716 Commits over 212 Days - 0.14cph!
Stand up straight when pushing
Fix multiple PhotonView's on prefab
Tweaked player animation with pitch + yaw, walking backwards
EventMap serialization cleanup
Editor uses TriggersEventAttribute
massive animation pack
Holdtype hacks
Can shoot mummy, fixed animation fps dependancy
Removing IFeeder, IConsumer, Carry is a BaseEntity
Crosshair, gun aim mode experiment
Fixed spectate mode when finished
Fixed level vote countdown not speeding up once everyone voted
Spectate player when spawning dead instead of spawning as a ghost 20 meters under the ground
Fixed "killed by a bear" message on joining dead
Show who spectating
Moved Array.Random to Fp.Unity because it uses UnityEngine.random
Fixed player spectate camera centering on feet
Can add a male socket to female socket in editor
Extract velocity from position, mass changes which side pulls
Also fixed damping being applied multiple times and some multiplayer stuff
Made the rope a lot more usable
* supports multiple nodes, with branching
* players can (kind of) swing on it
* can be attached to other objects to hang it or to move things around (like towing he car)
Snotfarm fixes
Fixed error when playing scene without mission
Friendly NPCs have a hat on
NPCs keep their hats when they die
MoveControlled - lag fix/hack
Fixed not properly triggering NPC events
TakeOwnership takes instead of asks
Compile fix
Try not to fuck with ViewIds too much
NetAnimation pause when selected, show a wireframe preview instead
Added Event RunInEditor, for previewing event triggers
Possibly fixed CitizenAnimation being frame rate dependant
Tweaked dynamite effect order, to avoid delay between effect and actions
Attempt to disable prediction on buttons/inputs
NRE when spectating ragdoll and it gets deleted
Custom, simpler AssignSceneViewId
Fixed fire networking fuck up
Cleaning up SyncTransforms
Teleport if too far away & added INetworkStatic
Changed sync to UnreliableOnChange
Making EventMap more modular
IPunObservable not needed on MaleSocket
Fixed player double death
throw exception if Trying to DestroyEntity we don't own
Skeleton System fixes
Added GetComponentInParent( out ) extension
BaseEntity has TriggerEvent built in
Mummy model
BaseNpc serialize state
ChaseNPC has ChaseIf, defines which entity types it should chase
ChaseNPC triggers
mummy animation
BaseEntity die event
Mummy ragdoll
Hurt trigger can hurt all entities
Adding BaseEntity
Consolidated Facepunch.Unity.EditorTools & .Editor
Added TimeUntil
Chasing Monster
ObjectiveCarry can be stolen and/or not allowed in vehicles
Updating packages so fresh installs can actually open the project
Re-enabled post process and video recording in DevTest
Explosion force, punch force (wip/placeholder)
Experimenting with a rope item
Fix carry state not syncing properly