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3 Years Ago
New library: math.ease (#1755) * New library: ease * ease -> math.ease * fix: call correct math.ease function probably a module leftover * Reduce repeated multiplication to powers * Reduce _G lookups and use a `module()` Co-authored-by: Tom <>
3 Years Ago
Add DComboBox:OnMenuOpened(menu) (#1659)
3 Years Ago
Add table.Shuffle (#1683) * Add table.Shuffle Performs an inline Fisher-Yates shuffle on the table in O(n) time * table.Shuffle small optimization
3 Years Ago
Fix table.RemoveByValue throwing an error when key is not a number (#1704)
3 Years Ago
Made hook.Add/Remove not silently fail on arg type mismatch (#1344) * Made hook.Add/Remove not silently fail on arg type mismatch In the rare case a typo was made for the hook args, it is now noticeable.
3 Years Ago
TTT: add PT-BR translation for L.tip41 (#1842)
3 Years Ago
TTT: add spectator mic volume tip (#1840) * New player mic volume tip * Increased number of tips
3 Years Ago
TTT: PT-BR translation update (#1838)
3 Years Ago
Fix mistake in russian.lua (#1837) Incorrect form > ВЫБЕРЕТЕ ОБРАЗЕЦ Correct > ВЫБЕРИТЕ ОБРАЗЕЦ The word “выберите” expresses a wish, request, or order. In this context, the verb form of the imperative plural is used.
3 Years Ago
TTT: update Russian translation (#1835)
3 Years Ago
TTT: PT-BR translation updates (#1829)
3 Years Ago
TTT: update Spanish translation (#1828)
3 Years Ago
Fixed duplicator and saves not working Fixed an issue with constraint.GetAllConstrainedEntities Fixed constraint.GetAllConstrainedEntities returning all entities constrained to world if the given entity is constrained to world
3 Years Ago
Added g_SpawnMenu:GetCreationMenu() Added CreationMenu.GetCreationTab & GetCreationTabs Added spawnmenu.SwitchCreationTab( id ) Made spawnmenu.SwitchToolTab work Added 3rd argument to spawnmenu.ActivateToolPanel Save game map workshopID stuff Adds duplicator.FigureOutRequiredAddons Required Workshop addons for duplicator
3 Years Ago
Attribute CS:GO lobby map to CS:GO (#1824) makes "Other" empty by default again
3 Years Ago
Fixed a Lua error with DTree_Node DComboBox's dropdown works better on modal panels Disallowed Shadow shader to be used as rope material
3 Years Ago
TTT: add more validation to corpse commands - Prevent spamming of "call detective" command. Thanks to #1822 for suggesting a similar fix. - Make sure cmds act on player corpses only - Cleanup
3 Years Ago
TTT: more updates to PT-BR translation (#1820)
3 Years Ago
TTT: update German translation (#1818)
3 Years Ago
Better implementation of Player.IsUserGroup (#1819)
3 Years Ago
Fix gmod_camera being dependent on tickrate (#1816)
3 Years Ago
TTT: PT-BR translation updates (#1815)
3 Years Ago
Fixed XSS vulnerability in loading screen. (#1814) Using the method `.text` rather than `.html`, since the method `.html` does not escape html entity characters.
3 Years Ago
TTT: updated the Russian localization (#1813)
3 Years Ago
Fixed DownloadingFile in loading screens duplicator copies lua-set colors and material override Fixed 0 width constrains creating errors Fixed Lua errors with default scoreboard Prevent 2 or more players from 'driving' a single entity Make use of IsConCommandBlocked Makes blocked concommand errors include proper stack. Fixed duplicated constraints not getting correct player obj
3 Years Ago
Add xalign to draw.WordBox (#1809) * Add xalign to draw.WordBox * Also add yalign Co-authored-by: Rubat <>
3 Years Ago
Fix errors from GetInt() when text entry contents aren't numeric (#1808) * Fix errors from GetInt() when entry isn't numeric Co-Authored-By: blu <> * Update dtextentry.lua Co-authored-by: blu <> Co-authored-by: Rubat <>
3 Years Ago
TTT: add a player mic volume slider to the scoreboard (#1804) * Adds a player mic volume slider to the TTT scoreboard * Add Brazilian Portuguese translation Co-authored-by: Tiagoquix <>
3 Years Ago
TTT: fix table.Shuffle Did not shuffle the first couple elements of the list as much as it should (note that this is not used for traitor selection or anything critical).
