
453 Commits over 883 Days - 0.02cph!

3 Years Ago
Replace obsolete NetworkComponent with BaseNetworkable Merge pull request #29 from handsomematt/obsolete-network Replace obsolete NetworkComponent with BaseNetworkable
3 Years Ago
Revert hacky fixes
3 Years Ago
temp fix animating car wheels fix not being able to drive car
3 Years Ago
Use component to change glow
3 Years Ago
Remove LibraryAttribute from SandboxGame, update fgd
3 Years Ago
Update sandbox.fgd
3 Years Ago
RenderColor fixes
3 Years Ago
Use avatar clothes
3 Years Ago
Resizer tool resizes root entity
3 Years Ago
override SimulateAnimator in pistol, change toolgun handedness to 1H for fun
3 Years Ago
Rename GetUserString to GetClientData
3 Years Ago
Fix strange rope positions when using rope tool on welded props
3 Years Ago
Create a fake joint between player and held body to disable collision
3 Years Ago
GravGun: offset held distance by closest point to avoid larger objects from getting too close to player
3 Years Ago
Fix warnings on entities using physics post step event
3 Years Ago
Create .editorconfig
4 Years Ago
Restore angular velocity too when breaking something with car
4 Years Ago
Fix NRE when player disconnects while driving Fix shiny_white.vmat
4 Years Ago
recompile car.vmdl to see if it stops erroring for some people
4 Years Ago
Improve player use behavior to match base game
4 Years Ago
Resizer: Also rebuild mass and wake up children on parent resizes, forces physics proxies to update
4 Years Ago
Car restores prevelocity when breaking something on physics impact
4 Years Ago
Rebuild tool list on hotload
4 Years Ago
Set flashlight cookie
4 Years Ago
Set light cookies for lamps and lights server side to see if it fucks up for anyone
4 Years Ago
Remove broken pants path
4 Years Ago
Spawn props with collision bounds mins offset, FindClosestPoint can be unreliable
4 Years Ago
Fix prediction errors
4 Years Ago
Include citizen thumbnail in this repo so it should be spawnable on steam version
4 Years Ago
PhysGun: Unfreeze all bodies in physics group with Reload input
4 Years Ago
Disable viewmodel bobbing when noclipping
4 Years Ago
Car camera orientates to car on activate
4 Years Ago
Update sandbox.fgd
4 Years Ago
Allow complete 360 mouse look while in firstperson car camera
4 Years Ago
Update Game.cs
4 Years Ago
Look forward when not orbiting in thirdperson car camera
4 Years Ago
Fix incorrect rope anchors on ragdolls
4 Years Ago
Rope length is distance between the two anchor points instead of a fixed length
4 Years Ago
Fix incorrect rope anchors, only rope particle points need scaling
4 Years Ago
Attach ropes to scaled objects properly
4 Years Ago
Update sandbox.fgd
4 Years Ago
Update sandbox.fgd
4 Years Ago
Don't exit car if use key is disabled, allows rotating with physgun while in car
4 Years Ago
Don't use pawns eye rot for first person car camera, seems to be jittery
4 Years Ago
Reset orbit when changing car camera mode
4 Years Ago
Cleanup some hardcoded values in car camera
4 Years Ago
Allow mouse look in first person car camera
4 Years Ago
Use joint onbreak handler for ropes
4 Years Ago
Add rope tool, mostly to test spring joints and find a nice way to manage and cleanup rope particles in a nice way
4 Years Ago
Set reference mass for spring ropes used for balloons and lights