
333 Commits over 92 Days - 0.15cph!

44 Days Ago
Rat: try to bite target if we're lunging and they're close enough
44 Days Ago
Rat: add grounded checks instead of arbitrary timing
44 Days Ago
Add some debug stuff to mover
44 Days Ago
Add rat weapon that throws a rat
44 Days Ago
Rat NPC (doesn't hurt the player yet) Rat cleanup
44 Days Ago
Support pausing on Mover
44 Days Ago
Tweak glock and mp5 recoil effects
44 Days Ago
Halve explosion shake duration Add CameraSetup component to control camera effects better Apply env shake using ICameraSetup, so we still shake even if we don't have a player Place viewmodel using ICameraSetup, applies camera shake to viewmodel Move camera shake effects to a GameSystem
45 Days Ago
Fix damage indicator showing for local player when shooting bots Merge branch 'main' of sbox-deathmatch Make bots shoot at players and other bots
45 Days Ago
Add Projectile with common functionality, RpgProjectile derives from it Moved GaussWeapon into its respective folder BaseWeapon can check / take ammo from name (good for secondary attack) Give MP5 grenade launcher secondary attack RpgWeapon structure cleanup Mp5: Fixed not being able to secondary attack if we run out of primary ammo
45 Days Ago
Add EnvShake component, add it to explosion and rpg projectile
45 Days Ago
Gauss: spin viewmodel's coil every time we consume a bit of ammo
45 Days Ago
Make gauss coil parent to a separate bone so we can rotate it later
45 Days Ago
Update Gauss model to use blockout Use correct model for Rpg item
45 Days Ago
gauss gun blockout
45 Days Ago
Add WithAimCone extensions Add radius to glock, python, mp5 weapons
45 Days Ago
Rename map - upload wip version
45 Days Ago
Use correct network orphaning for Rpg projectile - if we host transfer, it should naturally become unguided and continue moving forward
45 Days Ago
Rpg projectile is created by the host Make the laser pointer for the Rpg visible for other clients Fix Rpg guided mode
45 Days Ago
Implemented ILocalPlayerEvent.OnTakeDamage. Pass DamageInfo instead of just amount so we can get more info from the event Added PlayerDamageIndicators Component, flashes a red vignette when taking damage Added directional damage indicators when hurt (lifetime is exaggerated for video)
45 Days Ago
Merge LinearMove and Rotation into 1 component FuncMover
45 Days Ago
Wip map
45 Days Ago
Func Rotation Func Linear Mover Trigger Push
45 Days Ago
Lets use a light for the rpg laser pointer Add TemporaryEffect.CreateOrphans Sex up the rpg projectile
45 Days Ago
HandGrenadeWeapon: use SwitchAway
45 Days Ago
Remove unused reloadTask from BaseCarryable
45 Days Ago
Fix NRE when bot task tries to respawn after ending game/exiting play mode
45 Days Ago
Use IsOwner checks instead of IsProxy in `PlayerCameraEffects` so bot players don't affect the local player's camera
45 Days Ago
Tweak gauss tracer, aimcone, give weapon icon
45 Days Ago
Uncomment now-working armour pickup code
45 Days Ago
Add Armour - when taking damage, take from armour first ChargeStation supports armour, add armour charge station prefab
45 Days Ago
Add GameConfig Add BaseCarryable.SwitchAway() Satchel fixup
45 Days Ago
Gauss: fix NRE if we shoot in a direction where a trace never hits Mp5: reduce punch/shake
45 Days Ago
Fix exception when changing weapons
45 Days Ago
Add basic bots can be spawned via `bot_add <count>`
45 Days Ago
Tripmine placing cleanup Fix tripmine damaging you whetever you stand Broadcast tripmine explosion Fix tripmine not activating if its laser didn't hit anything, clean up Fix tripmine being triggered on spawn
45 Days Ago
Reverse mouse wheel inventory direction
45 Days Ago
Bespoke crosshair for Rpg
45 Days Ago
Run by default, shift is walk
45 Days Ago
Tweak tripmine laser, colors
45 Days Ago
FuncDoor Open away from player bool
45 Days Ago
RpgWeapon -> BaseWeapon, doesn't use ShootEffects
45 Days Ago
Death notices - validate player, could've been killed and removed Add RPG, has unguided and guided modes Gauss: add ricochet to last trace Moved rpg pointer glow texture into project Update RPG icon
45 Days Ago
Increase collision on tripmine so you don't slide off them
45 Days Ago
Multiple Satchels
46 Days Ago
rpg blockout
46 Days Ago
Gauss: add overload
46 Days Ago
Fixed explosion damage networking
46 Days Ago
Set correct network mode on charger, tweak netcode a bit
46 Days Ago
Gauss: Add penetration to charged shots, can configure max thickness