
337 Commits over 30 Days - 0.47cph!

28 Days Ago
Get rid of ICardDisplay, just have Card.Positives, Card.Negatives text fields
28 Days Ago
Reload sound, new gun sound Can modify gun shoot sound
28 Days Ago
New weapons
28 Days Ago
Can modify weapon model with modifier, moved weapons to center
28 Days Ago
Update player.prefab
28 Days Ago
Conflict resolution, use stat for this too
28 Days Ago
Move initial stuff into stats container, add damage modifier
28 Days Ago
Knock back card
28 Days Ago
New hand on start
28 Days Ago
Marginally better hand randomization
28 Days Ago
Recoil is smoothed, returns to zero Add gravity / jump power cards, list their effects in ICardDisplay
28 Days Ago
Mess with some art stuff
28 Days Ago
Reduced run speed, increased walk speed Can modify jump power, gravity scale, smoothed out movement inertia
28 Days Ago
Show state header on hud
28 Days Ago
Reveal player location by highlighting them if the round is taking too long
28 Days Ago
Feedback when hovering over, and selecting cards
28 Days Ago
Fade-in end-round UI so it's less abrupt
28 Days Ago
Different logic to dictate which cards we played in the current arena
28 Days Ago
Refactor card ownership so it doesn't get dropped over scene changes (because the owner would've disconnected)
28 Days Ago
Go back to prep phase for each half, so we play another card per arena round
28 Days Ago
Disallow spamming cards in prep phase Fixed showing every card when playing a card
28 Days Ago
Drop card inventory on scene changes, it's not needed
29 Days Ago
Why thank you for cleaning my code file
29 Days Ago
Rotate and translate cards in inventory
29 Days Ago
Use a different bullet tracer when we're using big bullets card
29 Days Ago
Health scale stat
29 Days Ago
Use nullable values in modifiers instead Add big bullets card
29 Days Ago
Bullet size can be modified by event Can also override bullet tracer FX
29 Days Ago
Headers for identifying each player's hand
29 Days Ago
Implement weapon modifier events, works for targeted card and global
29 Days Ago
Add PauseInPreparationPhase convar, rename double_speed prefab Define API for weapon modifiers
29 Days Ago
29 Days Ago
Sync the timer
29 Days Ago
Remove useless code, show timer in prep phase
29 Days Ago
Work on card ui Refactor card inventory ownership/networking
29 Days Ago
New arena 2
29 Days Ago
29 Days Ago
29 Days Ago
CardEffect, add testing card prefab Fixed MovementModifiers Update PreparationPhaseManager to create a random card (test)
29 Days Ago
Define cards
29 Days Ago
Arena two
29 Days Ago
UI for half/round end state
29 Days Ago
Cinematic high hit is way too loud
29 Days Ago
Some networking fixes, implement halves. Initial round loop is implemented
29 Days Ago
Fix NRE on start
29 Days Ago
Simple basic recoil
29 Days Ago
Broadcast tracers Show health in hud
29 Days Ago
Player damage
30 Days Ago
Proper feedback if we're looking for a game
30 Days Ago
Hold the weapon in hold bone if we're proxy