
453 Commits over 883 Days - 0.02cph!

11 Months Ago
BoxShooter can only grab Prop models
11 Months Ago
12 Months Ago
No Collide Tool
12 Months Ago
Updated color tool; Right click removes color tint
12 Months Ago
Model Skin Changer
12 Months Ago
Search in Cloud Models
12 Months Ago
Remove unused show cloud models first
1 Year Ago
Cloud brass ejections
1 Year Ago
Add weapon tag so player doesn't collide with weapon. Clear weapon velocity before throw
1 Year Ago
Fix reload on mp5
1 Year Ago
Add weapon_mp5
1 Year Ago
Spawn Menu background tweaks
1 Year Ago
Add Noclip input action
1 Year Ago
.addon => .sbproj
1 Year Ago
Copy player anim params to viewmodel
1 Year Ago
1.5 local scale for pistol
1 Year Ago
Apply to cloud models too (whoops, ty @bakscratch)
1 Year Ago
Use own GameManager.OnDragDropped - create Prop instead of ModelEntity for breakables
1 Year Ago
Dampen speed for viewmodel bobbing offset to avoid jitter
1 Year Ago
Use toolgun
1 Year Ago
Fix viewmodel pitch and yaw delta
1 Year Ago
Add inertia damping to viewmodel (does calling this inertia even make sense for this anymore?)
1 Year Ago
Include menu content !
1 Year Ago
Menu/loading screen (placeholder, simple, horrible)
1 Year Ago
Make chat work again
1 Year Ago
Remove debug print Selecting a tool from the spawn menu properly selects the toolgun Lamp / Light entity: give solid tag Fix torch model physics being too complex and failing
1 Year Ago
Update parameter names on Fists weapon
1 Year Ago
Set deploy on viewmodels in OnAnimGraphCreated
1 Year Ago
Phygun and gravgun end grab on entity pre cleanup
1 Year Ago
Fix NRE when grabbed object with physgun is removed
1 Year Ago
Set anim helper VoiceLevel on server too
1 Year Ago
Use worldspace: false for view model camera stuff - hook in position offset
1 Year Ago
Update default map
1 Year Ago
Fix pistol creating wrong ViewModel type, should fix camera anim problems
1 Year Ago
Fixed ViewModel not applying camera rotation with animations driven from camera bone
1 Year Ago
Reload time matches reload anim better
1 Year Ago
Set up usp match bodygroups
1 Year Ago
Set up usp arms and anims
1 Year Ago
Fix resource paths Override pistol model with broken no-hands asset party version
1 Year Ago
Use actual beam pos for end of light beam
1 Year Ago
Add beam light to physgun
1 Year Ago
Fix overlapping usage of right joystick button
1 Year Ago
Use Actions
1 Year Ago
Update test case
1 Year Ago
If we're holding run down, play run animation - else always walk
1 Year Ago
Bind SlotPrev/SlotNext
1 Year Ago
Quick InputAction test w/ glyphs - suicide key, (K or Y Button on gamepads)
1 Year Ago
Added RPG weapon stub
1 Year Ago
Added temporary "giveall" command
1 Year Ago
Camera follow corpse on death