
1,437 Commits over 1,645 Days - 0.04cph!

4 Years Ago
Much better add server screen
4 Years Ago
Show which team member is the leader, workaround for NaNs being used as marker positions for a frame
5 Years Ago
Disable swiping through tabs cause it sucks
5 Years Ago
Switch to MaterialTopTabNavigator because it looks better and has transitions
5 Years Ago
Tab bar doesn't look as bad now
5 Years Ago
Player location component, add a little bit of padding so things aren't so cramped
5 Years Ago
Hamburger button, blog tags, disable cell lables on the map (they're slow)
5 Years Ago
Few fixes, show server details on the hub, made the hub look a bit nicer
5 Years Ago
ServerTime component renders auto-updating server time (24 hour) Fix avatars when not in debug mode
5 Years Ago
Remove memo on SteamAvatar Open blog posts in browser when tapped
5 Years Ago
Remove ServerDetails page Use new avatar API to load avatars Allow mxing real Rust servers with the mock one for better testing
5 Years Ago
Split all the persistence/serialization stuff into multiple files, fixed require cycle
5 Years Ago
Fix dates not decoding properly
5 Years Ago
WIP updating auth, switching things to use Long Need to fix a require cycle and date decoding...
5 Years Ago
Team tab
5 Years Ago
Remove debug, enable map markers again, split hub into multiple files
5 Years Ago
Convert unix timestamps to Date instances, add SteamAvatar component, show online teammates on the hub
5 Years Ago
Show blogs on the hub, turn the map into its own tab, persist the selected server
5 Years Ago
Make the server drawer look more like Lewis's designs
5 Years Ago
Server list is in a drawer now, dev menu in drawer, add a button to start pairing for mocking, some cleanup
5 Years Ago
Add support for mocking the game server connection (see Dev.ts and BasicMockHandler.ts)
5 Years Ago
Update protos and auth mapping
5 Years Ago
Fix opening pairing notifications when the app is closed (needs some more work)
5 Years Ago
Entity pairing
5 Years Ago
Update protos, entity now loads its info when subscribed to
5 Years Ago
Remove buildings code, entities list is now in server
5 Years Ago
Pixi webgl map bullshit that doesn't work yet
5 Years Ago
Setting up WebGL and Pixi
5 Years Ago
Revert "Testing RN maps" This reverts commit a629f34d1139f842b3e16a4929baf7941392de5a.
5 Years Ago
Setting up WebGL and Pixi
5 Years Ago
Testing RN maps
5 Years Ago
Fix server list not rendering on changes
5 Years Ago
Use proxy for websocket requests
5 Years Ago
Set player token from notification payload
5 Years Ago
Can remove servers now
5 Years Ago
Implement the AddServer page
5 Years Ago
WIP add server screen Show add server screen when the notification comes in (Expo can't handle opening notifications???) Remove server list loading from api cause that's been removed too
5 Years Ago
Add FCM config for notifications
5 Years Ago
wip auth and notifications
5 Years Ago
Cleaned up the grid code a bit, still haven't found a way to prevent the updates from queuing up....
5 Years Ago
Add an option to switch between scaling modes on markers, WIP map layers, WIP grid culling... still slow to refresh but at least rendering is good Fix a bunch of the grid cull delay, still bad though
5 Years Ago
Map view grid
5 Years Ago
Fixed zoom clamping bugs
5 Years Ago
Map margin, correct background color
5 Years Ago
Map background
5 Years Ago
Fixed the jumpTo animation
5 Years Ago
Remove debug
5 Years Ago
Never use anything but the mapping syntax for Animated.event...
5 Years Ago
Simplified a bit
5 Years Ago
Actually working jump to position, but the animation is broken and panning is broken again too