
23 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

5 Months Ago
Add basic selectable tree model, fix hover outline showing on already selected item Mark procedurally added outline comp as NotSaved, NotNetworked Some test maps plus repro case for weird nav
5 Months Ago
Merge IEnterStateEvent/ILeaveStateEvent into IGameStateEvent
5 Months Ago
Add todo comment
5 Months Ago
Add some placeholder assets for testing. Add CursorController + some cursor types.
5 Months Ago
Better location for this
5 Months Ago
Cleanup. Add test aoe_damage ability. Network selected ability (for when targeting) Separate overloads for different activation types For PlayerState selection process, check with Hero if we wanna override it. Implement selection of location or target for selected ability - find closest point on nav mesh when selecting a location for AoE stuff
5 Months Ago
Added AbilityType, IAbilityUser, BaseAbility and AbilityResource. Foundations for abilities/skills Add HealAbility and able to use abilities in slot by Q,W,E,R. Still need to do target / AoE ability (selection).
5 Months Ago
Interpolate pan, move center on hero logic to camera
5 Months Ago
Add basic edge panning to the camera. Need to add a way to detect if mouse is outside of the game view when in editor
5 Months Ago
ToArray() for GetAll<> so can destroy components inside the loop Add OutlineWhenHovered and OutlineWhenSelected components
5 Months Ago
Change ISelectable to a Component - auto create the trigger if none specified. Add Selectable.ISelectionListener Auto find Selectable if not specified I think this is a better system - added listeners for Hover/Unhover for selectables as well. Sync player's AimRay. Now can have components that show an outline or something when item is hovered
5 Months Ago
Added ISelectableEvent Add CameraController, add IHeroEvent. Center on Hero when first spawned.
5 Months Ago
Oops Hero prefab selector needs selectable tag
5 Months Ago
Some cleanup. Auto select Hero on start. Don't love this first iteration of selection
5 Months Ago
Add ISelectable and basic selection Improvements to selection stuff - add Deselect and pass PlayerState into selection callbacks
5 Months Ago
Add Input settings Add PlayerState system. Simplify some stuff on GameManager for static access
5 Months Ago
Navigator docs Add HeroResource. Add generichero.hero. Hero resource loading, Host-only team/loading and change callback setup
5 Months Ago
Fix obsoletes Add DrawPath property to Navigator for debugging nav path. Set CharacterController radius to half of NavMesh agent radius
5 Months Ago
Restructure - DestroyAfterGame actually destroys the GameObject not the component
5 Months Ago
Some improvements
5 Months Ago
Use scene events Some basic movement
5 Months Ago
The very basics
5 Months Ago
Initial commit