
26 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

3 Months Ago
Reset room Use new leaderboard tag Gizmo on moving platform Room tweaks
3 Months Ago
Update SpriteTool slightly improve grappling nograb component Pause menu Scene + Rooms
3 Months Ago
Test template room + tileset
3 Months Ago
Support different tilemaps
3 Months Ago
Tiled Map loader
3 Months Ago
Clean up random tiles
3 Months Ago
Split up scene more Update SpriteTool
3 Months Ago
Camerbounds can controll ortho height Room switch gizmo and icon additional room
3 Months Ago
Clean up Fonts Better restart
3 Months Ago
format time better
3 Months Ago
Basic leaderboard + reset button
3 Months Ago
Main Menu wip
3 Months Ago
Restore minimal scene Improve death effect Gizmo icon Spikes
3 Months Ago
Added footstep events/sounds, player jump/land sound, ambience, and dsp filter
3 Months Ago
Player can die Handle respawning with chain better, respawn checkpoint
3 Months Ago
Timer + chain adjustment
3 Months Ago
2d Parallax background
4 Months Ago
Camera bounds not following player correctly + icon
4 Months Ago
Room switcher
4 Months Ago
Some better controller support
4 Months Ago
Unground the player just before we are too far away Falling platform
4 Months Ago
If we grab a crumbling platform and it breaks detach the grab Remove logs
4 Months Ago
Crumbling platform update spritetool
4 Months Ago
Temp hack for the moment Camera bounds
4 Months Ago
Remove old random stuff
4 Months Ago
Initial commit