
911 Commits over 609 Days - 0.06cph!

4 Months Ago
Play bullet sounds
4 Months Ago
Bullshit reloading system for now
4 Months Ago
Add GameObject.DestroyAsync extension Add SurfaceComponent and GameObject.GetSurface extension method Prefab updates Get surface from weapon shoot trace, create impact effect gameobject from decal definition
4 Months Ago
Make player prefab
4 Months Ago
Use new particle for muzzle flash instead of legacy
4 Months Ago
Remove PlayerController.IsDucking
4 Months Ago
Maintain interpolated local position and rotation so we can just keep applying, add sliding state to vm
4 Months Ago
Apply local transform to viewmodel based on wish direction
4 Months Ago
Hook up slide anim and remove legacy stuff
4 Months Ago
Mechanics can override acceleration
4 Months Ago
Scale down wish input significantly while sliding Can't slide/crouch while sliding Expose HasAnTag accessor ViewModel move_groundspeed cleared if we have the slide tag
4 Months Ago
Fix NREs
4 Months Ago
Categorize base mechanic properties
4 Months Ago
Add Mechanic.ShouldBecomeaActive / Mechanic.ShouldBecomeInactive so mechanics can lock Add basic sliding mechanic
4 Months Ago
Mechanic.IsActive is set properly by holding a list of active mechanics between updates
4 Months Ago
Player controller input refactor, let mechanics interrupt input (sprint dampening left-right movement)
4 Months Ago
Refactor, mechanics have tags which are cleared every frame, move sprint to a mechanic Update DamageInfo
4 Months Ago
Work on getting camera bone animating for viewmodel
4 Months Ago
Block out player controller mechanics, eye height override, speed override, etc
4 Months Ago
Add muzzle flash prefab & util timed destroy component
4 Months Ago
Link weapon and its viewmodel properly, create some prefabs for the MP5
4 Months Ago
Fix ironsights, make aimray start a bit out from the player for now
4 Months Ago
Fix NRE Add basic ammo container / dry firing
4 Months Ago
Add PlayerController.AddJump action, hook up b_grounded parameter Temporary ADS solution
4 Months Ago
Hook in animation parameters where possible
4 Months Ago
Block out damage Documentation, add tags to DamageInfo, hook into weapon shooting
4 Months Ago
Quick and nasty health component Don't create a health component when checking any GameObject's health
4 Months Ago
Recompile smg1_shoot sound
4 Months Ago
Mess with networking, make a lobby immediately if not connected Add GameNetworkManager.IsMultiplayer Rename CitizenAnimationHelper so we don't clash with base Add CameraController.AimRay Update API Use GameObjects for muzzle flash / trail, add some shooting functionality, EffectsRenderer that points to a ViewModel if we have one
4 Months Ago
Assign CurrentHoldType from character's enabled weapon object Block out weapon abilities
4 Months Ago
If we're hiding the player's body, continue to render its shadows
4 Months Ago
Remove ununsed code, fix lighting on main scene Update .gitignore
4 Months Ago
Update scene
4 Months Ago
Set up using viewmodel camera layer
4 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
Add GameNetworkManager, handle player creation there Add PlayerLoadout component, responsible for spawning weapons on a player Create PrefabUtility, while I figure out the best way to approach this
5 Months Ago
Add accessor to get player's weapon from player controller For now, move the viewmodel to be right on the camera Add Weapon.HoldType, GetHoldType
5 Months Ago
Expose hold type to player controller
5 Months Ago
Add Duck, don't rotate body to velocity, always use eye angles
5 Months Ago
Add property for hiding the body
5 Months Ago
Disable the camera if we are proxy Add CitizenAnimationHelper, hook up PlayerController stuff (from testbed), add custom message to ComponentNotFoundException Cancel out pitch when building velocity, clamp EyeAngles pitch
5 Months Ago
Write a bullshit weapon component class ViewModel class Add CameraController, hook up PlayerController to CharacterController, add ComponentNotFoundException Add Client Expose Client properties so I can see them in the editor
5 Months Ago
Update .gitignore Add testing scene Create WeaponDataResource to hold basic info & prefabs for weapons
5 Months Ago
Tidy up ready to start on scene stuff
7 Months Ago
7 Months Ago
Play around with inertia easing
7 Months Ago
Add ViewModelSetup.InertiaDampening property
7 Months Ago
Remove debug log :flushed:
7 Months Ago
Part of inertia w/ dampening (aim_yaw_inertia, aim_pitch_inertia) Merge branch 'main' of sbox-gunfight
7 Months Ago
Edited MP5 properties to account for new anim stuff