3 Years Ago
TTT: fix propspec_allow_named setting not taking effect The propspec_allow_named flag on the ttt_map_settings entity was being overwritten. The default for all maps is still to disable it as maps will expect this at this point, and non-TTT maps that could allow named entity propspec possession are rarely played in practice.
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Voice scale support for base/sandbox Improvement to dupe bounding box world constraints fix colored ropes support More accurate bounding box for dupes Permissions & "remember my choice"
3 Years Ago
TTT: fix low-karma autokick evasion (#1803)
3 Years Ago
TTT: add missing accents to Brazilian Portuguese (#1801)
3 Years Ago
TTT: update the Brazilian Portuguese translation (#1799)
3 Years Ago
Fix reliance on the sandbox gamemode for DoF (#1798) * Update super_dof.lua Co-authored-by: Rubat <>
3 Years Ago
TTT: show language names correctly in menu The lowercased version of the name is now only used for the convar values etc. Settings menu shows the original name.
3 Years Ago
TTT: tune shotgun headshot damage Changes to FireBullets mean all shotgun bullets can headshot (instead of only half). To compensate, reduce the short-range headshot multiplier from 3.1 to 2. TTT: give shotgun very small accuracy boost Change in bullet tracing theoretically impacts shotgun accuracy (though it was not super noticeable to me) so this is a slight boost to compensate
3 Years Ago
Updated killfeed translations Fixed visual issues with Spawnmenu's Save/Dupe icons Removed the "Ping < 60" server rank adjustment New detectable problems Description for local dupes/saves/demos Addon menu improvements "Select all" works as expected when there's an active filter Floating addons can no longer be selected Fixed a JS error when disabling/enabling selected addons Added addon count to the filter menu NEXTBOT:OnTakeDamage Removed physgun freeze hack for jeeps This is done in-engine now Fixed a small issue with duplicator library Line 67 More responsive controls for "noclip" Drive properly Bounding box for currently active dupe in Duplicator tool
3 Years Ago
Micro optimization to player:__index (#1796) If the value in the entity table is nil, it would return nil anyway, so we don't need to check it.
3 Years Ago
Prevent Weld save its Constraint to global table (#1792)
3 Years Ago
Move DrawBokehDOF function to global (#1747) The "DrawBokehDOF" function is now global to allow it to be called everywhere (like the other built-in effects).
3 Years Ago
Fixed Lua error in Hoverball tool Fixed regression with gamemode search DNumSlider text color adjustments Default values for Super DOF sliders Added ability to clear Lua errors per category/group Added ability to clear Lua errors per category/group in the Problems menu Minor tweaks to the Problems panel Do not complain about dxlevel 90
3 Years Ago
TTT: fix "select language" strings in translations (#1788) * french.lua * japanese.lua
3 Years Ago
Update .gitignore to allow players to use their Garry's Mod install to suggest changes easier. (#1774) update .gitignore to allow players to make their gmod install use github repo code
3 Years Ago
SpawnIcon Re-Render all fix Removed debug output from one of the Problem fixes Limited sv_loadingurl to http(s) Fixed Lua errors when searching addons using special symbols Server Browser improvements Made the "Future version" tag less visually prominent Fixed up positioning of the inverse filter buttons for gm categories Made the flag filters be per gamemode, not global, to avoid confusion and prevent "soft locking" the filters Improvements to UGC thumbnails Increased the size of the checkbox for addon sub selection, added some spacing for the addon name on the thumb to avoid accidental clicks when aiming for the checkboxes. gmsave system improvements Force disable point_viewcontrol entities on save load to avoid softlocking Fixed loading a save from main menu not restoring the player position Updated default checkbox style for Awesomium Yucky fix, but the visuals now match modern Chromium and scale properly. Added ENT:GetSoundInterests Adjusted invisible physgun beam prevention
3 Years Ago
Added 2 new arguments to CanTool hooks Fixed Lua errors when gm_loading map crated phys_magnet Stack for ErrorNoHalts in numpad library Slider notch color improvements Added DSlider.Set/GetNotchColor Added SKIN.colNumSliderNotch DNumSlider now colors the notches and the DTextEntry text to match the slider label Improved slider notch rendering Ensure all notches have at least 1 pixel between each other Fixed the last notch not rendering for sliders with a range that isn't a whole number
3 Years Ago
Fixed addon subcategory pagination Added 'extended' to default Derma fonts
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Minor optimization with the PlayerWeaponColor matproxy Fixed an issue with resizing drag'n'dropped spawnicons It was trying to relayout the container the icon was initially created on, no the container the icon is currently in Update vgui_showlayout.lua