled while touching pixels merge
6 Years Ago
Removed InControl, working on eliminating usages Purged all InControl stuff
6 Years Ago
filling spawns from all tube angles check if filling has reached end of tube filling brakes updated incontrol (with issues) Fixed this james Updated .gitignore Made OneAxisInputControl.PendingTick public again Added Rewired trial
6 Years Ago
Updated .gitignore Made OneAxisInputControl.PendingTick public again
6 Years Ago
Fixed this james
6 Years Ago
filling spawns from all tube angles check if filling has reached end of tube filling brakes updated incontrol (with issues)
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Now working in Unity 2017 Unity 2017.2.1p3 Now using experimental .NET 4.6 API Updated Jenkinsfile Updated Facepunch.Unity Fixed changed Facepunch.Unity usages Merge branch 'unity2017'
6 Years Ago
player hitbox shadow tweak misc changes refined camera control for gamepad; create tube stage tube walls tube filling pixel chunk pixels fade out properly now, calls SetPixels only once per frame bullet impact reflected across normal; tube filling movement tweak
6 Years Ago
Updated Facepunch.Unity Fixed changed Facepunch.Unity usages
6 Years Ago
Updated Jenkinsfile
6 Years Ago
Now using experimental .NET 4.6 API
6 Years Ago
Now working in Unity 2017 Unity 2017.2.1p3
6 Years Ago
Got rid of random NUnit references
6 Years Ago
Removed Mono.Cecil plugin
6 Years Ago
Fixed controller vibrating while paused Fixed planet size when camera is zoomed in Fixed planet spacing when zoomed in Fixed planet link width when zoomed in
6 Years Ago
player hitbox shadow dot product player hitbox shadow hidden while colliding asteroid rotation when hit pixel chunk pixels fade out; limit pixel chunk debris amount bunch of small changes with pixel chunks
6 Years Ago
fixed screen fading bug, tweaked player core player core looks where aiming fixed die-on-restart bug, pixels wont move right after killing player fade out thing player hits and dies to so can see player body through it bullet only despawns if player hits but doesnt die
6 Years Ago
fixed bug where one section of player trail would be double drawn fix player radius being wrong size player hitbox uses core controller fixed bug with stopping planet wander timer polished player core
6 Years Ago
pattern recoilFunc player anchored patterns canceled if player hit pattern vibration reworked controller vibration tweaked player recoil
6 Years Ago
direct bullets pickup player gun anchor mode for patterns
6 Years Ago
tweak player bullet movement controller anchor changed to player anchor player patterns stop on death rotateWithAnchor works with other anchor types patterns can move child bullets as they rotate change bullet rotation when rotated by pattern bullet cantBeAffected property pattern continuously update rotation option spinning mace powerup
6 Years Ago
Replay playback speed display now shows actual speed Got rid of some more allocations
6 Years Ago
Got rid of all per-frame main menu allocations Merge branch 'master' of
6 Years Ago
can set frame num and colors of temp effect circle temp effect shoot can snap angle crescent pattern, fixed nullref fixed bug when bullet passes multiple pixels on first frame; pattern pos can be used as bullet source pos Merge branch 'master' of pixels flash less when hit by bullets not dealing their full damage
6 Years Ago
Started getting rid of some allocations Some more minor allocation avoidance Merge branch 'master' of
6 Years Ago
cleanup, tweaks temp effect takes control of shape, not bullet temp effect shape despawn reworked temp effects so they can be triggered by pickups all temp effects use a circle shape clone circle so overlapping temp effects wont affect same one clean up duplicate code