
636 Commits over 122 Days - 0.22cph!

3 Years Ago
lit bollard-adjusted pivot point Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
Updated CrouchWalkN
3 Years Ago
Clothing asset type Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
lit bollard - adjusted roughness of stickers on the side Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
Remove toolscene lightrigs that don't exist
3 Years Ago
Lit bollard model
3 Years Ago
Add IList.RemoveAll Delete NetList.cs Create WorldPanel.cs
3 Years Ago
ModelDoc: Add all common node wizards to default archetype, we always want to see all of them regardless of archetype selected
3 Years Ago
Remove entries from modeldoc_editor_presets.txt that either don't work/don't care about
3 Years Ago
Rotating PlatformEntity types Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
ui shader refactor Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
Change default prop explosion particle to new one
3 Years Ago
Implement door_sounds modeldata to ent_door, so models can specify their own sounds (Hammer KVs take precedence)
3 Years Ago
New Explosive Barrel Particle New explosion particle plus scorch decals. (particles/explosion/barrel_explosion/explosion_barrel.vpcf) Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
Fix applying decals on world from server side
3 Years Ago
Added "OtherDoorsToOpen" option to DoorEntity Renamed "Use" spawnflag to "UseOpens" so its more self explanatory.
3 Years Ago
Attack animations for Sniper & RPG
3 Years Ago
Add audiostream.default.sound
3 Years Ago
updated wall texture
3 Years Ago
Basic cloth physics model Basic model that lets you bake cloth physics inside hammer.
3 Years Ago
Less abrasive footsteps, scale volume with speed Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
updated low wall texture, WIP construct map
3 Years Ago
Commented some ModelDoc nodes + removing old test anims
3 Years Ago
Moving out the old V1 of the Citizen to the archives
3 Years Ago
Moving this source file to art repo
3 Years Ago
Fixed NRE when api blocked
3 Years Ago
Updated Flatgrass New version of Flatgrass with improved visuals, slightly bigger and a nav mesh.
3 Years Ago
EntPlatform => PlatformEntity class name Animatable door support using anim graphs Adds "Animated only" move type to doors Changes KeyframeEntity to base from AnimEntity Added 2 generic animgraphs for door animations (prop_door_rotating-like, and prop_dynamic like), ready to be plugged into models with correct sequence names.
3 Years Ago
MoveHelper tweaks UI tweaks
3 Years Ago
Don't add Local Games title WalkController uses MoveHelper.TryMoveWithStep
3 Years Ago
Keep popups on screen Inspector makes checkbox for bools Inspector has Recursive option Made text shadow test interactive
3 Years Ago
Map select local maps shows maps in folders Fix map list compounding Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
Allow CancellationTokenSource (explicitly)
3 Years Ago
Allow TaskCompletionSource
3 Years Ago
Changed RPG/Sniper pose paths
3 Years Ago
Added RPG/Sniper poses for sbox-rts Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
Hide Find Game if not multiplayer
3 Years Ago
Gamemode category filtering
3 Years Ago
Box shader tweak Sort to groupbox Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
adding brick wall section models/textures, updated WIP construct map Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
Whitelist System.Version
3 Years Ago
EntDoor/Platform => Door/PlatformEntity
3 Years Ago
KeyframeEnts/Doors/Platforms now check for validity of itself Make ent_door's inputs public
3 Years Ago
Thumbnails for old bench and plastic bench Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
Try using spotlights for home avatar
3 Years Ago
keep left lit bollard blockout Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
Add D_SRGB_IMAGE combo to ui_cssbox shader
3 Years Ago
Prop particles created with func with entity param so they get added to that entity
3 Years Ago
Initial support for spawning particles for props "particles_list" (note: doesn't yet support all attachment types and doesn't clean up when entity is deleted)
3 Years Ago
Unnamed doors don't open each other