
19 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

4 Years Ago
Hook up new confirmation modal
4 Years Ago
Fix new EditEntity screen
4 Years Ago
Hook up new AddEntity modal
4 Years Ago
Hook up the new AddServer
4 Years Ago
pageMessage alignment fix
4 Years Ago
add navigation go back on cancel
4 Years Ago
adding Delete device modal
4 Years Ago
Dialogs on edit switch notification on smart alarm
4 Years Ago
set devices to use container, remove unneeded margin
4 Years Ago
new edit entity modal, replace old
4 Years Ago
adding iconswitcher functionality back More data to the modals Add asyncbuttons to modal footer
4 Years Ago
GameIcon style prop, modalbody padding, header props Pull real data into AddEntityTest
4 Years Ago
pass props through to iconpicker header using GameIcon and prop styling for position
4 Years Ago
use GameIcon in ModalIconPicker
4 Years Ago
Fix being unable to select chat text Merge branch 'master' into Modals Modalbody, footer, header and icon picker + addentity modal
4 Years Ago
changing everything to components
4 Years Ago
Add Server Modal
4 Years Ago
modal styling
4 Years Ago