
1,645 Commits over 245 Days - 0.28cph!

8 Months Ago
Weapon components can apply offsets to the viewmodel, add manual offset Temporary code ironsights for all the other guns
8 Months Ago
Expose more spread properties to be customized Don't display editor lobbies in lobby list by default unless you're in the Editor yourself
8 Months Ago
Added land sound for jumps, separate sprint footstep sounds
8 Months Ago
Use libevents for damage / kill events
8 Months Ago
Reduce spread when aiming Reduce movement speed while aiming Fixed buy sound not playing 2d
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Use libevents for damage / kill events
8 Months Ago
updated map merged industrial wip adjusted spawns
8 Months Ago
Use libevents for damage / kill events
8 Months Ago
Add facepunch.libevents library Use libevents for damage / kill events Update module url Post-merge fix
8 Months Ago
Update module url
8 Months Ago
Expose spread scale, lower it by more than half
8 Months Ago
Don't allow sprinting unless you're moving
8 Months Ago
Added screen shake effect when near an explosion from a HE grenade with same falloff applied to damage for intensity Fix merge conflict in player prefab
8 Months Ago
Add basic sprinting implementation
8 Months Ago
Use libevents for damage / kill events
8 Months Ago
Add facepunch.libevents library Use libevents for damage / kill events
8 Months Ago
Added ADS
8 Months Ago
Use libevents for damage / kill events
8 Months Ago
Added damage overlay to the HUD, will scale up based on how low your HP is - if your HP is low enough, will start pulsing
8 Months Ago
Use libevents for damage / kill events
8 Months Ago
Use libevents for damage / kill events
8 Months Ago
Revert "Don't re-enable the camera every single frame" - players becoming invis, gonna fix this properly in a sec
8 Months Ago
ui: Make dead players more distinct in PlayerAvatar
8 Months Ago
Don't re-enable the camera every single frame
8 Months Ago
Voice chat filter sends to spectators
8 Months Ago
shotgun adjustments
8 Months Ago
map updates
8 Months Ago
Fixed base bullet spread not being hooked in
8 Months Ago
Swap scores around on team swap
8 Months Ago
grenade quick change
8 Months Ago
Upped min player count for competitive, max rounds up to 30
8 Months Ago
How did this get here
8 Months Ago
Show gamemode title in scoreboard
8 Months Ago
Add separate 5v5 defuse gamemode for competitive rules, other one is just casual 10v10
8 Months Ago
Add damage taken post processing
8 Months Ago
Punish players for crouching too much
8 Months Ago
Turn occlusion for door sounds, door itself doesn't block sounds
8 Months Ago
Cap team sizes for defuse to 5
8 Months Ago
Track original owner of weapon, show it in the weapon row
8 Months Ago
Expose falloff curve for explosion damage
8 Months Ago
Add facepunch.libevents library Use libevents for damage / kill events
8 Months Ago
Add kill sound
8 Months Ago
mid updates
8 Months Ago
Fix headshot effects originating from the attacking player instead of the victim
8 Months Ago
EquipmentDropper can drop everything that isn't melee, and isn't part of the default loadout
8 Months Ago
prefab map
8 Months Ago
map updates - mid rework added extra deathmatch spawns
8 Months Ago
No fall damage if noclipping
8 Months Ago
map iterations