
891 Commits over 578 Days - 0.06cph!

8 Months Ago
Fixed Loading Screen not fetching map correctly - also support finding map from Game.Server.MapIdent
8 Months Ago
Fixed holster fucking up weapon deploy on next respawn
8 Months Ago
Reduced base menu UI scale
8 Months Ago
Add MatchmakingSystem.CreateLobby, add quick-start to matchmaking page GameServerFrame low-res improvements
8 Months Ago
Trace from eyepos to vault end pos to make sure we can't jump through world geometry and shit like that
8 Months Ago
Add test NoclipMechanic
8 Months Ago
Make player loadout assignment safer
8 Months Ago
Set b_empty param properly on all weapons
8 Months Ago
Use two-handed USP anims
8 Months Ago
Reduced annoyance of player movement sounds / weapon switching sounds / jump and land sounds
8 Months Ago
Improved button style & hover state of WeaponCard Show selected class clearly Class Modal style update
8 Months Ago
Update landing page and pause menu
8 Months Ago
Remove spammy bodygroup logs
8 Months Ago
Show create a class for everyone
8 Months Ago
Disable VaultMoveMechanic for now - too many exploits
8 Months Ago
Create a class list is horizontal instead ClassCard creates two WeaponViewers to show primary & secondary at a glance Moved Create New Class button to be separate from the class list
8 Months Ago
More UI position adjusting, xp bar width, opacity, blend-mode
8 Months Ago
Moved hints around so they don't clash with each other
8 Months Ago
Improved cover aim eye height
8 Months Ago
Refactor Ammo component to accept a weapon property. Remove unused actions, add SwitchWeapon action
8 Months Ago
Remove old loadout system, replace with custom classes, gamemodes can define default class
8 Months Ago
Experiment: Use gamepad gyro for aiming (will probably make this handheld only but we'll see)
8 Months Ago
Adjust Steam Deck game scale, still high but not as insane as before
8 Months Ago
Keep Deck main menu scale the same as PC for now, server browser is totally unusable currently
8 Months Ago
Restyle weapon hud
8 Months Ago
Create new class button adds new class and opens it instead of erroring out
8 Months Ago
Add WeaponCard, refactor WeaponViewer to self-handle attachments, implement save/delete methods
8 Months Ago
Matchmaking map list sorts by most popular
8 Months Ago
Players can view Settings from Pause Menu, add blur if ingame
8 Months Ago
Changed main menu style, added settings page for rebinding inputs
8 Months Ago
Hide Create A Class behind the editor for now
8 Months Ago
NotificationManager supports parsing Input Hints using a pattern
8 Months Ago
Up MP5 holster time to match @MaxLebled's new anim
8 Months Ago
Reference weapon packages in sbproj, create a class can use proper models from WeaponDefinition again
8 Months Ago
Refactor attachment system so it's not tied to components Menu attachment toggle test Position WeaponViewer using model bounds, and can now edit attachments on either weapons Group attachments by category, give them friendly names
8 Months Ago
Testing out WeaponViewer w/ ScenePanel
8 Months Ago
Start framing out ClassModal
8 Months Ago
Hook it all together, create new class makes a new class and saves it
8 Months Ago
Start writing persistence for custom classes Add Attachment.IsUnlocked() Start framing out Create A Class page in GameMenu
8 Months Ago
Docs, make WeaponAttachmentComponent abstract Disable unsupported attachments instead
8 Months Ago
WIP Attachment Mods -> USP RMR, USP Suppressor, MP5 Rail
8 Months Ago
Add UIGlobals, UIGlobals.MenuScale and UIGlobals.GameScale. Scale up respective root panels on Steam Deck
8 Months Ago
Update InputHint when device changes, fixes controller glyphs Update input action binds for gamepad
8 Months Ago
Adjust mp5 recoil
8 Months Ago
Better value for attack_hold Remove debug log :frowning:
8 Months Ago
Hook up b_jump Remove AimFireDelay
8 Months Ago
Fix death NRE
8 Months Ago
MP5: Hook up dry fire anim
8 Months Ago
Re-add holster times (but now per weapon)
8 Months Ago
Hooked up move_groundspeed, deploy unset, move firing mode to be on cycle instead of all the time