
1,544 Commits over 184 Days - 0.35cph!

2 Days Ago
refinery updates muzzle flash updates + meta files
3 Days Ago
Remove some more stuff
6 Days Ago
Refinery updates catwalk work
6 Days Ago
Fixed menu scene, first pass balance of shooting sounds using new falloffs
6 Days Ago
ViewModel ApplyAnimationTransform NRE fix PlayerPawn.OnPossess NRE fixes
7 Days Ago
refinery updates
7 Days Ago
RandomSpawnAssigner can pick team-occupied spawnpoints
7 Days Ago
new refinery scene
7 Days Ago
Get rid of crouch speed fluff
7 Days Ago
Fixed USP SD bodygroups
8 Days Ago
Update to use new refinery map files/prefabs
8 Days Ago
Renamed tdm_test to edinburgh, fixed references
8 Days Ago
Hook in correct minimap path
8 Days Ago
refinery updates
9 Days Ago
Updated composite minimap visuals
9 Days Ago
Fixed camera logic in multiplayer
9 Days Ago
New minimap render
9 Days Ago
refinery updates
10 Days Ago
Apply it to some other volumes too
10 Days Ago
Consolidate options in one place
10 Days Ago
Add "Toggle Volume Visibility" Menu option in the editor
12 Days Ago
refinery updates
13 Days Ago
flashbang and decoy updated in game resource
13 Days Ago
flashbang and decoy model implementation
14 Days Ago
Update sbproj with DedicatedServerStartupScene
15 Days Ago
refinery updates more work on bombsite A
16 Days Ago
Remove GunsmithWeapon
16 Days Ago
More autumn cleaning Removed Conquest / Vehicles - cool for hack week but not sure it fits the gamemode
16 Days Ago
16 Days Ago
Remove PlayerCameraOverrides, it's bullshit
16 Days Ago
refinery map updates
22 Days Ago
Solve main menu equipment visibility This code still sucks
22 Days Ago
Fixes - de_refinery compile day time!!!!!
26 Days Ago
updated refinery scene tweaked cubemap values for night
26 Days Ago
de_refinery updates
26 Days Ago
Prevent NRE from playing delayed reload sound Prevent NRE in PlayerPawn DamageTakenEvent handler We can network component references automatically now, don't need this Tweak position of usp muzzle points Fallback to random SpawnPoint if none match, prevents possible out of range lookup
27 Days Ago
Sync viewmodel deploy skip: Play anim on unholstering, not when swapping between pawns etc If we attempt to possess a pawn without a PlayerState, fallback to using local Fix suicide not working with bots Reverse layout of chatbox so input hints stay at the bottom
28 Days Ago
Fix USP/s viewmodel missing bodygroups
28 Days Ago
Bring back player body and gun shadows, fix floating equipment shadows
28 Days Ago
Fix RZ1010
28 Days Ago
Move to separate input config
28 Days Ago
Use LFS for .vpk's, migrate existing vpks to LFS
28 Days Ago
refinery updates
30 Days Ago
refinery updates
34 Days Ago
API update
35 Days Ago
RMR toggles gasblock, fixed some logic to make this work
35 Days Ago
Add FPS mode, so you can see what the weapon looks like from first-person Reset jiggle state when we swap from first-person to third, add toggle button to gunsmith, adjust angles
35 Days Ago
Disable arms now that gunsmith weapons just use the pure view model prefab
35 Days Ago
35 Days Ago
Fix Molotov not spawning fire nodes. When a node is extinguished, give some time for its particle emitters to die nicely. Add new fire effects stolen and tweaked from Walker.