567 Commits over 120 Days - 0.20cph!
Restart the game if players leave, or one joins (from an empty session), don't proceed with game loop if the server is empty
Game loop can be restarted, add TimeElapsed prop in GameManager now that it can be Sync'd
Reduced charge station loop sound dist
Rewrite ChargeStation, only runs a RPC when we start & end charging. Sound doesn't get stuck activated. Sound gets played when we stop charging.
New sounds for charge station events
Fixed "Only the host can deal damage!" assert throwing when trying to suicide
Rat respawn increased from 5 to 30
Shotgun: Increase spread of alt attack
Make IsZoomed false when unequipping the crossbow, resolves #218
Coffins inherit velocity, rotation
Gauss: remove minimum charge time, expose jump force/charge power curve, alt fire will also switch away if out of ammo
Stop gluon getting put away when you try shooting before it's fully pulled out
Add shock damage type, sound
Prevent damage sounds from stacking
Damage indicators use focal point so the bearings are a bit more readable when close up
Count trigger_hurt deaths as suicide
Bot tasks use GameObject.EnabledToken
TriggerTeleport has include/exclude tags
Update test scene with all items, weapons, gameplay stuff
Adjust wonky gizmos
Standardise item pickup pivots on the ground
Death camera works when the player is gibbed and has no ragdoll
Reduced Rat lifetime (30 -> 10 seconds)
Fixed right click to show cursor on Scoreboard making weapons shoot. Added Mute/Unmute to player menu in Scoreboard and MuteableVoice component.
Don't collect stats for bots
Rat death texture is missing, set to color for now.
Change benchmark lobbies to private
Gauss ammo pickups weren't giving anything
Simplify, tidy up pickup notices
More UI cleanup
Size up nameplate instead of scaling, makes text sharper
Show nameplates for bots
Kinda weird to highlight our death messages in the feed actually?
Adjust damage taken sfx volume, randomise pitch a smidge
Rats tweaks: visuals, movement/throwing, add lunge cooldown
Rats: trim death sounds into randomised clips, explode into fluff
Rats: weight roam location picking vaguely in the direction it's facing
Fix busted prefab variables
Capture time needed to spawn all players as StartDuration
Fix build
Item shape/size tweaks
Placed tripmine does more damage, laser is less visible
Fix Curve ImmutableArrayList -> ImmutableArray change
Wrap around index when accessing avatar array
Give bots random clothing
Random but deterministic
Null check benchmark system
Forgot to sample every update
Don't wait for round results when in benchmark mode
Don't attempt to load map after benchmark
Add benchmark mode, runs a simulated bot match
Refactor Bot weapon selection
Hook up AttackStart/End weapon events for continuous attacks, attack_hold anim param
We can just sync beamTarget
Run bot coroutines in FixedUpdate instead of Update/Frame
Weapons are unswitchable if they're empty and we can't also reload it
v_gluon_gun: hook up attack_hold to the usual kickback, but stronger, and integrate shake
Don't add camera noise to main camera caused by local bots
Main/local player can now be controlled by bot controller
Some tweaks to bot aim
Damage taken shot is played in 2d, and only on the victim
Rename autowepswitch cvar to match all the others (now sbdm.autoswitch)
GameSettings -> GamePreferences
GameConfig -> GameSettings
Add fast weapon switch pref (sbdm.fastswitch)
MP5: Reduce horizontal aimcone by 50%
Fixed Feed not showing our own multi kills