
636 Commits over 122 Days - 0.22cph!

3 Years Ago
Added diagnostics/counting_120.sound Added "Moving Sound" to ent_door
3 Years Ago
Improve unstuck behavior on platforms moving upwards ent_door improvements: sounds, double doors, spawn pos Added different sound keyvalues Replaced "Start Open" spawnflag with "Initial Position" 0-100% Added ability for the rotating door to rotate away from activator Doors with the same name open together
3 Years Ago
Popup BelowStretch Settings page basics
3 Years Ago
Remove model tinting from home avatar, shouldn't be needed now
3 Years Ago
Bump up zfar for now until we have a better way for maps to control it
3 Years Ago
Changed default colour of plastic bench to be white
3 Years Ago
Old bench fixes for pivot position and AO export issue
3 Years Ago
Old bench LODS and colour mask Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
Lobby button actually join sgame Update .gitignore Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
Old bench lod0 textured - gas cylinders set to RED as well Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
Find Game shows active lobbies Fix sidebar blur performance Update base.fgd
3 Years Ago
Added nav node and clean up to Basic template. Updated to have nav node and cleaned up the entities by removing old properties.
3 Years Ago
Fixed find game trying to join every game it found Make active game screen acceptable Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
Plastic bench - removed rogue emissive texture old bench scale blockout Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game old bench scale check
3 Years Ago
adding missing grass material
3 Years Ago
Plastic bench - file name fix and removed blockout Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
Update some generic wood materials to have the wood physical surface property Fix missing sounds for metal.sheet/wood.sheet surfaces
3 Years Ago
updated WIP construct map, updated floor materials Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
Give descriptions to most default Hammer entities Also document what keyvalues were undocumented
3 Years Ago
Menu list searchable, shows player counts Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
Make BasePathEntity public and partial Give ent_platform a description Update base.fgd
3 Years Ago
Removed head geometry from LOD2 feet
3 Years Ago
Plastic bench LODS Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
Added ent_platform entity, replacement for func_movelinear
3 Years Ago
Remove a bunch of bullshit from the text shader Fix border color taking transparent background color, not applying own alpha Fixed border thickness being thicker on the corner radius Style tweaks Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
Plastic bench- assigned missing metal texture Bench plastic feedback revisions Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
Create Game sidebar
3 Years Ago
Zero out roll in base camera build input so cameras can't permanently mess it up
3 Years Ago
Implement netcustom
3 Years Ago
Update game screen Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
Compile new volumetric fog with TAA Stub lightcookie atlas generator shader and it's compute shader variant Finish cookieslice shader
3 Years Ago
Update models_base.fgd
3 Years Ago
plastic bench wip
3 Years Ago
updated WIP construct map/ pavement trim/floor textures Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
Update base.fgd
3 Years Ago
Update Prop.cs info_particle_system uses self, not parent if CP0 is not given
3 Years Ago
Kill excessive trailing whitespace
3 Years Ago
Game list sorting and search functional
3 Years Ago
Autocomplete uses popup system
3 Years Ago
Noclip resets base velocity Give icon to snd_event_point in Hammer
3 Years Ago
Fix auto complete in console not showing up
3 Years Ago
Added BasePathEntity Entities derived from BasePathEntity will appear in the Path Tool in Hammer. BasePathEntity parses the nodes from Hammer into a ready to use format, as well as provides a few helper functions to get the curves as they appear in Hammer.
3 Years Ago
Allow VertexBuffer.AddCube to set a color
3 Years Ago
Blockout bench Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
CheckBox can have a label Button can have an activevalue TextEntry can have an icon GameList has non-functional options
3 Years Ago
Added [InspectorProvider], cleaning color property
3 Years Ago
Street cabinet small and medium versions
3 Years Ago
Ducking respects player scale
3 Years Ago
Use multiply blender mode for 2D color editor gradient
3 Years Ago
adding pavement trim texture, updated WIP construct map