
7 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

11 Months Ago
Max stack size of 64 like that one popular video game Dragged inventory item UI shows thumb Inventory UI tweaks, resize inventory to 40 + 10 slots
11 Months Ago
Add `GameUtil` class Implement `Container.Add()`, `Container.FindFirstSlot()`, `Container.Move()`, write docs & import them using <include ...>
11 Months Ago
Hook up inventory UI
11 Months Ago
Slot can access private members on Container, all mutative operations are documented as such and call Game.AssertServer()
11 Months Ago
Start refactoring into Container, handles networking for all contained Slots Containers have IDs, have "ownership" over slots Containers can have names, implement FindFirstEmptySlot, Add, store all containers inside static list on server
11 Months Ago
Convert everything to use nullables
11 Months Ago
Enable nullables, treat all nullability warnings as errors